
Chapter 390

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Next Day – Saturday-

Today was the weekend, which meant a day of relaxation for everyone, and after a hearty breakfast my friends and I left the Great Hall and the castle and headed towards the black lake.

Arriving in front of the black lake we sat on its shore, under the shade of a large tree.

And now completely comfortable, each one decided to do one thing.

Padma and Michael brought books to read, and Lisa, Stephen and Sue started talking about an adventure film that was coming out in theaters next month that they wanted to watch.

And in the last group was Luna, Terry, Anthony, and me, with the little girl playing with a butterfly while the other two boys talked.

What about me? Well, I was leaning against the tree with my hands behind my head and my eyes closed, resting as I felt the cold wind hit my face.

'I love the cold winter weather' I thought with satisfaction.

"Man, I'm so excited for today's classes!" Anthony said in an excited tone, and listening to him I opened my eyes to look at him with a strange look.

"Ignoring the strangeness of you saying you're excited for a class, I have to ask... What classes?" I questioned, wondering if my lazy friend had forgotten that today was the weekend.

And my question made him, Terry, and my other friends stop talking, causing an awkward silence to fall over the group as they looked at me with stunned looks.

"What do you mean by what classes?" Sue asked a little indignantly.

And she wasn't the only one to have that expression, as my other friends also looked at me as if I had just said something stupid.

"Huh?" I looked at them blankly, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

But they didn't answer me initially, and I could see my friends look at each other, before Padma turned to me.

"Ethan, do you know what day it is?" she asked me.

"Of course I know. Today is Saturday" I replied confused.

"Yes, but today is also the day of Flamels' first class" the Indian girl said, and hearing that I blinked.

"What?" I said smartly.

"You call yourself their grandson, but you don't even remember that today is their first day as teachers here at Hogwarts" Michael snorted.

But I didn't pay attention to him, because I was searching my memories, and after a few seconds I remembered a conversation I had with Nick the day before the first task.

And in that conversation he had told me that he, Penny and the Headmaster had already decided on the day of their first class, and that it would be next Saturday, that is, today.

"Oh" I blurted out.

"Really? And you're Ravenclaw's star student?" Terry said dismissively, and I glared at him.

"I'm sorry I don't remember that, it's just that my mind was busy thinking about plans to complete the deadly tasks of the Tri-Wizard tournament" I said dryly.

"You put your name in the Goblet of Fire because you wanted to" he shrugged, and even though it was true I still felt my right eye twitch while a vein pulsed on my forehead.

'Calm down Ethan... Trying to drown someone in the black lake is still considered a crime'

"Ahem, back to the topic" Stephen said, drawing attention to him, "Do you know what time the Flamels classes will start?"

"Hmm, I think Mr. Flamel's first class for the fourth years will start in 2 hours and Mrs. Flamel's class will take place after lunch" Lisa replied, before turning to Luna, "Sorry Luna, I don't know their class schedule for the third years"

"Oh, our classes with them will start tomorrow at 10 am" Luna said, and Lisa nodded.

"Well, it doesn't matter what their class schedule is, just know that I signed up for all of them." Sue said, her eyes shining with expectation.

"Same" Terry said, with the others nodding.

"Probably every student from all three schools signed up for their classes, and anyone who didn't is stupid," Michael said with a shrug, and I didn't disagree with him.

"Yes, but you know what, I still don't know what they're going to teach us" and listening to Stephen, the others looked at each other.

And they, like probably the other students at Hogwarts and the other two schools, also had no idea what Nick and Penny would teach us.

'Nick will probably teach Alchemy' I thought, before putting a finger on my chin, 'What about Penny... She's good in all branches of magic, but the ones she has the most knowledge about are the ones we already have classes with teachers, like Potions and Runes'

And thinking about this I looked at the sky while reflecting.

'I don't know what Penny will teach us, but whatever it is, I'm sure it will be one of the most incredible classes students will witness.'

And it might seem like I was exaggerating, but as an official student of Penny's I knew how good she was at teaching and how smart, knowledgeable, and amazing she was when it came to magic in general.

'Well, no matter what they two are going to teach us, I know it's going to be some interesting lessons'


-Alchemy Class with Nick-

'Looks like everyone signed up for this class' I thought, looking around and seeing that all the fourth years were in the classroom prepared for Nick's classes.

The room was large and simple, with large windows through which the sunlight illuminated the place, and looking ahead I saw Nick's desk with some objects on top, and behind that desk there was a large blackboard.

And I was going to continue inspecting the room, but I stopped as soon as I felt Nick approaching the door.

"Good morning everyone" Nick said as soon as he entered the classroom, greeting the students as he went to his desk.

"Good morning teacher"

"Hello Mr. Flamel"

"Good morning sir"

And hearing the students greet him back, Nick nodded, before looking at everyone with a calm look and a serious and professional posture.

'And he went into his teacher mode' I thought as I sighed.

"I believe there is no need for introductions, and as our time is not very long I will start the class immediately" he said.

And it may not have been the most exciting start to class, but the students didn't mind, with everyone wiggling in their seats expectantly.

"You all know what I am known for and what my specialty is, but you may still have questions about what I will teach you in my class."

"Well, from today until the end of this school year I will teach you about the difficult, stressful, and most complicated type of magic that exists... The Alchemy" and as soon as Nick said that the students started to smile excitedly.

And seeing all these excited and happy looks, I shook my head, knowing that their excitement wouldn't last long.

'It seems like they didn't listen to the part where he said Alchemy is stressful and difficult'

And Nick noticed it too, because he sighed, and for some reason I was feeling like he was used to people reacting like that.

'Well, I remember reacting the same way as them' I thought, before turning my attention back to Nick when I saw him about to start talking.

"Alchemy is the most complex branch of magic, as it requires a lot of time, knowledge and experience, and its main objective is the transmutation of one element into another" Nick began to explain, looking at all of us with a serious look.

"Alchemy has been in our world since ancient times, being a concept known to both Muggles and wizards, and its creation and functioning process is closely linked to other branches of magic, such as Potions, Charms and Transfiguration"

And while he was saying this he was also writing something on the blackboard, and when he finished writing he continued with his explanation.

"However, the practice and study of Alchemy is not limited to magic alone, and to be able to truly understand what Alchemy is, you will also need to have knowledge of various scientific and philosophical concepts"

And at this time he pointed to the several words he had written on the blackboard.

"Chemistry, Physics, Astrology, Art, Metallurgy and Medicine. These are just some of the things you need to know to be able to delve deeper into Alchemy" and looking at the students he saw everyone paying attention to his words, but he also noticed that some students looked confused as they looked at the words he wrote.

And it didn't take long for Nick to realize that these students were purebloods who had probably never heard or read these words before.

"From what I can see some of you don't seem to know what some of these concepts and branches of science are" he said, looking at these students who were mainly Slytherins, who looked away, feeling embarrassed for catching Nick's attention for not know something.

"Well, to summarize it in a way that you can understand, science is the 'magic' of Muggles, and they use it to do various things, such as cure diseases, create and destroy things, and they even use it to control nature to some extent."

And as soon as the word Muggle left Nick's mouth I could see Malfoy and his group grimacing in disgust and disdain from the corner of my eye.

But ignoring them I looked at my other classmates purebloods, and I could see that they were amazed at the fact that Muggles had developed their own form of magic, and that it was capable of doing so many things.

'It looks like this class will be enlightening for them in more than one way'



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