
Chapter 115

My head whipped up on instinct to see Dragonite smashing through a series of stalagmites while the Aerodactyl that was actually quite a bit bigger than Dragonite held one wing out as if it had just slapped him aside again.

A casual, arrogant dispatching it looked it.

That wasn't fully the truth though. From where I am, I can see Aerodactyl hadn't gotten out completely unscathed and could see some scuff marks across its rocky grey scales.

Dragonite though, was much worse for wear. Yet, that didn't stop the overly prideful runt as he flipped through the air and spread his wings to stop himself mid-air.

Dragonite grinned savagely.

And shot towards Aerodactyl.

The larger rock and flying type swerved around the dragon and flying type, coming around from behind, one wing glowing and striking him from behind.

It was only a glancing blow as Dragonite turned and spat out an Ice Beam, but Aerodactyl, spun underneath it and lashed out again with its other wing, striking Dragonite with another Wing Attack.

Dragonite snarled and turned to face it, but Aerodactyl had already swerved with a powerful beat of its wings and got behind Dragonite again.

And struck with another Wing Attack.

It was like a game of cat and mouse. Aerodactyl shot in rapidly, smashing Dragonite with a glancing blow before getting out of the way quickly as Dragonite attacked wildly and striking from the other side.

Dragonite just couldn't keep up.

Yes, it was exactly like a game of cat and mouse.

Only the mouse was twice the size of the cat.

While Aerodactyl wasn't so strong it could brush off Dragonite's attacks. It was still that much stronger that it seemed like it was almost playing with Dragonite.

And eventually, playing the same game over and over?

It got boring.

And that boredom was reached quite quickly as on the next exchange, instead of giving Dragonite a glancing blow with its Wing Attack once more.

Aerodactyl came in from above and behind Dragonite, driving its taloned feet into Dragonite's shoulders and driving him down.

With its height and quite possibly weight advantage over Dragonite and being physically stronger, Dragonite was could only struggle in vain as he was forced down out of the air and smashed into and through the ground with ground cratering force.

Drove into the ground and body limp, Aerodactyl roosted atop my defeated Dragonite.

The huge rock and flying type seemed to have completely forgotten about me and my other pokemon as it casually inspected Dragonite's limp form beneath it.

Or was it…that it had completely written us off?


"Razor Leaf." I commanded simply.

Aerodactyl squawked in surprise and pain as a duo of razor sharp leaf barrages tore into its side and threw it off Dragonite.

To its credit, while it took damage, it was more surprised than anything…and then affronted as it looked over to us and saw just who had done the damage to it.

"Aeroda-" it spread its wings and began to roar, only to be cut off as Charmeleon pushed himself up despite his exhaustion and spat out another Flamethrower.

One of its wings glowed and with a huff, Aerodactyl backhanded the flames almost contemptuously.

Its eyes widened though as the flames were not dispersed by its heavy blow and instead increased in size as Charmeleon snarled and put more energy into it.

With a roar, Aerodactyl's other wing erupted into white light and it brought both into a cross guard, before spreading them with a mighty push and dispersed the flames, leaving naught but glittering embers raining down through the air.

It gave Charmeleon a heated stare.

Only to get an electrified uppercut to the jaw as Dragonite shot up from the crater he was laying limp in just a moment before, beaten, bruised and bloodied and with a savage snarling grin on his face.

Dragonite immediately hopped on Aerodactyl's front as the ancient flying type landed on its back in surprise from the blow.

And immediately began raining down a heavy and wild barrage of Thunder Punch's across the ancient beasts face and torso.

The thug style was a form of combat that was taught as a mandatory lesson to all my pokemon now after all.

I'd decided to make it an introductory lesson actually. Dragonite to no nobodies surprise took to it like a Scotsman to whiskey.

The barrage of Thunder Punch's were unleashed so rapidly I couldn't even count how many landed.

Though it only lasted for around five or six seconds at most before Aerodactyl roared in rage and pitch black energy that seemed to suck in all light around us formed in its face a split second.

Dragonite didn't back down and continued punching even as Aerodactyl fired off a pitch black Hyper Beam at point blank range.

The wide and powerful black beam slammed into Dragonite's body and bodily lifted him up, carrying him up high into the air even as it washed over his form and done massive amounts of damage.

When the beam died down, it revealed Dragonite limp and falling through the air towards the ground.

He was done.

My hand whipped out, his pokeball in hand at the same time Aerodactyl shot up to its feet and beat its huge wings and launched itself into the air after the downed Dragonite, fury in its eyes.

"Return!" I shouted needlessly, returning Dragonite to his pokeball and allowing Aerodactyl to spear straight through thin air.

It looked confused for all of a second…before whipping around to face me, turning its fury filled eyes on me.

But like I said before, never take your eyes off the enemy.

Those fury filled eyes widened in shock and quite a bit of horror as it found Charmeleon in its face, having launched himself through the air with another Quick Attack enhanced leap.

Charmeleon's forearm crashed into Aerodactyl's throat, cutting off its next roar and exchanging it for a choked splutter.

Stunned, it couldn't do anything as Charmeleon wrapped his other arm around its throat as well and began to spin.

It was a sight to see. Aerodactyl dwarfed Charmeleon five times over…and yet he was easily ragdolling its massive winged frame through the air.

And once he'd picked up enough momentum, Charmeleon transferred it all into a powerful throw with his Seismic Toss attack and slammed Aerodactyl into the ground.

This time it was Aerodactyl's turn to be buried in a crater in the ground.

A massive explosion of heat erupted from the point of contact and I was forced to look away from a wince.

'….I wonder if it's wrong of me to be proud of that?' I couldn't fight the grin that forced its way onto my face.

Hilda would probably scold me for how savage my pokemon were when left to their own devices.

But I liked it personally.

It took a while for the wave of flame and heat that erupted from the attack to die down and honestly, I'm gonna need to moisturize after this, my skin will be so god damn dry from all this heat.

Still, when it did, it was to reveal the extra crispy and limp form of Aerodactyl, unable to continue finding.

With Charmeleon sitting proudly atop its chest, basking in his victory and gasping raggedly for breath.

He rose one clawed hand up….and gave me a shaky thumbs up.

I couldn't help but laugh, shooting him one back.

And then his body exploded.

…With bright white light that was. And his body began to grow and change before my eyes.

My breath caught in my throat and excitement ran rampant in my veins so thoroughly my limbs got shaky.

Yo, so I'm trying to increase my popularity with this on Ff.net. So I'd appreciate it if you guys could head over there and follow and favourite. And if you've not reviewed it before, just a simple one word review on each chapter would be a big help too. Please and thanks lads.

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