
A Naughty Cat~!

Looking at his rewards, Masato nodded in satisfaction. He was aware that this kind of reward was only because it was his first kill in this world. He might not get the same amount of fortune in his next or a kill after the next one. But that didn't deter him or anything. I mean, every kind of reward, either good or bad, was still a reward in the end. And he would still be benefiting in one form or another.

"W-what was that Masato-kun?" the still scared voice of Orihime brought him out of his reverie.

He looked at her, still with the same gentle expression, and said, "It was Hollow." Masato didn't mind telling her, and his reason was the same as the one with Tatsuki – he liked her.

Was it love?

No. He liked her. After all, he only met her for like what? Almost three days? He couldn't be in love with her in such a short amount of time. But that didn't stop him from liking her.

Masato was aware of the fact that in one of these days, he might lay her. And once he did, he would definitely not left her as a weak ordinary human, same with Tatsuki. In the canon, her ability was strong, no doubt, it might be the strongest ability in the Bleach – rejection or reversal of cause and effect. She rejected God's work, in Aizens' words.

But it was only a support ability, in the canon at least. But, lets' say, if she were to reject the very existence of someone or even the very essence of their core and ability. What will happen? Masato didn't know. He wanted to know. That's why Orihime was on the top of his list of women he would make his.

"Hollow?" she asked, confused.

"Yes, hollow," Masato nodded, "It is a form of a soul that is corrupted over time, either by another hollow or due to some intense regret, and they would hunt down humans and feed on them."

Orihime didn't understand most of it, but her face still paled when she heard that they would feed on other humans. She was an innocent high scholar, after all. The whole concept of getting killed or killing others was something she would never think of in her daily life.

Even though Orihime was an air-headed person, it didn't mean that she was an idiot. She could understand her ending if Masato were not to interfere. Just thinking about it, that she would have become the food of the hollow, Orihime felt a sudden chill at her spine. But she felt a warm hand gently caressing her head, reminding her of her brother.

"It's alright now," Masato softly stated, "Since I am here, nothing will happen to you Orihime."

Orihime felt warm from his words as she nodded.

"Orihime!" hearing the shout of her best friend, Orihime looked in the direction of the voice, "Tatsuki-chan?" confused, she asked.

Ignoring her call, Tatsuki ran to Orihime and pushed Masato aside and gripped her shoulders, "Are you alright?! What happened here? No, wait! Whats with this chain… Orihime! Y-You… what happened here?!" as she talked, she got more and more confused as her eyes tailed the chain and found Orihime's body lying at the other side of the room.

'Oh~, she can see her now?' thought Masato as he used [Observe] on her.


Name: Arisawa Tatsuki

Level: 29

HP: 200

MP: 290

CON: 185

STR: 24

VIT: 18

DEX: 26

INT: 16

WIS: 11

LUK: 36

Affection: 65/100


'Her status changed… not so drastic, but it did change. Her level has increased by 2. Her MP has increased a lot too, same with her luck,' Masato thought, 'Is it because of her encounter with me? Like her fate changed as she has met me. I know that anime characters are a cheat, but this… dammit! Her status increase by just meeting me and coming in contact with mana? This is so unfair.'

Not that he was in a position to say. He could reach the so-called ascension in Bleach by just leveling up. If others knew it, he might have become a genuine pig by now. This was also the reason he was cautious of Urahara and Aizen. With their research seeker mindset, he wouldn't be surprised to open his eyes one day and finding himself in a completely different place with straps binding him on an operation chair.

"E-em… calm down Tatsuki-chan. I am alright now," Orihime said, trying to calm Tatsuki, who was fanatically looking everywhere and throwing a constant stream of questions at Orihime.

"What do you mean you are alright?!" her voice raised, Tatsuki pointed her finger at Orihime's body, "How in the hell is this situation is alright?!"

"Suki-nee-chan, calm down. You will get older faster with how much you are scrunching your face," Masato interrupted, quite sad too as Tatsuki didn't ask for his health, "As for what happened here, I'll answer you that. But before—" he couldn't finish his dialogue when a boy with orange hair, wearing black kimono entered the apartment with a short and petite girl on his back—Ichigo and Rukia!

Masato narrowed his eyes, 'Well, time for ultra BS' thinking, he appeared in front of Tatsuki and Orihime with a kitchen knife in his hands and pointed at Kurosaki and Kuchiki, "What are you?" of course, he knew. But if he showed that he knew everything about Shinigami and Hollow, then he was in for it. He would have looked supper suspicious, since as a solo person, how can he justify his knowledge about such things? Someone with enough brain would definitely connect him with some other power. Since knowledge doesn't come out of thin air.

Ichigo and Rukia were following after the hollow that attacked them, but Ichigo, while fighting with it found out that it was Orihime's brother. And knowing that Hollows attacks their families after becoming one, he and Rukia rushed towards Orihime's place.

When both of them looked at the broken apartment, the thought of Orihime's dead body flash past their minds. Gritting his teeth, and gripping his sword, Ichigo rushed in but just to stop in his step as his eyes landed on the inhabitant inside.

The new transfer student, Oosuki Masato, standing in front of the two girls, Orihime and Tatsuki, with a kitchen knife in his hand, in a defensive position. Even Rukia was surprised, seeing Masato here. But what surprised her more was that she couldn't receive any signals from the Hollow… as if it has died. And seeing the situation, she could only think that the one who defeated the hollow is Masato.

But that shouldn't be possible. If he had some form of superpower, then she might connect him defeating the hollow with it. Obviously, he does not. Then did he defeat the hollow with a kitchen knife? Rukia shook her head at the absurdness of her thought. Only something coated by Spiritual Energy could defeat a hollow, definitely not a mortal kitchen knife.

"What are you?" the question was thrown at them brought them out of their minds. Looking at the vigilant Masato, Rukia didn't know how to answer.

"Masato?! What are you doing here?" Ichigo asked, "wait! Leave that for later, is Orihime alright?"

Raising his hand as if to protect them behind him, Masato nodded, "She is. But you have not answered my question, Ichigo. What are you?"

Hearing that Orihime was alright, Ichigo sighed in relief, and then it clicked to him, they could see him? That shouldn't be possible. After all, no normal person should be able to perceive him.

Pointing to himself, Ichigo asked, "You can see me?" but then his eyes landed on the body of Orihime, laying at the other end of the room, "Wait! What happened to Orihime?!"

"Fool!" Rukia hit his head, "Calm down! She is alright. Just that her soul left her body. As long as the Chain of Fate is attached, we can return her back."

Hearing her, Ichigo calmed down and then looked back at Masato, who sighed and lowered his knife, "So? Care to explain what is going on?"

Ichigo looked back at Rukia, who nodded and said, "Before I tell you about it, can I ask you a question, Masato-kun?"

Masato nodded. He was pretty much aware of what she was going to ask.

"Then," she asked, "Can you tell me what happened to the hollow that came here? Did you kill him?"

"That's right. I killed him. Though I may not be strong, killing a lowly hollow like that is not that hard," Masato said.

"But how? A normal human cannot kill a hollow."

"That is the second question, Rukia," he said, "Answered mine first."

Rukia wanted to ask more but she shook her head before asking, "Since you know hollows, then you should also know about Shinigamis right?"

