
Chapter 279

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


After a few seconds I was still standing looking at Myers while holding his wand, pointing it at him.

I knew there were many spells I could use to end his life, but even with the incantation of those spells coming to the tip of my tongue, I still couldn't say them.

I knew what I had to do, but something in me kept me from doing it.

Letting out a frustrated sigh I lowered my hand with the wand, placing my free hand on my head, rubbing my hair as I started to pace back and forth across the room.

"Come on Ethan, you can't hesitate, you have to kill him, only then will you be cleaning the world of this scum" I said to myself, in a stupid attempt to convince myself that becoming an assassin was the best option in this situation.

I knew that in the coming war I would have to kill someone at some point, and that in fact it had been my intention from the start to kill every Death Eater I encountered.

But saying and doing are completely different things, and I couldn't find the strength to take another person's life.

That seems stupid considering all the things I've done, but killing someone just feels…wrong, it's hard to explain the feeling.

"You've crippled several wizards before, and that's far worse than death, so why would you… why am I hesitating" I wondered, sighing once more.

Shaking my head, I looked down until my gaze landed on the wand in my hand before I turned and looked at Myers.

"Maybe I just need some motivation," I mumbled, and then I walked over to Myers, kneeling down in front of him and placing my hand on his head.

"This is going to suck" I said with a grimace, "[Legilimens]"

And with that, I managed to force my way into Myers' mind, where I began searching his memories for every moment in his life that he did something evil and despicable.

His mind had a little protection, but I already expected it, as being an Auror and a son of a pureblood wizarding family I already suspected he would have learned the minimum of Occlumency.

But because he was unconscious and because my Legilimency was powerful, I tore his barriers like paper, glimpsing all his intimate moments and secrets.

As I searched his mind, flashes and flashes of memories flashed before my eyes, and with each memory my contempt, anger and disgust for Myers grew.

I saw him torturing magical creatures that his father bought illegally on the black market, I saw him and his friends who were almost as despicable as him "playing" with a homeless man, testing their new spells on him.

I saw him abuse a muggleborn witch and then erase her memory.

And I saw him and his father torturing and experimenting on a house-elf in the most cruel ways possible.

And not even Marcel, who is a true dark wizard, tortured the creatures in his experiments like that.

Nauseated and not wanting to see these things anymore I pulled out of Myers' mind, and returning to the normal world I felt my knees go weak before I sat down on the floor.

I was staring at the floor with a pale face, feeling the bile rise in my throat, but I held it down and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths to try to calm down.

But as I tried to calm down I felt something run down my cheek, and running my hand over it I realized I was crying, both from anger and sadness.

And closing my hand tightly, I looked back at Myers, only this time I was staring at him with an immense hatred, and this hatred was so great that my magic was getting out of control, but I didn't care about that, and even less about my eyes that started to shine with the pupils becoming slit-shaped.

Getting up slowly, I took a deep breath, this time not letting my fear and guilt show, but only anger and hatred.

And I raised my hand that held the wand, squeezing it tightly.

"Trash like you don't deserve any second chances, and don't even deserve to breathe the same air as me" I said coldly, and strangely and suddenly I felt a cold calm pass through my body, calming all my emotions.

Straightening my body, and feeling the magic around me embrace me, as if trying to calm me down, I sighed.

After that I held the wand firmly, only this time I was looking at Myers with a face devoid of any emotion, be it rancor or hatred.

"I hope you suffer and rot in the depths of hell" I said aloud.

And after I said that, from the tip of the wand, sparks and little emerald green rays that looked familiar started to come out, and then the cells room was illuminated by a light.


-Ministry Atrium-

[POV – Third Person]

Sirius and the others had just exited the elevators, arriving in the atrium.

They were on this floor as they were going to wait for Amelia, who wanted to talk to them about the last details of Sirius' release, but as soon as they stepped into the atrium they were surrounded by a group of journalists.

"Mr. Black, how do you feel now that you are a free man?"

"Mr. Black, what do you intend to do now?"

"Is it true that you're moving to Alaska?"

And just as one would expect from them, the journalists immediately started with a barrage of questions, giving Sirius, Andromeda, Nick and Penny no space or time to breathe or respond.

Moody who was accompanying them was looking at all the journalists with his magical eye, and noticing their approach he started to frown, and snarling he walked forward, preparing to use some "educational" magic to drive these journalists away.

But that wasn't necessary, as Nick raised his wand, producing a great high-pitched crack, silencing everyone and drawing their attention to him.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, we have an important matter to deal with and you are blocking our way, so would you excuse us?" Nick said with a polite smile, however those more experienced and more observant could see the power that was leaking from him .

"Err... Who are you?" a young journalist asked confused.

"Oh, me? I'm nobody important" Nick replied as he waved his hand dismissively.

The young journalist was looking at Nick strangely, but obviously some people recognized Nick.

"You are Nicolas Flamel!" one of the journalists, who was an old man with a big mustache gasped in shock.

"Nicolas Flamel?! As in the greatest alchemist in the world?" a woman asked in surprise.

"The creator of the Philosopher's Stone?" a young woman, who had probably just graduated from Hogwarts, asked with an admiring look.

And realizing that his appearance only made the journalists even more excited, Nick turned with an embarrassed look at Penny and the others, noticing his wife staring at him with her arms crossed and one eyebrow raised.

'Sigh... This is going to take longer than I expected' Andromeda thought, torn between wanting to palm her forehead and jinx the journalists.


-Amelia's Office, Head of DMLE-

Amelia was in her office archiving the notes and depositions from the Pettigrew case, satisfied and relieved that the plan had worked, getting a criminal put behind bars.

She was also thinking about the conversation she would have with the minister about the compensation Sirius would receive for all the years he spent in prison, knowing that this would be a boring conversation, but she managed to settle for knowing that it would be much worse for Fudge.

Amelia was finishing putting away the last parchment, but she was interrupted by a young auror rudely opening the door to her office.

Frowning, she turned to this auror with a stern look, but he didn't give her time to say anything before he began to speak.

"Boss, Pettigrew has escaped," the young auror said breathlessly, panic and worry in his voice.

"What?!" Amelia exclaimed, standing up in shock.

"Pettigrew escaped, he's not in his cell and the aurors couldn't find him anywhere else!" the auror said.

"What happened to Aurors Myers and Connor? They were supposed to be watching Pettigrew" Amelia asked with a frown, putting on her cloak and picking up her wand.

"We found Connor unconscious inside one of the cells, but Myers... He was killed... Killed by the Killing Curse" this auror said, clenching his fists and looking away.

Myers might not be the friendliest Auror in the department, but he was still one of them, and now knowing that he was killed, and probably by Pettigrew or an associate, made him angry.

And Amelia, upon hearing Myers's cause of death, paused, frowning, realizing that the situation was worse than she'd expected.

And saying no more she left her office, passing the young auror who started to follow her.

And all the way across, Amelia could only stare ahead worriedly, realizing that things weren't over yet.

But as she thought about that something else came to her mind, making her want to sigh in frustration.

'I don't even want to imagine Sirius' reaction when he hears about this' she thought.



(End AN: Out of curiosity, I would like to know which are your three favorite animations.

What are three animated movies that make you happy, amazed, and feeling good?)

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