
Yudisthira Salman is Raging!

Evie Melody didn't care about the sour-faced Frans Winata.

She called Mrs. Esther Melody.

"Where's a mother?"

"In Singapore! Why?"

"Hah! I'm in Indonesia, my mother is there!

When are you coming home?" Evie Melody became grumpy.

"I don't want to go home!"

"Why... why?" Evie was confused.

"I'm lazy to meet Yudisthira's young wife!"

"Huh! Father Married Again?' Evie Melody screamed.

"He's not your father!" Esther Melody's voice rose.

"Sorry... mother! Who is she married to?"

"You don't know?"

"No! So Yudisthira Salman remarried?"

Evie couldn't believe it.

"Hmm!" Mrs. Esther Melody was quite happy, Evie no longer referred to Yudisthira Salman as "father" or "father". They are not blood-related.

"You don't know that?"



"What the hell is this mother...what's so bad about it?" Evie was confused.

"Frans didn't tell you?"


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