Masato nodded, "I have met once before. Since I could see him, all he told me about was what Shinigamis and Hollows are. That's how I came to know about the existence of hollows." he answered. He made sure to point her attention to the point that he knows about Shinigamis and hollows because he met one before, after all, she also met Ichigo like this. So it wouldn't be that surprising for her to know that there are other humans like Ichigo. He also wanted her to think that he was not affiliated with any other power, or to be more precise, he wanted Urahara to think that. And probably, Aizen, who might be watching currently.

And just like he thought, Rukia gave a surprising look towards Ichigo before nodding, "I see… so your story is quite the same as mine and Ichigo," she said, "I will introduce myself again. I am Kuchiki Rukia, a shinigami assigned to Karakura Town."

"Wait. You said you are shinigami, right?" Rukia nodded, "then why can't I feel any energy on you? I mean, I can feel it but it's too low… just like a normal human."

Rukia becomes surprised, hearing him. To be able to perceive others' spiritual energy by just looking at them was a high-level technique. Normally, one would only be able to tell that this person is stronger and this one is weak, even Ichigo can't tell the energy level of the other person by just a look.

From this, Rukia could deduct that Masato was definitely not a new person in this supernatural side of the world. Unlike Ichigo, he must have more experience. And that is what Masato wanted her to think. He wanted to come up as neither too strong nor too weak. If he is too strong, she will be cautious, if he is too weak, she will be suspicious, and he didn't want any of those.

"There is a reason behind it," Rukia nodded and explained, "I gave my powers to Ichigo here."

"That is possible?" he asked.

Rukia started to explain how she met Ichigo and how she was almost killed while saving him and then she gave him her powers but he took all of it and become a substitute shinigami.

Hearing her explanation, Masato nodded, "So that's how it is…" tailing his words, he looked back at Orihime and Tatsuki, who has been quiet throughout the whole explanation. They were just that surprised since everything changed way too fast. Just this morning they were normal humans after all, "By the way, do you know a way to put the soul back to the body?" he asked.

"Don't worry. I'll do that. But the question is, should I erase their memories of what has happened today or not."

Tatsuki wanted to say something but Masato beat her to it, "No need," he said, "Even if you make them forget it, it will not change anything. Since they can see ghosts and hollows anyway. It would change nothing."

Rukia thought it was a quite sensible explanation. So she didn't comment on this topic much.


+5 affection with Tatsuki Arisawa

+5 affection with Orihime Inoue


He looked back at Tatsuki and wink at her. Tatsuki seemed to understand it and she nodded in gratitude. She really didn't want to forget everything that happened here, same with Orihime. Masato did not want their memories to be erased had nothing to do with whether they can see the ghosts or not, they could tell it. So they were appreciative of it.

After that, with Rukia's help, they put Orihime's body back into her body and erased the memories of humans nearby.

"Then I'll be leaving. It's already quite late," Masato said. Orihime was going to stay at Tatsuki's place, so he thought that there was no reason to stay behind, "Also, Ichigo, can you show me your sword for a minute?"

"What do you want to do with it?" Ichigo asked while handing it over to him.

Masato didn't say anything and took it in his hands. He closed his eyes and sent his mana into it. Surprisingly, the sword rejected his mana. But Masato didn't give up. Since it was still not liberated, it didn't have much power to back it up. So he forcibly sent his mana into it and copied its internal structure and energy structures.

After copying them, he raised his other hand and started to imagine his mana to be mold into the exact same shape as that of the structure of the sword. After acquiring the skill [Mana Affinity], Masato's control over the mana had increased tremendously. So it wasn't that hard for him to shape his mana.

After some time, he opened his eyes and said, "[Creation]," Rukia and Ichigo looked wide eyes as an exact sword appeared in his hands.

Of course, it was not created from nothing but he used chemicals in the atmosphere to form different reactions to create the required elements and compounds to create the desired metal.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been created!

[Weapon Creation Level: 1]

An ability to create weapons. Anything weapon can be created according to the user's imagination!

MP: Varies according to the object that the user wants to create.

On a higher level, the user can create things with enchantments.


Masato smirked, seeing the prompt. He had used the same concept before but didn't get any skills out of it. He thought: maybe I need something that has power in it? Something that is not normal. And that where he thought of examining Ichigo's sword. Though he got the skill, he looked at the sword he creates as it crumbled to pieces. With his amount of mana, it seems that he can't create something like a Zanpakuto.

"What was that?" Ichigo asked, confused.

"Nothing. Don't worry about that," handling the sword back to him, Masato said, "Then I'll be taking my leave then. See you tomorrow at the school."

"Wai—!" Ichigo still wanted to ask more but Masato vanished, again surprising him and Rukia. They couldn't follow his movements.

"Just what is he?" no one knew how to answer it. But Rukia made sure to inform Urahara about this, wondering if he had any information on him.


Appearing 30m away, Masato again teleport-ed. He was not using [Flash Step] and [Leap], since he wanted to level up Teleport too. After teleporting continuously, Masato appeared in the same park where he usually trains. It was not that far from Orihime's apartment so it didn't take him too long.

'I should call Okaa-san and inform her that I won't be coming home today,' he thought before taking his phone out and called Mamako.

"Hello, Ma-kun? What happened?" her voice resounded from the other side of the phone, quite jolly.

An unconscious smile forms on Masato's face as he said in a teasing voice, "How are you doing Mamako~? I really missed your soft voice~."

He could hear the sound of heavy breathing from the other side. Seriously, he thought how his sweet mother could be this perverted when it comes to him… he loves it.

"I also missed my Ma-kun~. I really want to cuddle with Ma-kun and sleep," she seductively suggested.

Masato licked his lips. He really wanted to go back right now, but he controlled his feelings, "I won't be coming home tonight, Okaa-san. I'll be staying at my friend's house."

"Moo~, I want to sleep with Ma-kun!" she angrily said.

"Hehehe~, don't worry. We can have the whole night tomorrow."


"I promise. After all, I also want to spend my night with my 'mother'~," he replied.

Mamako could feel herself getting wet by just thinking of spending her whole night with her son. Her hand unconsciously reached her drenched pussy, "Ha~," she released her breath sexually and said, "Then Okaa-san will cut the phone. She remembers to do something. Bye~."

"BeepBeepBeep," Masato smirked, knowing what his mother remembered to do. If not that he wanted to train, he might have run home by now and helped his mother in the thing that she remembered. He is a good son, after all.

"Now then," looking around him and finding none, Masato raised his hand up above in the sky and created an empty ID.

'First, let's check my loot. The Muscle Band that increases my STR up to 50… hehehe~,' just thinking about it, Masato gleefully laughed. Thankfully, there was no one in the sight or they might have thought that he has finally gone mad.

He made a gripping motion with his hand and a band appeared in it. It was just a normal band, black in color. Without thinking much, he equipped it. Suddenly, Masato felt a boost in his STR. Taking a deep breath, he gripped his fists tightly.


Perk [Immense Strength] has been unlocked for reaching 50 STR!

[Immense Strength] – increases the strength of the user. +20 STR


'Seriously… this feeling of a sudden increase in strength is not so good,' he thought, 'If I am not cautious, I might lose myself in this feeling.'

