
Sweet love Frans

At 11 p.m., Viona had not slept. She was shackled in loneliness and again feeling sad, glanced at the photo of her lost baby and stared at one of the photos she had with Edward when she was just pregnant.

sometimes she feels grateful to have been able to divorce from him, sometimes a sense of longing approaches. This kind of thing is normal when someone has been in love for several months until they almost have a baby, of course, the memories of togetherness sometimes still shackle and cause pain again.

Viona turned to look at the photo of her and Frans together, she had a smile on her lips. "Honestly, I wonder, why is it so easy for you to say you love me when I'm falling? Can love, at first sight, have a happy ending? I'm still a little doubtful of your love, I'm too afraid you're just like Edward who throws away when bored."

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