
Failure was inevitable

"Well.. I guess the Mayor's favorite are going back to Maskara!" the old Black Armored Knight commander stated as he approached them from the back. Then all of them glared at the black Armored Knight commander.

But because behind was a platoon of Black Armored Knights. They did not even make a scene and rather let it pass. "If you are a commander, you won't go to waste your men's lives just for victory," Jin stated when the Black Armored knight commander was walking away from their position.

The Black Armored knight commander got pissed. And turned around, and he walked towards Jin with a grumpy stature, while the Black Armored Knights were too scared to walk beside their commander because the subordinates of Jin glared at them.

When the Black Armored knight commander reached Jin, it was the time that the Eagle Bird had landed. "See you in Maskara if you are going to survive," Jin smirked before walking towards the Eagle Bird.

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