He was not wrong as he felt the sudden urge of killing more hollow so he can get stronger faster, getting more loot. He didn't want to become a psychopath who started to kill and only kill, doing nothing else. Though he would still be killing hollows and shinigami.

"With this done, let's start the training that I've been putting off," Masato said, "Let's start with the simple idea of increasing my mana."

He had thought about it, but was there a way to increase his mana without depending on the system? He knew there was. After all, no Shinigami was born with an absurd amount of spiritual energy… leaving some special cases out. Anyway, when he thought about it—there should be a way to increase his mana.

After thinking for a whole day, he came up with three different methods. First, he could create different mana cores inside his body and save mana in them. This way, he will have greater mana reserves. But there was a problem with this method, and that it took double the amount of time to regenerate it. Since the mana cores were set in a hierarchy and it would take too much time to re-fill them.

The second method that he came up with was to increase the density. By creating a single mana core inside his body, he would put all his mana into that core. But there was a catch, Masato was thinking of applying spinning to his mana core. But, at the same time, Masato was aware that it was impossible with his current body and stats.

The third was to create a Mana Furnace. It was something he had read in a novel previously. By making the use of the ethereal body spiritually, one could rewrite body structure to alter their consciousness using a staged approach, thus make use along with "regular mana". It was a simple yet quite complicated technique.

Since soul inhabitants the body—to create a Mana Furnace, Masato would have to change the shape of his ethereal body i.e., by molding his soul, Masato could create more space for his mana. Normally, this Furnace would be hibernating but once it is activated, it would increase its mana by folds. The only downfall, or if it can even be called one, was that he would not remain human. Since he was changing his soul essentially.

But Masato didn't want to use this method, in this world at least. Since this world was base on Soul, and he had no idea what kind of effect would happen to his body. So, after thinking sometimes, he decided to go with the second method—to create a Mana Core inside his body. He was not going to apply spin yet though.

Sitting under a tree, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Fuu~~, let's start then," saying, he started to guide his whole mana into his Dantian and started to condense it into a single ball of mana. It was nerve wreaking process as a little mistake could kill him.

Masato's teeth clenched tight as he felt the pressure increasing in his Dantian, it was excruciating.







'Fuck!' he cursed into his mind as he felt that mana was getting out of control. Without thinking much, he activated [Meditation] and felt his mana getting more controlled. He had [Mana Affinity] and it gave him great control over the mana, yet he felt drained.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been created!

[Physical Endurance Level: 1 (54%)]

A skill that makes the body's durability increase, reducing damage taken.

Skills' level can be increased by taking physical damage.

-3% in physical damage


Ignoring the screen in front of his eyes, Masato continued to focus on collecting his mana into the core he was building.

After the constant struggle, Masato was finally able to gather all his mana into the core he created. Now, not even a single mana was being released by him and he looked just a normal human from an outsider's perspective. Masato was sure, even Urahara would not be able to tell that he has some form of energy.

Releasing a big sigh, he fell unto his back; his body drenched into his sweat.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been created!

[High Mana Density]

A skill that is giving to only those who were able to create their own Mana Core without outside interference.

Effect: Total Mana*2

[Energy Concealment]

A skill that only those who have been able to conceal their Mana to the extreme are able to use.

Effect: Completely hides the Mana from others.


+1 INT

+2 WIS



"Hehehehahahahah!!" Masato laughed loudly as he stared at the screen prompts in front of his eyes. He couldn't explain the amount of joy he was experience currently, "Seriously! This system is the biggest cheat, to be honest! Hogyuko? Definitely a cheat, but even it can't compare to the system!"

After laughing maniacally for some time, Masato calmed down and called for his status screen.


Name: Masato Oosuki

Class: The Gamer

Level: 11 (21.2%)

HP: 200 (100 per five mint.,)

MP: 1540 [(770*2) +5%] (100 (+10) per mint.,)

CON: 200 (100 per mint.,)

STR: 90 (+182)

VIT: 20

DEX: 23 (+52.9)

INT: 77

WIS: 20

LUK: 20

States Point (SP): 25

Money: 1100$


'25 stat points…' looking at his stats, Masato thought, 'I already have enough mana to fight with Rukia face to face. Even though it is less than her, my skills make up for that gap. Though I still don't know how I would cope up with a lieutenant.'

'Should I push my INT over 100 and then focus on other stats?' he thought, 'Since Bleach is all about spiritual energy—though I don't know how mana will fare with that—those with immense spiritual energy are almost impossible to cut if the opponent can't cut through their spiritual energy. Though it is useless to me as I have Mystic Eyes.'

He was right. Since in the canon, Ichigo couldn't cut Zaraki due to his immense spiritual energy. Masato was aware that he was, right now, at the lowest of the food chain. I mean, if Rukia had over 5k spiritual energy, then what about lieutenant and captain? Masato could clearly see theirs going over even the 10k. And that was not counting their swords releases that double their energy.

'Whatever. I'll do it. What is the worse that can happen? I can always get more SP,' thinking, Masato added 23 points in INT and the other 2 points in WIS. It took him some time to get used to his increased mana.


Ding! INT has reached 100 unlocking the following perks and skills.

[Telekinesis Level: 1 (0%)]

Ability to move distant objects through mental power.

[Intermediate Mana]

An ability that belongs to mana power users who were born with a stronger power than others.

Effect: +15% Mana Power Attack Skill.

Effect: -10% MP Attrition Rate.

[Mana Recovery]

An Innate ability for those who are more specialized in mana recovery ability.

Effect: +100% MP regen


Name: Masato Oosuki

Class: The Gamer

Level: 11 (21.2%)

HP: 200 (100 per five mint.,)

MP: 2100 [(INT*2)+5%] (231 [(WIS*5)+110%%] per mint.,)

CON: 200 (100 per mint.,)

STR: 90 (+182)

VIT: 20

DEX: 23 (+52.9)

INT: 100

WIS: 22

LUK: 20

States Point (SP): 0

Money: 1100$


"But this is not enough," Masato thought. He was still too weak according to this world's standard. If he wanted to stand against stronger enemies, he needs more strength.

"Let's do it then. I wanted to do it before but didn't really have STR for it. But now it should be ok," saying, Masato started to examine his body while attaching mana to his cells. Mana was acting like an anchor, connected to the earth below. After attaching it with every possible cell he could find, Masato took a deep breath before applying pressure to the cells.

"Fuck!" he cursed as he felt an immense pressure on his body, but he didn't give up and kept applying the pressure. He was waiting for the system prompt as he kept the pressure on himself.

After a minute or two, the prompt finally came.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been created!

[Gravity Manipulation Level: 1 MP: 100/minute]

With your constant struggle, you are able to create a skill to control gravity.

The user can make the gravity do his bidding.


Masato smiled before lifting the pressure from his body and taking a deep breath. He was not over yet. Calling his mana out, he spread it around him and tried to get information about his surroundings through it.

At first, he could barely pick any change in his mana field. But as time passed, he started to pick more and more things inside it. He kept the field up unit he received the prompt.


Ding! Due to a specific action, a new skill has been created!

