
Chapter 132

'Monster bird?' Chloe cocked her head puzzled, her attention turning back to the battlefield and peering through the throngs of reporters as the boy, Jord said something low to his Dragonite that she couldn't make it with the distance, which drew a savage scary smile from the dragon pokemon as it whirled back around to face the larger of the two.

Which brought her thoughts back to what she heard earlier. He had another one, that he'd given to a girl for free. Which according to Lance, the champion himself, could have easily went for twenty five million pokedollars.

That was insane. With that much, she'd easily be set for life and this kid just casually gave it away to a girl…because…because they were having sex?

Her cheeks blazed red at the thought. That kid was two years younger than her, yet he was of age and able to do such a thing just because he was a trainer, where as she was not.

Not that she wanted to, but how was that even fair just because he was allowed to walk around with pokemon stuck in a pokeball and attached to his belt?

Chloe had never been interested in being a pokemon trainer. She'd considered it, even done a little studying for it at her fathers urging, but she'd never really had an interest in it. Honestly, she hadn't found a true interest she wanted to pursue yet in life.

But she'd never realised, how…lucrative being a pokemon trainer was. Well, if it was done right like this Jord kid was doing, she knew for a fact that Goh had less than ten thousand pokedollars in his back account.

And apparently being a good looking girl attached to a successful trainer meant you just got handed twenty five million just because. Maybe trying out being a trainer wouldn't be a bad idea? At least if she did it right she could make a living later even if she didn't like it.

She didn't have that much long later before she'd be forced into finding a profession regardless.

'What am I even thinking!?' cheeks burning, Chloe shook her head and dismissed those thoughts and was very thankful for the distraction of the battle beginning once more as Lance and Jord's conversation died down and the much smaller Dragonite gave an intimidating roar and shot through the air like a speeding bullet towards the bigger one, crackling electricity bursting to life around one of its fists and moving so fast Chloe barely saw a blur.

Chloe saw a flash of green come from Lance's Dragonite, and then there was a thunderous boom. A yelp left her throat and her hands went straight down to her skirt as a massive blast of wind erupted from the battlefield and almost lifted it straight up and exposed her underwear!

When she looked back up, she noticed a massive plume of dust and smoke hovering in the air and laying face down in the middle of a massive crater was Jord's Dragonite, Lance's own pinning it down with one hand enshrouded with a massive claw of shimmering green energy.

It was completely immobile.


All that tough attitude and arrogant posturing, and that was it? It was down already?

"Hmm, about as expected," Lance mused aloud, "Its speed for its age is quite impressive, but it's still so young and has much to le-

Lance was cut off as blue energy burst into existence around the smaller Dragonite and the champions eyes widened as a wall of blue power exploded upwards and smashed into his Dragonite, forming into a huge roaring serpentine shape like that of a Gyarados and washed over the bigger Dragonite and shot high into the air.

It roared higher and higher into air and within the blink of an eye, the huge serpentine energy beast was hundreds of feet in the air and dissipated to reveal both Dragonite high in the sky.

The bigger of the two was slightly scuffed, both arms held up in a guard around its face while the smaller of the two, was heavily bruised already just from that single attack, blood streaming down its face and dying its visage with a terrifying crimson red.

And unleashing a thunderous barrage of blurring punches that sounded like missiles going off, before promptly spitting out a massive trio of jagged icy blue beams that slammed into the other Dragonite and froze its arms over.

The smaller didn't let up in its barrage of punches for even a second. But it didn't last long before the bigger of the two broke free with a jerk of its arms, green energy exploding into existence with a flash of light once more and smashed its clawed arm down over the top of the smaller Dragonite's head.

It slammed into the ground a split moment later like a cruise missile and a thunderous boom echoed as it cratered the battlefield inwards.

the force of it was so crazy Chloe actually stumbled and almost fell, and would have if Delia didn't catch her around the shoulders and steadied her, "Careful dear, battles of this level can get kind of crazy when you're up close and personal like this." she smiled at her prettily.

Chloe nodded numbly, "…Thanks…" she replied, her eyes finding themselves locked onto the battlefield and unable to look away.

To her reluctant awe, the smaller of the Dragonite heaved itself to its feet, body littered with wounds and eyes burning with a flame of determination that shook her.

It opened its mouth and roared challengingly up at the bigger Dragonite who'd smashed it into the ground.

Before its legs gave out beneath it and it fell face first onto the ground, unconscious. Or it would have, if a beam of red light didn't wash over it before it hit the ground.

Jord had returned it to its pokeball before it fell.

There was a wide smirk on the boys face, "I knew we didn't have the speed or power to do anything head on, Aerodactyl already proved that," he announced, "But don't underestimate my pokemon's tenacity, no matter how powerful your pokemon, I knew Dragonite wouldn't go down quietly, so we simply took a hit to give one back."

In return, Lance laughed, a massive, powerful booming sound that echoed through the air, "Impressive, using my own experience against me, huh?" he noted aloud, confusing Chloe, "I'm an expert on dragon pokemon, especially of the Dragonite line, I can roughly tell how powerful they are from a single glance. But I didn't take into account the personality of your Dragonite. That Dragon Rush sure was something."

"He's a runt with a chip on his shoulder," Jord shrugged, smirk not wavering in the least, "He's got a lot to prove, especially against another Dragonite and wouldn't allow himself to go down. I trusted he wouldn't go down with one hit, so I made my plan based on that." he added as he reached for his belt, switching Dragonite's with another.

"And you were right, your trust and faith in your pokemon wasn't misplaced at all and Dragonite rose to the occasion to prove your belief in him was correct," Lane praised, "I'm quite excited to see what he'll be like in a few years."

"It'll be like night and day," Jord replied, "But for now, let's see how you deal with my pretty darling here, come on out Milotic!"

Jord's third pokemon was released onto the cratered and heavily damaged battlefield in another burst of bright silvery white light to reveal a massive, majestic beautiful serpentine pokemon

Chloe felt her mouth drop in surprise as she saw it, "So…pretty." she involuntarily said aloud as the Milotic gave a beautiful trill that tingled within her ears.

She was still aware enough though to see even more palpable excitement come from the reporters observing the battle.

"So Milotic is up next?" Lance noted with a grin, "Another extremely rare and powerful pokemon, and a beauty of the ages for sure. How did you get this one I wonder? There's less than ten recorded people on our records that have a Milotic, most of them were caught in the wild too, only two of them have been evolved from a Feebas and one of them belonged to Champion Wallace of the Hoenn Region."

"She worked very hard." was all Jord said in response, the smirk on his face, if Chloe was not wrong…looked quite…smarmy.


Keep up the good work me minions.

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts
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