
Chapter 319

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


As soon as they realized I was advancing on them, the three remaining Death Eaters finally snapped out of their dazed states, taking out their wands and pointing them at me.

Knowing that I couldn't take advantage of the element of surprise any longer I went for a swift attack, launching a powerful lightning at the middle death eater, who managed to erect a barrier before being hit.

But the lightning, like an uncontrolled element, ended up spreading and hitting the youngest death eater, who was thrown away.

"Kill this bastard!" the leader shouted, canceling the barrier as soon as the lightnings were gone, throwing a yellow curse at me, which I calmly deflected.

And as soon as I dodged that curse I had to duck and jump to the side, dodging an explosive spell cast by the sadistic Death Eater.

I knew I couldn't just dodge and cast spells while they blocked, and unfortunately I knew I couldn't cast any very powerful spells as the women and children were still on the ground behind those death eaters.

The only options left to me were to drive them away from the veelas or use a spell that bypassed their barrier.

Dodging yet another spell I began to scan my terrain, until an idea came to mind.

Nullifying a disarming spell, I created a fiery whip, swinging it and slamming it into the sadistic Death Eater's thigh.

"Argh! You son of a bitch" he yelled angrily, stepping back as he limped and clutched at his leg.

Using a levitation spell, I lifted some sticks from the ground and transfigured them into thorns, throwing them at the injured Death Eater.

But before it could hit him his partner blasted them.

"Focus on the battle!" he said to his partner.

And seizing that moment I continued my attack, raising the wand in my hand.

But my senses warned me of danger, and I rolled to the side, before skidding to a stop on my knees, looking to the side only to see the youngest Death Eater on his feet.

He was holding his useless arm which was bleeding and burnt, while his Death Eater robe was charred and smoking.

'Oh, apparently the lightning wasn't that powerful' I thought, but I couldn't complete my thoughts because I had to raise a barrier to protect myself from two lethal spells.

"Let's go! We're three against one, we just need to keep pushing this bastard!" the leader instructed, not stopping his attacks.

But just as they continued their attack, I continued mine, always paying attention to my surroundings and the veela in the background.

And while I was casting spells and dodging I was using wandless magic to transfigure the grass, leaves, sticks and anything else that was on the ground into sand.

Since these Death Eaters were obviously unaware of my ability to use wandless magic, they paid no attention to my hand, let alone the terrain below them.

"Damn it! There are three of us! Why can't we kill this little shit!?" the sadist exclaimed irritably, creating a barrier to stop my slashing spell, but he didn't expect a second spell that landed on his shoulder.

"Fuck!" he snarled, 'If it goes on like this we'll end up being outclassed... So far we haven't even managed to hit this sneaky bastard!'

I kept attacking and dodging their spells, frowning when I saw they weren't moving away from the hostages, probably also realizing that I was holding back so I wouldn't hurt them in the crossfire.

"{Bombarda}!" the wounded young Death Eater exclaimed, and I saw his spell coming towards me.

And with an amazing display of my magical control I caught his spell on the end of the wand I was using and deflected it away.

"What a hell?!" one of the death eaters exclaimed in amazement.

Seeing this I didn't lose concentration, and prepared to continue our battle, but then I noticed a hiss coming from the wand, and looking at it I noticed that it was starting to crack.

'Damn, this wand isn't holding up because it's not compatible with me' I frowned.

But then I looked down at the ground, feeling the tiny grains of sand with my senses, and with that I let a small smile creep across my face.

And with new conviction I stopped holding back so much, and began a new round of spells, targeting especially the youngest Death Eater who was already injured.

"Do you think that's enough to defeat us!?" He asked with an arrogant tone.

"Yes, I think so," I replied flatly, and hidden from the Death Eaters' eyes I held up two fingers on my hand that wasn't holding a wand.

"Heh, you arrogant bug" the young Death Eater said in irritation, raising his hand.