[Gods' Sight Level: 1/100 MP: 250/minute]

An ability to perceive your surroundings through mana.

Current Distance: 100 meters


"And now the last one."


[Mana Shield Level:1 MP: 50/minute]

A shield of mana around the user to protect him from external damage.


Seeing the prompt, Masato was satisfied. With this, he had all the necessary skills he needed. He now had both offensive and defensive skills. But now a question arises: Why doesn't he has more magic-based offensive skills? I mean, with his amount of mana, he could definitely be able to create one or two mana bases skills with infinite output.

The answer was simple, he didn't want to. He had Mystic eyes—a cheat to one-shot kill anything. No way in hell he was going to let it waste, that's why. It's simple if one thinks about it. Masato had already decided to take the Close-Combat route in the Bleach world. Of course, that didn't mean that he will not use magic, but that he would lean more towards close-combat.

Deactivating all his magic except [Mana Shield] – that he could use indefinitely – and [Physical Enchantment], Masato took Rasaka's Fang out of his inventory and equipped it.

"Alright. I am ready for some levels up," saying, he raised his hand and created a new I.D with Hollows in it. A screen opened in front of him asking the difficulty level of the dungeon. It had an easy, normal, hard, nightmare. Selecting easy, Masato saw his surroundings changing and found himself standing in a Sahara-like place.

There was night and ever-stretching white sand covered the surroundings. There were tree-like objects, but Masato could tell that they were not. After examining, he found that it was some form of the mineral.

"Hueco Mundo," a whisper left his mouth. He had seen this in anime, though he didn't remember much about it, this place was still vivid in his memories.

Seeing that he was in an open area, Masato activated [Sneak]. Right now, he was using [PE], [MS], and [Sneak]. Due to his high mana recovery, he could use these skills indefinitely.

Gripping the dagger in his hands, Masato slowly started to walk in a random direction. There was no sense of time or direction here, so there was no point in thinking if he was going in the right direction or not. After all, it's a dungeon created by him. There should be a wall stopping him as the dungeon is not endless.

And just as he thought, after walking for some time, he spotted a Hollow. It had ant-like features as it silently stood some distance away from him. It had still not noticed Masato due to his [Sneak], but he was aware that he would be found out if he went too close to it.


Race: Hollow

Level: 10

HP: 500

MP: 800

CON: 500

STR: 95

VIT: 80

DEX: 100

INT: 0

WIS: 0

LUK: 0


'Hmm. It's weak,' he thought, 'I don't even need to use Mystic Eyes for it.'

With his DPS and boosts, he was sure that he could one-shot the Hollow if he hit a critical hit. And with his [Combat Teleportation] it was not that hard.

Using [CT], Masato vanished from his place and appeared above the hollow. Before it could realize what was going on, he thrust his dagger directly at its mask.


Critical Hit!

You have slain a Hollow!



Drop: A spirit crystal.

[Physical Enchantment] leveled up!

[Combat Teleport] leveled up!

[Mana Shield] leveled up!


Looking at the prompts, Masato smirked as his eyes landed on the next hollow. It was going to be a long training. He was completely in the mood of, at least, half clearing the dungeon before the morning.

After collecting his drops, Masato went for the next hunt. He kept going until he felt that it was time for the dawn. Even though he wanted to keep going, he knew that he had to stop.

Except for the XP, money, and spirit stones, Masato didn't get anything else. He was not surprised though, since it was an easy mode dungeon. He would be surprised if it drops something rare or useful.

During the whole fight, Masato leveled up 10 times. He thought it was quite slow and needed to speed up. But for that, he would either have to fight a boss and move to the next level of difficulty.

He also leveled up his skills quite a lot, especially, [Mana Shield], [PE], and [Sneak] that were activated throughout the whole dungeon diving.

After collecting the loot from his last kill, Masato looked at his status and thought of distributing his points. He didn't have to put points in DEX for two reasons. First, he had skills that made up for it. He was sure that once he leveled up them to the max, he would be the fastest person in the Bleach world. Second, he could increase it manually without the systems' help.

Then come STR—he also was not going to put points in it. First, he didn't need STR that much due to Mystic Eyes that didn't need any form of strength behind the strike, but just to cut the line. Second, he learned [Gravity Manipulation] for the sole reason to train his physique. Why the fuck would he waste his points on it? Also, with his buffs from [PE], it was already above +400 points.

All that left was VIT, INT, LUK, and WIS. Now here comes a tricky part. He wanted to put in VIT, LUK, and WIS since INT is already at 100. He wanted to, at least, balance his status a little bit.

"Hmm. I have a feeling that I should put all my stats to LUK," he said, "For some reason, it feels like I should do it."



[Premonition Level: 2 (65%)]

Let's you randomly know about the future event, especially, if it includes someone you know or yourself.


Looking at the screen, Masato nodded before butting 30 points in LUK, bringing it to 50. And God he was glad he did it.


A new perk for reaching 50 LUK has been unlocked!

[Gamers' Luck]

You have been blessed by the games, and have the luck to change the direction of the game to your liking.

Effects: SP*2 at every level up.


"HOLY FUCK!!!" his shout resounded in the deserted dungeon. Good thing that there was no hollow in the vicinity of his. But the amount of glee he was feeling was beyond anything. If before he needed, let's say, 500 levels to reach the same stat as Rukia, now he could do it in 250 stats! It increased the speed of his level up by a large margin.

After calming down, Masato put 10 stats into VIT and WIS per, raising both of them to 40+.

Nodding to himself, Masato raised his hand in the sky and escaped the ID. Coming out of the ID, he applied extra gravity on himself. Activating [Sneak], [Gods' Sight] he vanished, leaving the park deserted again.


Yawing, Masato walked in the direction of the school. Since the time he has become The Gamer, he doesn't have any need for sleeping and eating. But they say: Old habits die hard.

'But I love sleeping…'

That was also one of the reasons.

'I also love eating…'

...and that too.

'I also—' after reaching back home, he spent some time with his hot mother that seems to be extra attached to him after the night they spent together. It seems that she finally doesn't give a shit what society says. And to be honest, neither does Masato. He was The Gamer. Due to his gamer body—it essentially changed his physique and genes. So, he was kind of not related to Mamako… Bha! Who is he kidding with?

After some time, he reached the school. It was the same as always, nothing changing. Really, Masato wondered how people can even come to school. He never understood it.

In his previous life, he studied his whole graduation online. He would only go to college, just to do his exams. Or go out to play with girls. Even though he didn't have a girlfriend due to his habit of not socializing with others. But that didn't stop him from getting some booty.

He still wonders how he is still not going back to his shut-in weeb life. Really a mystery to him.

Entering his class, he gritted everyone and went to sit on his seat. One looks around and he noticed that Ichigo was not present, same with Rukia. He wondered if they are still hunting hollows? If so, they are living quite a hard life.

"Why is Ichigo not here today?" asked Keigo. He has to say that Ichigo was absenting from school quite a bit these days. He wondered if he becomes a delinquent in a true sense since he was one before.

"Hm. What date is today?" Tatsuki asked. After the thing that happened yesternight, she and Orihime spent a night together at her place. After talking for a whole night, they finally came to the conclusion that they should not think too much about it; it was useless after all. They thought they could learn about it little by little, no need to rush it.

