
The man from Sniper Island~


16 Chaps ahead on Pat.reon: patreon.com/MonkeyGodking

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Yachiru and Nami were dust brawling inside the train cart while Zoro, Yami, and Luffy were on top of Rocket Man. Chopper was still inside and terrified. He sniffled and teared up, why was he left here! He's gonna die!

The Shipwrights that snuck on board, stayed hidden and the Frank Family goons stayed on their ship. Nobody wanted to get into a cat fight, it was plain suicide! Why would they die for no reason?!

Zoro, Yami, and Luffy were looking ahead and a giant wave appeared. Yami and Zoro slashed down at the same time and Luffy punched forward, they blew the entire middle section of the wave away and Rocket Man continued unimpeded.

Yami sheathed Crimson and sat back down as Luffy chuckled "Cool! Having 2 swordsmen is pretty nice! Maybe we should get 2 musicians!" Yami said "Musician?" Zoro said quickly "Don-" Luffy cut him off, wrapping his arm around Yami's shoulder and saying "Don't you know! Pirates dance and sing! We NEED a musician or we won't be a real pirate crew!"

Yami was stunned and said "Dance?" having flashbacks to when he impersonated a Geisha to catch that double demon. He sighed to himself and said "I used to dance." Luffy froze and shook Yami, shouting "CAN YOU SING?!" Yami shook his head and Luffy wilted, Zoro said "You can dance?"

Yami explained "Where I come from, there were demons that eat people to survive and get stronger. They're only afraid of the sun, we used metals that absorb the sun to kill them. Anyway, I had to go to a red light district one time."

Luffy and Zoro were listening carefully to the story as Yami continued "The Demon was a female and disguising herself as an Oiran in one of the Brothels, so I had to impersonate a Geisha and dance for people. We got the demon in the end though."

Zoro and Luffy looked at Yami in shock, Zoro pulled down Yami's scarf and said "Actually, yeah I can see it." Luffy said "What's a red light district?" Yami pulled up his scarf and said "It's a place where you pay for sex, gamble, drink, etc." Luffy scratched his head and said "Sex?" Zoro and Yami blinked, looking at Luffy.

Yami said "You don't know what sex is?" Luffy shook his head and Yami took out a book before giving it to him. Zoro looked at the book and almost died of shock and disbelief. The book was titled 'Sex for Dense people', Yami said "My dad gave it to me, I have quite the high level education. I have tons of books about a bunch of things. He told me to learn everything so that I can choose to be whatever I wanted to be in the future."

Zoro said "Sounds like a good dad." Yami said "Yeah, but he just leaves me in places and goes away with mom. He doesn't even tell me anything, he just says 'Good Luck' and leaves. I was on my own at 7... basically. He was still watching me at that time, but he never helped me, I almost died several times." Zoro replied "I actually don't even know who my dad is."

Yami patted his shoulder and said "You'll find out one day, I'm sure." Zoro shrugged and said "Actually, I don't really care. He hasn't been around, so if he comes around, he's really just a stranger." Yami didn't say anything and Luffy said "This book is crazy." before giving it back to Yami, adding "I now have the power of knowledge."

Yami blinked and Luffy and put the book back, replying "Right..." Luffy soon forgot about the book and focused on the train carts coming at them. Luffy jumped to the train carts and said "They're not on them!" before jumping back.

Yami slashed out and cut the train carts in half, there was a Marine captain on the train and Zoro slashed at him, sending him flying off the tracks. The train split off and fell to the sides as Rocket Man blasted through them and charged at the Puffing Tom ahead.

Suddenly, the frog Yokuzuna, jumped in front of Rocket Man and got blasted away. Rocket Man went off the tracks and The Franky family ship was separated from Rocket man.

Yami slapped his forehead, looking at the frog. Yachiru jumped out to Yami and went back to his scarf, saying "What was that?!" Yami replied "A frog jumped onto the tracks." Yachiru said "A frog?!" Yami nodded and said "A frog." Yachiru giggled "More strange things! I love adventuring!" Yami smiled and patted her head as Rocket Man got back on the tracks and continued to Enies Lobby while the Franky family reconnected themselves and followed them once again with Yokuzuna added to their group.

They came across Sanji and Usopp and got them on board. But Usopp introduced himself as Sogeking from Sniper Island instead. Yami looked at Usopp and he shared a look with Zoro before shaking his head as Luffy said "SNIPER ISLAND!? COOL!"

Usopp started singing "On the Sniper Island

I was born

100 shots, 100 hits

Lu lu lala lu〜♪"

Chopper and Luffy sang along "Lu lu lala lu~!" Usopp jumped to a bench and continued "Even a mouse's eye

Lock on!

Even your Heart

Lock on!!"

Chopper and Luffy shouted "LOCK ON!" Usopp swung around his giant sling shot and added "The man from the Sniper Island〜♪" Luffy and Chopper said "The man from Sniper Island!" Usopp cupped his ear and sang "Lululu lulu lala~ You'd better run!" Luffy and Chopper shouted "You better run!" Usopp cupped the other ear and finished "Sogege Soge Soge Sogeking〜♪" Luffy and Chopper cheered "SOGEKING!"

Usopp posed and Luffy and Chopper posed as well, the rest of the people on board just stared at the trio in silence. Yachiru clapped and said "Beautiful!" Yami clapped as well, saying "It was good. Very catchy." Nami punched them all in the head and shouted "MORONS! WE HAVE SOMETHING TO DO REMEMBER!?" The group realized and Luffy said "Prepare for combat, Lu lu lala lu~!" Chopper cheered "SOGEKING~!"

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