
Keyra's fear

"Oh God...aghhh!" Keenan growled in pleasure, stomping his own deeper into Jasmine's. Let the seeds spill there, hoping to grow a little angel in his wife's womb.

Jasmine's body convulsed, gasping for breath. She went limp and closed her eyes while embracing Keenan who was still on top of his body but was slightly floating because he didn't want to make her who was still sick even more painful.

"Thank you," she whispered, staring at Keenan Jasmine with intense, then kissed her gently.

"Eghh...." Jasmine sighed again when Keenan's had been separated from hers. She grabbed the nape of her husband's neck and then pulled him in, kissing his lips again, which were slightly swollen from having kissed her so many times.

"Are you in pain?" asked Keenan when he saw Jasmine again silent and gasping for air. He rubbed his wife's slightly sweaty forehead.

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