"Why? It's 17 June," Keigo answered.

"17 June…" Tatsuki looked out of the window, "He might not come today."

Looking out of the window, Masato didn't comment. If he was not wrong, then on 17 June, Ichigo's mother died. Well, he just remembered it when Tatsuki said he might not come.

'Guess there's nothing much to do except,' looking towards smiling Orihime and kind-of-sad looking Tatsuki, 'Guess I'll only use it one Orihime. Tatsuki doesn't seem to be in a mood to talk with anyone today. Though I could force myself on her, I would rather not do that. I don't want my affection points to go downhill.'

He didn't want his efforts to go to waste. He knew that Tatsuki knows Ichigo for more than four years, so it was not surprising that she was sad for her friend. And Masato appreciated that feeling.

As it was said before, he didn't understand the sorrow brought by death. Masato was aware; aware of the fact that if Mamako died in front of him, he would feel nothing. As long as it was connected to death, he was aware that his behavior was not normal.

That's why, sometimes, he would envy those who could show such emotions.

'sigh… it has even affected me now,' thinking to himself, his eyes landed out of the window, at the black cat that has been looking towards him. A silence stretches until Masato, out of habit, used [Observe] on it.


Name: Yoruichi Shihōin

Occupation: Shinigami/Former Commander of Onmitsukido

Level: 1956

HP: 6000

MP: 19250

CON: 5892

STR: 1865

VIT: 1500

DEX: 1989

INT: 652

WIS: 1523

LUK: 252

Affection: 0/100

Thoughts about you: Curious, Cautious, and suspicious.

She knows about you from the talk that Rukia had with Urahara. Wants to know if you are a dangerous entity or not.


'Why not you come to bed with me? I'll tell you how dangerous I am… not that!! Calm down, calm down! He-ho! He-ho! I really appreciate [Gamers' Mind] at the situation like these, but,' trying his best as to not look suspicious, he continued his inner monologue, 'Well, I am not surprised. I mean, I was sure that Rukia will inform Urahara about me, but I didn't think that it would be this fast. Did the first thing she did yesternight after I left was to inform Urahara?'

'It can't be helped. It seems that she was supper suspicious of me. At least, my affection points did not dwindle. Now, what should I do? Isn't it obvious? Yes, I'll play the innocent and ignorant boy part.'

Thinking here, Masato didn't stare at the cat for too long and, just as Akane entered the class, he looked away. He seriously was having a hard time right now. She was damn strong after all. She could kill him with her sneeze if she wanted. And that was if one doesn't account for her ability in Kido, Hand-to-Hand combat, and other stuff.

Throughout the class, Masato tried his best to ignore the stare he was feeling from the feline outside. It was as if she was inviting him to make any suspicious moments so she can kill him. Seriously, his only salvage was Akane, who was giving him fluttery glances from time-to-time, a clear indication of her inviting him.

He licked his lips while using [Erotic Pierrot] on her. It was really fun, seeing her squirming as she tried her best to not let any moan release her mouth. After learning [Energy Concealment], it was really hard or close to impossible to find any use of his energy. So even with Yoruichi outside, Masato was not afraid that she will find out.

He was confident enough to use [Erotic Pierrot] on Yoruichi without letting her find out about it.

"This is all for the class," Akane said, "Masato-kun, can you come with me? I still need to 'teach' you completely about yesterday's problem."

Smiling innocently, Masato said, "Of course, Sensei."

Standing up from his seat, he looked towards Orihime and Tatsuki, "I'll see you guys later," and followed after Akane.


"Mnmmnngg! Harder! Fuck me harder, master!" moans of Akane filled the room as she felt the hard thrusts of Masato from her behind.



Gripping her hair in a fist, and pulling it towards him, Masato slapped her butt cheek, creating a wave on it.

"What a dirty woman you are, Akane."

He said while giving her another slap on her butt cheek.

"Yesh! Akane is a perverted woman~! So… so-please punish Akane more~!!!" her teeth clenched tight, she reached her third orgasm.

Masato groaned as he felt her insides tightening around his dick, sucking it. Giving in one final thrust, he released his seeds, painting her walls white.

Akane's eyes had rolled back as she lost her consciousness. Masato was not surprised, seeing this. He has been using [Pleasure Touch] and [Increase Sensitivity] throughout the whole time. It was not surprising that her mind had gone numb from all the pleasure she was feeling as his skills double or even tripled the pleasure she was feeling.


+15 affection with Yoruichi Shihōin!


Masato smirked, seeing this. He had [Gods' Sight] activated as a passive skill now, due to his fast mana recovery. When he left with Akane, he could feel Yoruichi following after him. So he did what a sane person would do, used [Erotic Pierrot] on her.

He was glad that he learned [Energy Concealment] as it lets him hid his energy from others, even while using skills.

As he fucked Akane, he kept using it on Yoruichi to increase her arousal slowly. And her being a cat didn't help her as she soon changed back to her human form, and enjoyed the show that Masato presented to her.

He made sure to increase her arousal slowly so it doesn't look unnatural to her. If he increased it at once, he was sure that she would find something fishy—she is a cat after all.

Looking back at Akane, who had her holes leaking of his seed, he slapped her butt cheek, arousing a moan from her, "Wake up. Others will find out if you laid wasted here—more so with your holes leaking like that."

Though her mind was still numb, she opened her eyes as it landed on Masato's dick, which was covered in her and his liquids. Going down from the desk, she crawled to him as she gripped the shaft with both of her hands, "Mnnmg~! Let me clean it off for you, master~," saying, she opened her mouth wide as her tongue left it and took his dick in; in one go.

Her tongue swirling around as she greedily sucked on it. Masato was already soft but her sucking made him hard again, "Damn! You really are a slut, Akane~."

She didn't reply as her head started to move back and forth, sucking his dick and trying to milk him.

Gripping her hand tightly, Masato started to thrust his hips. Tears gathered around Akane's eyes as she fights the gag reflex. Her hand reaching her drenched snatch, her fingers entering her entrance, as she played with it.

"Fuck… I am about to come Akane! Take it all!" shouting, he released his seed into her throat as Akane greedily drank it all. Masato could hear the gulping sound. It makes it even more sensational as he felt the sucking sensation every time she gulped, her walls tightening around his dick.

With a pop, he took his dick out of her mouth as it landed directly in the center of her face. With her tongue out, she looked at his dick as her finger vigorously moved in and out of her slit. It didn't take her long before she came.


+5 affection with Yoruichi Shihōin!


Wearing his clothes, Masato thought for a while before throwing a badge at her, "Here, take this. If you are in danger, just break it," saying, he left the classroom. It was the badge that he got in one of his kills. All it did was notify him if it broke. It was a kind of signal sender.


With her fingers moving in and out of her slit, her other hand playing with her left-right breast, Yoruichi moaned.

After hearing Rukia's report about Masato, she had come to check on him after her discussion with Urahara. They needed to check if he was dangerous or not. If he was, she would eliminate him.

When she came here, she saw an innocent and adorable-looking boy. She really thought if he really was the one in Rukia's report since she could feel nothing from him. Not even single spiritual energy. Though that in itself was suspicious. It was the first time she has seen anyone able to hide their energy to such an extent that there is not even a single stain left on the person.

