
Mr. Yudisthira kidnapped Nagita!

Mr. Yudisthira Salman's group moved towards a closed restaurant.

His guards stood guard at the door.

Iskandar did not dare to approach.

The man just perpetuated the incident from a distance.

The bodyguards of Mr. Yudisthira Salman did not stop his activities, they let him.

This is weird! But Iskandar didn't think so.

He only thought of getting a lucrative opportunity.

"Mr. Frans Winata must know this! Mr. Yudisthira Salman came to the hotel he had sold. Does he want to meet Nindy Hermawan here? Wow! This is great news!"_ Iskandar was about to press enter on his cellphone when he saw Nagita walking into the restaurant.

"Wait! Nagita met Mr. Yudisthira Salman! Did she represent Mrs. Nindy Hernawan? Mrs. Nindy Hernawan didn't come?"_ Iskandar sat down feeling disappointed.


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