

Meanwhile, Aurelio is walking on a lonely deserted pathway on his way to the university, when he runs into a group of five, masked young men. They beat him up and leave him for dead. After what seems like forever, a young boy of about eight, is walking through there, and sees Aurelio and comes over. It is the same boy Antonio hit, months earlier. He runs to call somebody. They check Aurelio and then call an ambulance.

Meanwhile, Aranza is at the university. One of her classes has just ended. She tries to call Aurelio, but nothing. She knows, he had no morning classes that day and was coming to the university later. Where was he? Mauricio has just come from a class as well. He smirks and says (to himself) that, Aurelio will have to learn to respect his betters and to know his place, after the lesson, he has just been taught.


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