
Chapter 450

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!



I had just left the Transfiguration classroom which was my first class of the day, and now I was heading towards the sixth floor for my next class which will be Ancient Runes.

And when I got to the third floor I saw the fourth year Slytherins and Hufflepuffs leaving the Charms room.

And one of the Slytherin girls noticed me as soon as she left the classroom, and a smile immediately appeared on her face as she left her friends behind and quickly walked towards me.

"Hi Ethan!" Lily greeted me happily, standing next to me, "Are you going to the Ancient Runes classroom now?"

"Hi Lily" and I greeted the cheerful Slytherin girl back, "And yes, I'm going to the Runes classroom" I replied.

"Great, then in that case we'll go together," she said, before grabbing my arm without waiting for me to say something, starting to drag me with her.

And being dragged by the girl with silvery white hair I could only smile in amusement, and then we passed Daphne and Davis, who were the friends Lily had left behind to talk to me.

And I thought Lily would stop to talk to them or call Daphne to accompany us since she was also in the Ancient Runes class with us.

However, Lily didn't even pay attention to the two girls, preferring to keep talking to me.

And looking at Daphne I could see a sour, indignant look on her face, and I had to hold myself back from laughing at her.

However, I wasn't very successful at this, as I let out a small snort.

And not wanting Daphne to know that I was laughing at her I quickly tried to stifle the snort with my hand, but it seemed that this didn't work very well, since the Greengrass Heiress heard me.

And Daphne then turned to look at me, noticing my amused look, which made her stare at me with narrowed eyes.

'Damn Ethan' she thought, looking at me irritated, 'It's not enough that you try to steal my sister's affection, now you even want to steal my friends from me?'

And I didn't know what Daphne was thinking, but I could tell she was pretty annoyed with me.

And not wanting to continue being the target of her deadly gaze, I turned around, pretending not to notice or feel the murderous aura that came from the girl behind me.

"Cough... So Lily, it's been a while since we talked, right?" I said, looking at the girl holding me.

"Actually, it's been quite a while since we last talked or spent time together" Lily replied, looking at me with an upset pout.

"Oh, well... I'm sorry about that, I've just been really busy these days," I said as I looked at her apologetically.

"Hmm" Lily looked at me, trying to check the veracity of my words. And realizing I wasn't lying she nodded, "Okay, I forgive you" she said.

"Thank you" I smiled at her, but then she raised a finger and pointed it at me.

"BUT..." She began to say, "You have to promise me that you will try to talk to me every day at least a little bit, and also that you will spend time with me at least once a week."

And saying this she looked at me with her bright and big eyes, full of hope and expectation, awaiting my answer.

And faced with my weakness, the powerful puppy dog ​​eyes, I could only accept this deal.

"Okay, I promise," I said.

"Yay," Lily celebrated happily.

And seeing the joy of the little white-haired girl, I snorted in amusement, shaking my head ironically.

'I really feel like a big brother when I'm with her' I thought, smiling softly.


-Some time later-

Ancient Runes class had just ended, and now Lily, Daphne and I were heading to the Great Hall together for lunch.

"So where are we eating today? At the Ravenclaw table or in the kitchens?" Lily asked looking at me.

"Hmm, eating in the kitchens is interesting, but it's very chaotic and noisy there, and I don't think Daphne will feel very comfortable there" I said while rubbing my chin.

"Huh? Me?" Daphne asked in surprise.

"Yes, you," I replied, but then I noticed Daphne's frown, "What? You don't want to have lunch with us?"

"It's not that, it's just that I had already promised Tori that I would have lunch with her today," Daphne replied.

"Well, that's not a problem," I said, "You just need to call Tori and then the four of us can eat together," I shrugged.

"Oh... Well..." Daphne started to say, and she couldn't think of any reason to refuse my idea, "Okay."

"Nice," I smiled, "So now we just need to decide whether we're going to sit at the Ravenclaw table or not."

"Uh, I think we'd better choose another place for lunch" Daphne said with a strange expression.

"Why? Don't you like Ravenclaws?" Lily looked at her in confusion.

"It's not that... I just don't feel close enough to the Ravenclaws to sit at their table" she replied with a tight smile.

And Daphne didn't want to say that the other reason she didn't want to sit at the Ravenclaw table was because she didn't want to be stared at by Luna and Fleur when they both saw she was near me, like what happened on our last visit to Hogsmeade.

"But if we're not going to sit at the Ravenclaw table and we're not going to go to the kitchens, then where are we going to eat?" Lily asked.

And with this question from Lily, the two girls then began to reflect, trying to think of a good place for us to have lunch.

"Well, why don't we sit at the Slytherin table?" I suggested, which made both girls turn to me in surprise.

"Do you want to sit at the Slytherin table?" Daphne asked me with slightly wide eyes.

"Are you sure about this Ethan?" Lily had a worried look on her face.

"Yes," I replied with a shrug, "And I know what you're thinking, but don't worry, nothing will happen to me."

"And besides, I doubt any of your housemates will try to do anything to me, and even if they do, I know how to deal with them."

And listening to my words full of confidence and certainty, the two girls from Salazar's house looked at each other, knowing that I was right.

And they realized that the ones who really had to be worried were the other Slytherins, who should be very careful not to irritate or provoke me.

"Well then, I guess we'll have lunch at the Slytherin table," Daphne said, with a small, nervous smile.

"Yes" Lily nodded, with an expression just like hers.

And seeing that they both accepted my suggestion I smiled, "So then let's go, we can't keep Tori waiting for too long"

And saying that I turned and continued walking, heading towards the Great Hall.

And the two Slytherin girls looked at each other once again, ''This isn't going to be a calm lunch'' they thought, with Lily shaking her head with a wry smile while Daphne sighed.

But knowing there was nothing they could do to change this they just started following me, knowing that at least they would have some entertainment to watch while they ate.


-Headmaster Dumbledore's Office-

[POV – Third Person]

In the Hogwarts Headmaster's office two old men could be seen sitting across from each other while chatting and drinking tea, and these men were quite well known in the British wizarding community.

And they were the most powerful wizard in the world, Albus Dumbledore, and the retired Auror with the highest record of dark wizard arrests, Alastor Moody, or at least who everyone thought was Moody.

"So Alastor, are you enjoying teaching here at Hogwarts?" the Headmaster asked his 'old friend', who he didn't know was actually an imposter.

"If feeling stressed and tired means I'm enjoying, then yes," Fake Moody said with a frown, "Sometimes I feel like I'm back in the Auror Academy where I taught those arrogant, reckless newbie Aurors."

"It can't be that bad, right?" the Headmaster asked with a small amused smile, taking a small sip of his tea.

"You have no idea," False Moody snorted, "But I'm not going to say that there aren't some students who seem somewhat competent and know how to use their brains."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, but only one of them caught my attention, and it is that kid Night who is competing in the Tri-Wizard tournament" Fake Moody said, and this immediately piqued the Headmaster's interest.

"Ethan Night?" he asked, looking at Fake Moody with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, that's him," False Moody nodded, "He's more powerful, knowledgeable, and rational than his peers… And sometimes I also feel like he's quite experienced when it comes to defending against the dark arts."

"Hmm, I see," the Headmaster muttered, saying nothing beyond that.

'Looks like Ethan managed to impress even someone like Alastor... But I guess that's not that surprising, since anyone would be impressed by him after seeing everything he did in the tournament' the Headmaster thought.

And meanwhile False Moody started thinking about the black-haired Ravenclaw boy, and he had to bring his cup of tea to his lips to hide the smile that started to appear on his face.

'Ethan Night... A very interesting boy...' he thought with a gleam in his eyes.



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