
Sarah is like a ghost

"Alright, now go before I'll be angry with you," Luna exclaimed after breaking her kiss with Ethan.

Ethan smiled with relief, like a child who delights in candy. Okay, maybe Luna is like candy that she must eat every day.

"Okay, I'm leaving now," said Ethan and then got up from his seat, kissed Luna's forehead for a moment.

Ethan immediately walked down the stairs leading out of the house accompanied by Luna to the terrace.

Ethan immediately got in the car and drove to the office. during the trip, the man was very relaxed driving while listening to Maroon 5's song, entitled memories.

Drett ... drett ...

Ethan pulled the car over when he realized his smartphone was ringing, he immediately answered the call which turned out to be Richard.

"Hello, Richard," said Ethan as he linked up with Richard.

"Hello, Ethan, I've got information about Sarah," Richard said over the phone.

"Tell me what the information is," said Ethan.

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