
Day of Reckoning (2)


Lucy Amana (Draconic Bird) 

Mia Lachnes (Blue Fire Stone) (Halberd) (Draconic Succubus Coated In Flames) (Ancient Lesser Succubi)

Aria Balthasar (Summoning Stone: Light Knight and Dark Knight) (Sword) (Draconic Empress of Light and Darkness) (Dawn and Twilight Spirit)

Astra Bloodriver (Blood Stone) (Daggers) (Draconic Vampire Countess) (Greater Dhampir) (Second Rank)) 

Nell Bloodriver (Blood Stone) (Spear) (Vampiric Dragon) (Small Blood Drake)

Amanda Balthasar (Summoning Stone: Large Lizard) (Sword) (Dragon Basked in Sunlight) (Lesser Sun Drakeling) 

Chun-Hei Gaignes or Charna Gaignes (Shadow Stone) (Long Daggers) (Dragon Shrouded By Shadows) (Small Shadow Drake)

Clio Porter (Support Stone) (Hand-to-Hand Combat) (Plane Walker) (Lesser Sand Jackal) (Second rank)) 

Celestine Porter (Support Stone) (Hand-to-Hand Combat) (Plane Walker) (Lesser Spirit of Disorder) (Second rank)) 

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