
Meteorite Jump

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 9:11

Location- Sky Blossom City, The Sky Blossom Card Stadium, Arena 13

"Meteorite Jump", The ultimate move of the Mountain Golem. This move marvellously propels a few tones weighing mountain golem to 300meters up in the sky which would physically be considered impossible. When the egg-form mountain golem descends from such a height it would descend with a swift speed under the effect of gravity quite similar to a meteorite. Thanks to the Armament spirit skill of the summon Armament Nick could also be able to use this move of Mountain golem. 

As Nick jumped up 300meters into the sky, what Dan saw was that Nick suddenly vanished from the arena. Seeing Nick vanish Dan thought it might be an invisibility skill and relaxed as he was pretty confident that Nick's attack could not break his blood armour armament defence. Which was exactly what Nick was aiming for when pulled his punch hitting Dan before he executed 'Meteorite Jump'.

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