
World 6.47


Red spit blood while grasping his right arm. He slid down and hid behind the cracked walls. He immediately reloaded his gun. He wasn't expecting that the smoke bomb will be disappear that quick.

He only took 3 men down and the rest came dashing forward out of nowhere. Since they already attract attention, for sure, the whole place will be alarmed. 

He got bruises by punching them and got his right arm shot. Red already gave Gray so much time that the ones guarding the doors forget their prisoner.

He perked his head up and observed his surroundings. He saw two men talking to each other. For sure, they're already looking for him. However, he had no time to hide forever, so he pointed his gun and started to crawl to the other side.

He winced when the pain from his right arm jolted.

Red successfully reached the other side without even getting noticed. 


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