As she was spying on him, she saw him looking at her. She could see the excitement in his eyes—maybe he is a cat lover, she didn't know. Anyway, after looking at her for some time, his attention diverted back to the class.

'At least he didn't know who I am, and found nothing wrong,' she thought.

After the class ended, she saw him following after the class teacher. She didn't think much about it and followed after him, but she never knew that she would see him fucking his teacher.

She was surprised. How could an innocent and adorable-looking person be fucking his teacher? But here he was, ravaging her every hole. Though it was hot, it was not enough to make her aroused.

But, strangely, she was getting more and more aroused with his every thrust. Her imagination running wild as she pictures herself in Akane's place. Yoruichi was a cat, and cats were lustful—not really, but more than humans.

So, as she continued to watch, her own arousal started to rise. It soon reached the point where she couldn't control it anymore. Finally losing herself to lust, she changed back to her human form as her hand found itself into her drenched slit, while the other hand her breast.

Her eyes glued onto the couple as her imagination wandering everywhere. Imagining his dick entering her slit as he fucked her senseless, Yoruichi moaned loudly as she released her juices.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha… bastard… making me feel this way. To think he would have a relationship with his teacher."

But she didn't know that after today, she would realize how big of a beast he was that landing his hands on his teacher was not enough for him. After calming down, she changed back to her cat form and left towards the direction Masato had left.


Coming out of the class, he walked in the direction of his class. Reaching, his eyes landed on Tatsuki and Orihime—Tatsuki's mood was already not good today and it seems to affect Orihime too. Though he wanted to cheer them up, Masato was aware that emotional support was not his thing. He would definitely ruin it. I mean, he was a guy who would joke about serious matters.

Of course, if they come to him, he would definitely try his best to change their mood.

So after thinking for some time, he left the school. There was nothing much to learn from it anyway. With his intelligence, he was sure that he could ace easily.

As he was walking randomly, he hurriedly jumped back. The place he was standing—now stood a hollow there.

Masato's eyes narrowed as he could see that it was not a normal hollow. How? Well, his status was telling him all.


Race: Modified Hollow

Level: 251

HP: 5500

MP: 4500

CON: 5500

STR: 250

VIT: 352

DEX: 150

INT: 24

WIS: 87

LUK: 0

A modified hollow was created by Aizen Sosuke to test Masato Oosuki.


'So he is already aware, huh. Not that I am surprised, since he can see the whole Karakura Town. I would be surprised if he didn't find me faster,' Masato thought as he examined the hollow, who was standing 6 meters tall. He was not afraid of it as even with its high stats, Masato was confident in slaying it.

This is what made him different from others. Even though he was lower level than the hollow in front of him, his skill set made him stronger than it. His STR was greater than it too.

"Now, now~, I shouldn't say no to a free lunch now, should I?" he could tell that Yoruichi was also watching his currently.

'Now… what should I use? Mystic Eyes are out of option as I don't want to use them in front of Aizen. That bastard's brain is just cheating. I am sure that he would be able to come up with hundreds of possibilities regarding his eyes.'

Aizen, even though a villain, was the smartest villain. Masato was aware that even though he might not able to find what his eyes can do, he would definitely be able to find out some possible solutions to them. And he wanted Aizen to be arrogant in front of him till the end, only then can he surprise kill him.

Was he being a coward? He didn't care. To deal with someone like Aizen, strength didn't matter. Only by outsmarting him could Masato have any chance of winning against him. He still doesn't get how Ichigo was able to beat Aizen.

Don't look at his sword during the fight—what bullshit! You are fighting a close sword fight, how can your eyes not even fall on his sword even once? It was obvious that the author realized that he made Aizen's zanpakuto way too OP.

Without his [Gamers' Mind], Masato was definitely would have got under his genjutsu—yes, illusion sounds lame.

First, he lifted the gravity of himself. He had been training his physique with gravity and he did get 15 STR points since morning. Though they may look easy to get, he realized that the speed was getting slower and slower.

Feeling himself getting lighter, Masato took Rasaka's dagger out of his inventory and equipped it. He was going to play gorilla tactic with this hollow. Due to his massive size, his movements were bound to be slower than him, who could teleport and move 125 meters per second. In close combat, he was sure that currently only Yoruichi and Byakuya would be able to follow his speed—maybe some others too.

"YAAAAAA!!!!" the hollow shouted as it launched towards Masato, "God you are annoying. Was there a reason to shout? Seriously."

Gripping the dagger tightly, Masato vanished and appeared above the hollow. He gently landed on its head and increased its gravity.


With a loud sound, the hollow fell onto the ground, struggling to stand up. But Masato had more than 2k MP. Even though he can't crush it currently with gravity alone, it would be not hard for him to hold it down.

'This kid… he is fast,' Yoruichi, who was watching the whole fight from some distance, praised Masato's speed. She was known as Flash Goddess, and her praising Masato could tell how fast he was.

'But what is this weird way of pressuring the hollow? I don't feel spiritual energy being used,' she examined, 'Gravity? He can control gravity?'

She has lived a century. It was not hard for her to deduct what Masato was using.

'Strange… I don't think he is using Zanpakuto,' her eyes narrowed a little at the dagger he was carrying, 'Is he using Kido? Really a strange kid.'

Back at Masato, he was looking at the Hollow below him with apathetic eyes, "Well, you can die now."

Without blinking an eye, he lowered himself before stabling the mask of the hollow as it shrieks loudly. But Masato was not fazed as he kept stabling one after another. Seriously, he was thinking of creating a sword for himself. Though knife and dagger made it easier to cut the line, a sword was not bad either.

With the last shriek, the hollow turned into particles before scattering.


Ding! You have slain a modified hollow!



Three health potions, three MP potions, and three CON portions!

You have leveled up! You have leveled up!


'Two levels huh,' he was really glad that the system had an option of auto-loot, and he didn't have to do it manually. Taking his dagger back into his inventory, he was about to move when his eyes landed on the cat, standing 4-5 feet away from him, staring at him.

'… Does she even know how to spy? I mean, even if other does not feel suspicious of a cat, it's still creepy to see a cat staring at you since morning.' he thought, 'since she has seen me with Akane, might as well show her another session~."

Walking towards the cat, he picked her up. Surprisingly, she didn't resist. And Masato was glad for that. Rubbing his cheeks with her, Masato purred, "Hmm, so soft~. Why don't you come with me? I will take care of you."


The cat tilted her head, as if not understanding what he was saying.

'Yah, yah. Act all you want, it makes things easier for me."

"Then it is decided! You will be a part of my family from now on!" enthusiastically saying, Masato used [Gravity Manipulation], [Sneak] and vanished. His other skills were still activated i.e., [Mana Shield], [Physical Enchantment], [God's Sight]. They were kind of passive skills now.

Using [Flash Step], he vanished from his place.

After a minute or two, he appeared in front of his house as he knocked at the door. His smirk enlarging when he felt what was going on inside, 'Let me show you some steamy night, little cat~~,' he thought before the door opened.

Mamako was standing on the other side of the door, wearing only an apron.