However, before he could do anything the earth beneath him deformed, and some roots appeared and quickly and aggressively pierced his body.

"Ugh!" he grunted in surprise and pain, looking down at his body.

And soon after that the roots returned to the earth, dropping the body limply to the ground, with the death eater never moving again.

"Shit..." the leader muttered, a little tense, 'Who the hell is this guy?!' he wondered.

And his question was answered with more spells being cast on him.

'I think that's enough' I thought, dodging to the side, before creating a barrier.

And as soon as I canceled the barrier I raised my wand again, a fire spell coming on the tip of my tongue.

However instead of a spell coming out only sparks came out of the tip of the wand, and looking at it I could see that the cracks had widened, reaching the core of the wand.

'Damn' I thought.

And in that moment when the wand failed, the leader Death Eater took the opportunity to cast a disarming spell at me, and I could have dodged it, but I decided to let him hit me.

And with a defective wand, unsurprisingly, the spell landed in my hand, and the wand went flying out of my hand, before falling uselessly to the ground.

And as soon as he managed to disarm me a feeling of joy came over him, and seeing this I dropped my hands.

"Sigh... You gave us a lot of work" the leader said, finally feeling some relief.

"It just means you guys are weak" I scoffed.

"Oh, so even in that situation you think you have the right to make fun of us?" the leader asked, mildly amused, but I could also sense that he was irritated.

"Yes, after all, this battle isn't over yet" I said, letting my magic flow through my hands.

"Hah, but without your wand what are you going to do?" the sadistic Death Eater chuckled, "You're no worse than a Muggle now!"

"And who said I need a wand to do spells?" I asked, and before they could even think about what I said I held up both my hands.

And to the shock of the two Death Eaters, sand rose from the ground and grabbed their arms and legs, trapping them tightly.

"But what? When?" the sadist looked confused, trying and failing to break free.

"What the fuck?" the leader Death Eater asked no one in particular, looking in surprise and panic at the sand that trapped him.

"It's over for you," I said, raising my hand as I controlled the sand to cover them.

"No... Argh..." the leader tried to say, but he was choking on the sand that was going up his face and getting into his mouth and nose, preventing him from breathing.

"W-wait... Do you know who I am?" the sadistic Death Eater started to say, but I ignored him, "P-please, f-forgive me…" he tried to beg.

And seeing the panic and fear in their eyes I remained indifferent, and as soon as the sand finished covering their bodies completely I clasped my hands together.

"Goodbye worms" I squeezed my hands.

And with that the sand covering the two Death Eaters in front of me contracted, pressing down on them and crushing and pulverizing them.

Feeling that their magic was dispersing and no longer hearing their heartbeat, I let go of my hands, making sand with blood, organs and bones fall to the ground.

And ignoring the grotesque scene in front of me I relaxed my body.

This was the first time I used the spell I created inspired by Gaara's Sand Burial in real combat, and I couldn't be happier with the result.

'It's over' I thought, looking at the veelas who looked terrified at me.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help" I said, but they continued to stare at me for a while until I realized that I was still letting my magic out, which was putting pressure on them.

Controlling my magic back in my body I could see them relax.

The women then began tending to their injured friends, still keeping a wary eye in my direction.

'Since I've already taken care of this group, then I'll continue my hunt' I thought to myself.

However, as soon as I turned around a green light lit up the forest, and turning around I looked up, which was where the light was coming from.

And high up in the sky was a dark skull with a snake sticking out of its mouth as it was lit by an emerald glow.

'The Dark Mark' I thought, 'So Barty Junior managed to escape his father's control just like in canon... Now just wait for his master to go look for him in his house'

And with one last nod I turned and started to leave.

'Well then I guess that means my work is done here' I sighed, a little tired, more mentally than physically, 'Now I just need to worry about my parents' reaction to my little trick'

And thinking about it I couldn't help but sigh wearily, knowing that facing my parents' questioning would be a more difficult battle than facing the Death Eaters.



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