
Chapter 4

Beau's POV

I was in class listening to our class adviser's, Miss Preno, orientation. Miss Preno seems really nice. She smiles and we all played small games as part of the orientation. Its actually weird to do those in a class orientation, maybe because school in England was a bit different.

I was the quiet one among the class. I didn't bother to talk to them, even though we played those little games. I just stayed in the end of the second row of the class. Though I tried to hide myself, it seems that my outfit stood out. I mean I get it, even in England people there sees my outfit weird, but I like the comfort of it. I like the feeling cotton and wool on my skin, and denim pants makes my lower half itch and the fabric is thick.

While Miss Preno was talking, I can tell a number of people were not paying much attention to her. There are students on their phones, students whispering to one another, and even students sleeping during orientation. Meanwhile, I listened while drawing on my sketchbook.

I draw a original character in anime style. Its a guy with long hair and a fit physique. He has a sword in his left and a sword on his right. He outfit is a blend between Japanese ninjas and Chinese warriors. I love drawing original characters, especially in anime. I was thinking perhaps I'll color it with Copic markers instead of watercolor, I want to make this piece a bit colorful and vibrant with details.

Miss Preno then stood up and clapped her hands.

"Guys," She said, "you can have your break time early, but be sure to be back before the bell rings."

The students cheered. The sleeping students woke up, and cheered with the others. Everyone bolted right out the door with their bags. I grabbed my stuff and put it in my satchel and grabbed my guitar bag. I was about to walk out before Miss Preno called out to me.

"Mr. Evergreen." She called out. "Can I take a bit of your time, please?"

I looked at her and nodded. I walked towards her and she smiled when I sat on the seat in front of her desk.

"Is there something wrong, Miss Perno?" I asked.

"Oh, no dear." She said. "I just sensed you feel out of place."

I stared at her and she smiled at me warmly.

"According to your record, you transferred here from England, am I correct?" She said.

I nodded slightly.

"I am sorry that school here is different from where you come from." She said. "And I am sorry that you feel out of place."

"Oh, no." I said. "Its nothing. I've always been socially awkward, even from my school back in England."

"Well if you need anything don't hesitate to come to me. If any students gives you trouble you can come to me for help. I can tell that you are a good boy, but I suggest you make a friend or two here."

"Yeah, perhaps"

"Well that is all I have to say to you." She said. "You may go, but be back when the bell rings."

"Yes, Miss Preno."

She smiled and I walked right out the door.

The hallways were a bit crowded, despite the early break time. I decided to find a place here for my own, just like what I did back in school in England.

I wandered around the school halls, peeking from every empty room to another. It was actually helpful that there is a map drilled on the wall in every floor level. It seems like the only place I haven't checked is the rooftop. So I decided to head there.

I walked up the stairs and opened the door that lead to the rooftop. I was amazed by the scenery. The roof overlooks a sea of trees and the sky is a beautiful grayish blue. A ceiling covers half of the roof, which is probably to prevent rain from falling down. And the air here is very cool, despite the sun shining over. There is a railing that is tall enough for no one can just jump over it. I found my hiding spot.

I sat down behind the railing and laid my head back. I feel really sleepy, but I want to finish my line art on my original character. I drew over the rough sketch with my drawing pen, using the guitar on my lap as a surface to draw cleanly on. By time I finished with the line art, I decided to close my eyes a little and rest for a bit.

I didn't know how long I was napping until I felt a presence near me.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up, staring at another pair of eyes. When my vision cleared my eyes widened, looking at the guy I bumped into earlier. I scrambled to get my stuff into my bag before he stopped me.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He said quickly. "I didn't mean to disturb you or scare you. I just didn't expect to see someone here."

I stopped and calmed down a bit.

"Oh, do you go here for alone time, too?" I asked. "I'm sorry. I'll head back downstairs."

"Oh, no need." He said. "Its just the two of us here anyways, so lets share this spot together."

"Uhm, are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, its not problem." He said with a smile.

I see no problem with that since its just the two of us. He sat down beside me and I stared at me for a few seconds before going back to my drawing, thinking if I should add more details.

"Nice drawing." He said. "Original character?"

"Thanks, and uh, yeah." I said softly.

"I'm Evan Johannes." He said, reaching out his hand for a handshake.

I looked at his extended hand and slowly reached out for it for a handshake. I quickly pulled away.

"Beaumont." i said. "Beaumont Evergreen, or Beau."

"Huh, cool name."

"Thank you."

I kept drawing and I feel his staring at the guitar bag on my lap.

"Do you play guitar?" He asked.

"No." I said softly..

"Are you a learner?" He asked.

"Something liked that." I said

"Can I borrow it for a bit? I want to see what kind of guitar you have."

I froze and looked at him for a few seconds. No one has ever touched this guitar except for me and Marvin ever since…

Finally I took out his guitar out of it's bag and handed it to him. He inspected the guitar and I feel his gaze on the missing string.

"Hey," He said, "where's the D string?"

"The what?" I asked.

"It's the forth string of the guitar."

"Oh, it snapped."

"Why not change it?"

"... I don't know."

He stared at me for a while. I know it all seems strange. Me, who doesn't know how to play a guitar, bringing a guitar.

"I have extra guitar strings in my bag." He said. "You can have it. I can put it as well."

"Oh really?" I asked with wide eyes. "You don't have to."

"No, I insist." He said with a smile. "It's just a leftover anyways from the manager of a music store. I have no need for it and it's just one strand."

He pulled out my wire cutters and guitar string from my bag. The strings on my guitar are colored silver while the spare string he has is red.

"Sorry." He said. "Its red, so it might stand out from the rest. But its suits your guitar though. It's just temporary anyways."

He attached the red string on the missing spot. After attaching it he tuned it. He played a short tune and he caught me staring at him and the guitar back and forth with wide eyes.

"There." He said. "The string stands out but its fine. I'll bring new strings when I have the chance."

"Oh, no need." I said. "Its fine the way it is. Thank you very much."

"Your welcome, Beau." He said with a smile, putting the guitar back in it's bag and handing it to him.

I felt something when I heard my nickname coming out from his mouth. No one has ever called me that except for Marvin and…

The bell rang, meaning break time is over. He sighed and got up.

"Looks like break time is over." He said. "It was nice meeting you, Beau. I hope to see you again."

He smiled at him and I stared at him.

"Yeah." I said with a small smile. "Nice to meet you, too."

He gave him a thumbs up before leaving the roof. After he left I packed up my things and went back to class.

In my mind I though when would we see each other again, because I want to.

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