"Do you want o eat? Or take a bath first? Or maybe… me?" hearing her saying that while showing him her skin. But the apron was hiding most of her privates so it did tease him a little.

Yoruichi's eyes widen as she didn't know what was going on anymore.

"Then I'll have you, Okaa-san~," Masato said as he laid Yoruichi at the side before going to Mamako and pulling her waist and kissing her.

"Kyaa~!" she cutely shouted before her lips were sealed.

'Mother! She is his mother!?!' Yoruichi screamed inside. It was getting weirder and weirder as she spent her time with him. First, it was his teacher and not his mother!

On the other side, Masato was feeling her naked back her his tongue roomed inside her mouth. Mamako also didn't hold back as her hands entered his shirt, taking it off in the process. Her hands enjoying the toned body of her son.

Pushing her against the wall, Masato's right leg was not between her thighs as Mamako rubbed her snatch with his leg. His right hand entering from the side of the apron, gripping her breast and molding it.

Mamako moaned inside his mouth as she felt a tingling sensation going through her body.

Masato was using his sex skills after all, but he didn't forget a feline voyeuring at them and started using [Erotic Pierrot] on her.

Pushing her future at the wall, the kiss intensifies as both were getting out of breath. Leaving her soft red lips, Masato landed kisses on her smooth white neck as he tailed them down to her collar bone.

Using his hands, he took her boobs out of her apron as it was placed between her cleavage. Looking at her big and beautiful breasts, her pink erect nipples.

Leaning down, he took her right breast into her mouth, his tongue rolling around the nipple, onto her areola. His other hand playing with her other breast, pinching her nipple every now and then.

Mamako moaned, rubbing her wet pussy onto his leg as she felt the pleasure rushing to her brain.

"Ah~! I-it feels good, Ma-kun~!" she called his name as she gripped his head, pushing it further into her breast.

Leaving her other breast, his hand went to her wet snatch and pinched her clit. It broke the dam as she moans louder than before, wetting his pants.

Her body losing all her strength as she leaned onto Masato, breathing heavily.

Picking her up in princess carry, Masato carried her into his room and throws her at the bed as she bounced on it. Licking his lip, he started to take his clothes off. His senses picking a naughty cat enjoying the show from the door.

Landing onto her, Masato opened her legs and adjusted his dick into her entrance. It was already wet enough that it didn't need any more foreplay.

He slowly started to enter her vagina as he felt the sensation of his dick slowly being wrapped around by her wet and warm walls.

"umng~!" she moaned as she felt him entering inside of her slowly.

Masato didn't rush as he took his time entering her.

"Don't tease Okaa-san~ fuck me hard~," seeing as he was not going to enter fast, she purred.

"Such a perverted mother you are, Mamako. You need some punishment~," he said, but didn't fasten his speed.

"Yesh~. Mamako is a perverted mother who lusts after her son! So please, please punish Mamako~!" she was in a full perverted mood.

"With pleasure," he said as he thrust hard into her, making her moan louder as she climaxed.

He didn't give her any time to relax as he ferociously started to thrust into her.

Mamako gripped the sheets into her fist as she moaned louder and louder. Her breast jiggling with every thrust.

His hand moving and gripping her breast, his speed not decreasing at all as he kept thrusting into her. Picking her from the waist, Masato sat on the bed as Mamako sat onto his lap with his dick still inside.

Not wanting to stop even for a minute, she vigorously started to move her hips, filling the room with the sound of their flesh hitting.

Taking a breast into his mouth, Masato nib her nipple. Her hand gripping her butt cheeks as he rammed his cock inside her. Wet sounds could be heard with every thrust, but were drowned by Mamako's moans.

At the side of the door, one could see a tanned woman fingering herself. Her naked body resting on the wall with her mouth pecking onto her nipple, her right hand's finger moving in and out of her pussy as she heard the loud moans coming from the room. Her eyes glazed as she imagined herself in the position of Mamako.

Masato smirked, seeing this.

"Ah! Harder! O-okaa-san is about to cummnngg~!!" she didn't complete her sentence as she cummed. Masato also released his seed inside of her womb, painting it white.

Mamako slumped on the bed with her legs open as his seed leaves her pussy.

Taking heavy breaths, he rolled her on the bed before plowing back into her slit.

"Ahhhhnnggg~~!!!" she moaned louder as she felt him entering her again.

Using his other hand, he entered his fingers inside her tight butt hole.

Mamako's eyes shot open, her teeth gritted tightly, and a dumb smirk plastered on her face.

Losing the hole with his hand, he took his cock out before ramming it into her ass, making her shriek in pleasure.

"Fuck!" Masato groaned at how tight her walls were. He spanked her ass, making her tighten her walls even more.

"Yesh~! Spank me more~! Punish Mamako~!!" her mind getting numb due to the sheer pleasure.

Using [Pleasure Hand] and [Increase Sensitivity] he started to fuck her again as his hand gripping her breasts, molding them into different shapes.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Hearing her moans increasing, Yoruichi's speed fastens. Even though she was fingering herself, she felt that something was missing.

Soon, both Mamako and Masato reached their limit as the cum. With one last thrust, his hips tighten as he released his second load into her ass-hole. His hands tightly gripping her butt cheeks, giving them a red hue.

Taking his dick out, he moved and sat near her face, onto her breast, and placed his dick close to her lips.

Understanding it, Mamko opened her mouth as her tongue touched the tip, licking it before Masato slowly pushed the whole thing inside of her mouth. Her one hand pinching her nipple and the other onto her pussy, she enjoyed herself as Masato face fucked her.

Releasing his third load into her mouth, Masato sighed in pleasure.

Mamako didn't release his dick and sucked on it hard as to take even the last drop out of it. Her eyes were already rolled back due to pleasure, and now she was working on pure instinct.

Enjoying the pleasure he felt as he tried to take his dick and Mamako trying to suck it back—really, it was heavenly.

Leaving her warm and wet mouth, he laid beside her, breathing heavily. His dick was still hard and he even had an idea of go and fucking Yoruichi. But he still wanted his little brother so he controlled himself.

Gently placing the blanked over the unconscious Mamako, he laid beside her. He was thinking that he needs a cleaning skill to clean themselves of the mess that they created.


+20 affection with Yoruichi!


Smiling to himself, seeing the prompt, Masato closed his eyes. He wanted to go and clear the first dungeon, but with Yoruichi outside, in her human form, he had to sleep. He still wanted her to believe that he didn't know about her. After all, that way, he can 'share' more with her and she would think that he was being honest, thinking that she was a cat.


"So… how was it?" asked a tall, lean man with light skin and gray eyes. His hair was messy and light-blond, with strands framing the sides of the face and hanging between his eyes.

"...Worst…" said a black cat in a manly voice.


"Why?" with a fan in front of his face, he asked.

"… I don't want to tell… but that guy is a beast…" answered the cat, again in a manly voice.

A shade covering his eyes, only magically showing his eyes, he asked, "Beast… so he is not a human? Can we have him on our side?"

"No… he is human, but he is also beast," answered the cat.

"It is confusing Yoruichi… is he beast or is he not?"

"Shut up!" scratching his face, Yoruichi ran to the window, "It doesn't matter what he is! And I don't want to explain to you! As for if he is dangerous or not, I think not. I'll spy his more," saying, she jumped out of the window and vanished.

