
Chapter 79

They went to Enchanted sanctuary, when they arrived they could hear the sounds of nature became louder. There were the hoots of owls, the cawing of crows, and the buzzing drone of bugs as they went from flower to flower. Behind them,the trees that provided a natural barrier as the rest of the world faded into the distance, but bigger, older ones came into view. Their trunks ranged in color from dark brown to light gray. They rose high into the sky, creating a canopy that provided a roof of sorts for the Moors below. Within the canopy, magical birds called to one another while squirrels raced from branch to branch, undaunted by the height.

Alex whistled as magnificent Thunderbird—a creature like a large albatross, its glorious wings shimmering with cloudand sun-like patterns. As the Thunderbird flaps its wings, its habitat fills with a torrential downpour, thunder, and lightning.

Alex waved his hands to create translucent shield, shielding him from the rain.

As he eyes on the Thunderbird up high and said"Come on—come on . . .Freya is here to see you again."

Freya smiled at the Thunderbird,she had a bond with it.Slowly the Thunderbird calms itself, lowering down to stand on a large rock in front of everyone.

As it does, the rain dies down and is replaced by a brilliant, hot sunshine.

Alex produces a handful of grubs with his.magic. The Thunderbird watches intently.As he strokes the Thunderbird with his free hand, calming him, affectionate.

Freya petted the Thunderbird affectionately, she casts the handful of grubs high into the air. Indra soars majestically upward after them, sunlight bursting from his wings.

Everyone them saw something that ooked like deers, except their backs were covered with golden bronze scales.They also had two long strands of hair that looked like moustaches, one from each nostril, extending to their mid-torso.

Freya questioned"What is that?"

Hope with excitement explained "Qilins part-dragon, part-horse creatures which had  precognitive  abilities.They could also look into a person's soul and find out if they were pure of heart. If they perceived someone to be pure of heart, they would bow to them."

This awed them all,while Freya muttered"Quite an intresting creature."

Alex added"They keep a distance from human mostly."

Alex and Hope were lucky enough to find 3 or family of them.

Elijah hummed and said"I heard about them,they are used it ceremony called The walk of the Qilin.The ceremony was an ancient tradition.When the candidates for  Supreme Mugwump  of the International Confederation of Wizards attended the ceremony to find out who would be Head of the Confederation, a Qilin  would be.brought in to evaluate them and selected one they perceived pure of heart.They did not have to choose a person who intended to run for Supreme Mugwump, and could bow to anyone in attendance. If, however, the chosen person or candidate chose not to accept the position, the Qilin would pick another. The Qilin had unique abilities which provided a profound influence over who would ultimately be head of the Confederation."

A few moments pass. Suddenly, the loud wings can be heard flapping. After a moment,Opal it was the most beautiful dragons, with pearly scales that lined its body, and glittering multi-coloured eyes that had no pupils

Her talons and spikes on her neck, back, as well as tail were bone-white. She had two serrated fangs that jutted out of her upper jaw onto her bottom lip slightly, as well as with all dragons, had white, sharp, knife-like, meat-shearing teeth. Her head was roughly triangular and she also possessed four cheek spines, slightly curved horns and forehead spines between her horns.

Her body stature could be inferred as very aerodynamic and built for flying.

She lands down in the path. She is now almost fully grown. She folds her wings up beside her.

Alex drawing Opal next to him causing her to snort, stepping close closer to him, she is calmed by Alex'a aura and focused on him.The Dragon followed his outstretched hand,while everyone else of bewildered and in awe.

Alex slowly to a stop in front of the Mikaelsons, with the Opal inches from his outstretched hand.Alex turning to everyone said"You can touch him,he is safe."

Although they were reluctant at first,but soon came forward and touched the dragon snout.

Davina in awe muttered"This is amazing."

Kol agreed with his wife on this,while Hope added"You haven't seen anything yet,we found a new magical creature here."

This caused some curiousity to bloom in everyone,while Alex guided them to beach area or sea habitat.

As they neared the beach, the surf burst apart and the heads of three white stallions reared out of the waves.

Klaus caught his breath and muttered"What is that?."

Kol having read the Fantastic beasts and where to find them studied it and said"I though it looked like a Kelpie."

Elijah questioned"Kelpie."

Davina loved magical creatures and explained"A Kelpie is a shapeshifting water demon native to Britain and Ireland. Able to take any form, they usually take the form of a horse with a bullrush mane. After luring unwary travellers onto their backs, they drag them underwater and eat them, allowing the entrails to float to the surface of the water."

Klaus and Elijah quickly stepped back,while Kol scoffed at them.

He saw this creature from waist up have the body of a horse and from the waist down, have silvery fish bodies, with glistening scales and rainbow colored tail-fins. 

Kol could now tell these where not Kelpie, but something else and he remembered how even Kelpie could be rendered docile and harmless by using the Placement Charm to put a bridle over the creature's head.

As the creatures pulled themselves onto the sand, Alex explained"They are not Kelpie,but Hippocampi,they live in the Atlantic ocean and don't come to surface.It was my nature aura that drew them out.They are not dangerous as Kelpie

Freya stepped forward smiled and said"They are beautiful."

The nearest one whinnied in appreciation and nuzzled into Freya, Davina and Hope.

Hope was excited mounted one of the steeds,she said"Giddyup!"

Klaus was freaking out and shouted"Hope get dowm from there."

But her hippocampus turned and plunged into the waves.They raced around over the water at the speed of Jet Skis.

While Alex calmed Klaus down and said"Don't worry they are safe."

Klaus was not sure , but calmed down seeing Hope is safe and was having fun.Riding the hippocampus was even easier than riding a pegasus.They zipped along with the wind in Hope's face, speeding through the waves so smooth.

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