"Ai, ai, ai. Rubbing his face, Urahara said, "What's her problem? So he is a beast or not?… she made it even more confusing…" he said before going back to the toilet, he was holding for such a long time now.



Ding! You have slain a hollow!

+5000 XP


You have leveled up!


"Finally!" Masato shouted.

He has been slaying hollows for such a long time and he was finally able to gain a level. He was wondering how easy mode dungeon has become tasteless. If not that he was fighting to kill the boss, he would have given up by now.

Looking at the big gate, prompting him to think how the fuck is there a gate in a Sahara, just floating in the air. It had a mask, bone mask to be exact, on both sides of it. They had skeleton-like hands, holing the nobs of the gate. Masato could swear that he saw their eyes glinting in red color as he reached close to the gate.

"Well, what's the point of all this fanfare? Seriously, it's a boss of easy mode dungeon and this game has made it look like I am about to exterminate the demon king that has been destroying the world for god knows how long and I am the messiah, the hero, chosen to slay him."

While talking to himself, he kept walking in the direction of the gate. Even though he only gained one level, his skills have leveled up a lot; especially, [Physical Enchantment], it was only five levels away from reaching the max.

His other skills have also leveled up and were not far from reaching the maximum limit. It was all due to the high mana recovery that helped him in maintaining the skills infinitely.

As he stood in front of the gate, the mask's eyes shone crimson before their hands started to pull the gates apart. Grey smoke left the gates as the gap between them enlarges.

The loud sound of the gates pulling apart filled the silent scenery. A moment later, the gates were finally opened. There was nothing inside, just an enormous plaza. Different pillars surrounded it. It definitely looked something out of the fantasy story.

Masato didn't even want to comment on the theme and entered it without much of a thought. Just as he entered it, the gates behind him shut closed and the candles above the pillars started to light up.

"YAAAAAA!!!" a loud shout filled the interior as a giant hollow fell from the sky. It… was a spider-like hollow. Its eight eyes, all landed on Masato, trying to intimidate him. But sadly, he had [Gamers' Mind]. It was useless trying to intimidate him.


Race: Hollow-Boss

Level: 500

HP: 15000

MP: 80000

CON: 15000

STR: 685

VIT: 921

DEX: 485

INT: 0

WIS: 0

LUK: 0


'Damn! This guy is strong,' Masato thought, 'But he is going to become my XP in the end.'

Taking the dagger out of his hand, he took his fighting posture. It seems that the system read the dagger mastery the same as the knife mastery. Because of that, he didn't gain a new skill related to it. But his knife mastery leveled up quite a lot.

The hollow didn't give him much time to think as it launched itself towards Masato. It becomes a blur as it transverse the distance between them in a second.

Masato didn't move and waited for the hollow to reach him. As it reached him, the hollow sent a punch to him that Masato counter with his own. His STR was already above thousands, so he was not afraid.

Both punches struck each other, creating a gust of wind. The hollow, whose STR was 685, didn't stand a chance against him as it was blown away. It stuck the wall some distance away, breaking it in the process.

Seeing this, Masato raised his hands and used [Telekinesis] to shake the rocks above it, making them fall on its head. Though the level of [Telekinesis] was quite low, it still could disturb the stuff around him.

The hollow shouted before coming out of the ruble. It opened its mouth and a red ball started to form in front of it.

Masato's eyes widen, seeing it, "What the fuck man!? Even a small fry of the easy dungeon can use Cero?"


The hollow released the Cero as it traveled to Masato. He had no plan of fighting against it as he would die for sure. So using [Combat Teleport], he appeared above the stun hollow.

His eyes turning to rainbow-color and his face losing all resemblance to human emotions. Did the Mystic Eyes make him emotionless? No, Masato thought that his emotionless face looks hella cool with [Mystic Eyes of Death Perception].

Seeing the Line of Death, his hand moved so fast that it was impossible to catch them with a normal eye, he cut the line as his dagger met with the mask, piercing it, and killing the hollow.

It shouted one last time before turning into particles.


Ding! You have leveled up!

+1 gacha token.

+1 Shana companion summoning gem.

Item: Wise Glasses – Increases WIS by 50.


"Summoning gem?" he muttered and clicked on its description.


Shana Companion Summoning Gem!

A gem that has a mystic summoning circle drawn in.

Use to summon Flame Haze Shana.


"Flame Haze Shana…" he thought for some time, "She is from the anime Shakugan no Shana. A tsundere, huh.

After thinking for some time, he put it into his inventory. Right now he was too weak to summon someone and take their responsibility. Maybe after he reached lieutenant level.

He took out the gacha token. It was a simple white crystal. There were no exotic diagrams on it or anything of that matter. He pinched his fingers as it turned to dust.


[Megitech Prosthesis]

An obviously robotic-looking prosthetic limb powered by magic. Can replace any human limb that is missing. Is no stronger or weaker than their limb would be, but it can be used as a focus for casting magic


A robotic-looking limb appeared in his hands. He didn't have any use of it, currently, so he threw it back into his inventory.

Now looking at the square glasses with black frame, he didn't think much and wore it—raising his WIS to 98. He put two SP into it, raising it to 100.


A perk has been unlocked for reaching 50 WIS!


You have accumulated knowledge of the world in your brain and can learn any particular subject fairly fast. There is no one else who is more worthy to be called a genius.

A perk has been unlocked for reaching 100 WIS!


You have spent years studying a particular discipline, such as physics, herbalism, dragon lore, history, politics, or religion. Every month, you can select one skill of your choosing from the universe you are in with a 100% chance of learning it.


"Good," he nodded in satisfaction. Both perks were great, to say the least; especially, [Scholar] as it gave him a chance to learn a single skill of his choice from the universe he is in. Though he could learn things from the skill books, there were many things he could not.

Looking at his status, Masato put 11 SP in DEX, raising it to 50, and the remaining 27 points to VIT. It was just too low.


A perk has been unlocked for reaching 50 DEX!

[Quick Draw]

You are only an instant away from being armed at any time. Readying your weapon is a non-action for you, as long as that weapon was previously holstered, sheathed, slung, or otherwise within reach.

A perk has been unlocked for reaching 50 VIT!


You are exceptionally difficult to kill or wear down. Every time your HP reaches 10%, your stats will increase by a fold.


Again, he was happy with both of his perks; especially, [Resilient]. The increase of his stats when his HP reduces to 10% was great. It was a life-saving perk in his eyes.

"Well, I think this is enough for today," saying, he raised his hand and escaped the I.D. Activating his skills, he left the place.


Well, here comes another chapter~~!

A lot of shit happened, or did it? Anyway, I am in a hurry as I am already late for the marriage venue. So, I'll keep it short and consistent.

The next chapter will almost cover everything till Byakuya and Renji are coming.

Is he becoming strong faster? I don't think so as you will realize it too once captains make their appearances. Also, I forgot to add Ichigo's character sheet but I'll update it in the next chapter.

This one is faster than the time I promised, just like the last chapter.


PS: If you find something missing or wrong, do tell me. Also, you can check the character sheet and perks, skills on the discord.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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meatball_sancreators' thoughts
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