
Chapter 181

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


"Oh, how sad to hear that you forgot about me" Marcel said with an obviously fake sad look, "I thought you would remember your great friend and housemate that you tormented and even tried to knock headlong down the stairs at Hogwarts."

As soon as Marcel said that, the man's face gained a look of recognition, before being replaced by a frown.

"Marcel" he growled.

"Hello Rowchard," Marcel said, a cheerful, friendly smile on his face, as if a dozen wands weren't pointed at him.

"Let me guess... Did you come here to get revenge on me?" Rowchard said, but Marcel just laughed.

"Hahaha, you think you're very special, don't you?" he said dismissively, "What you did to me at school for me was just a little kid trying to get attention... I'm here for him" Marcel said pointing to Rowchard's back.

Turning their faces in the direction Marcel pointed, Rowchard and his family saw that he was pointing at Sebastian.

"What?" Rowchard asked confused, "What do you want with—"

"Shut up! Don't disturb our reunion" Marcel said, pulling out his wand quickly and disarming everyone in the room with a simple wave while at the same time silencing Rowchard.

He then turned to Sebastian with a happy, expectant smile on his face.

"I've waited a long time for this moment... Father"

As soon as he said that, everyone in the room widened their eyes in shock, and Sebastian looked at Marcel angrily.

Rowchard glared at Marcel, but because of the silencing spell he couldn't speak, not that he needed to, as his mother spoke what was going through his and everyone else's minds in the room.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You can only be delusional if you think Sebas is the father of someone like you." she yelled, which only made Marcel's smile grow even wider.

"Heh, if you don't believe me, just look at your precious husband's face," he said.

"Don't talk nonsense! I never had another child, and my husband would never cheat on me! You're just a delusional madman who—"

"Enough Calista," Sebastian said with authority, surprising his wife and the others in the room.

"What? But—" Calista started to say, but a look from Sebastian silenced her.

Sebastian then began to walk towards the front of his family, with firm and calm steps, stopping a few steps away from Marcel.

"What do you want Marcel? Money? Part of the inheritance? Recognition?" he asked, but the answer he got was Marcel chuckling.

"Do you... Do you really think I need something from you? A man who doesn't know how to take care of his family and doesn't stay true to his wife?" Marcel asked after catching his breath.

"Enough talking nonsense, tell me what you want and let's get this drama over with" Sebastian said, but then Rowchard who had the silencing spell canceled called him.

"Dad... Is he really your son?" he asked uncertainly.

"Oh, your father never mentioned me or my mother to you? That's a shame" Marcel said with joy as he saw Sebastian's face contort, "Come on Dad, tell him about how easily you abandoned me and about how you left my mom alone to die."

"Stop bullshitting Marcel, we're not here to listen to your sad life story" Sebastian said, "Say what you want to keep silent and get out of here"

"And who said you have something I wanted?" Marcel asked tilting his head in confusion, "If you think that by giving me some alms and gold you will get me to keep your infidelity and your fatherly failure a secret, you are very much mistaken."

"You don't have a choice. I'm still giving you the choice to get out of here unharmed with something. In a few moments the wards will activate and they will recognize an intruder, and then a signal will be sent to the ministry, and then you'll only leave here to go to Azkaban or the cemetery as a dead body." Sebastian said.

"Oh, how nice of you... I wish you had extended that same kindness to my mother" Marcel said calmly, "And don't worry about the wards, they won't activate"

"What do you mean?" Sebastian asked frowning.

"Well, your wards only recognize trespassers that aren't on your whitelist or aren't a Greengrass" Marcel said, and then he grinned, "And guess what... I have Greengrass blood running through my veins! "

As soon as he said it, Sebastian's frown deepened, for he knew Marcel was right.

"Damn" he growled.

Sebastian, knowing he had no other option and knowing he was dealing with someone seeking revenge, quickly pulled out his wand that had been stowed away all along and cast a string of spells on Marcel.

Marcel, seeing those spells heading his way, just deflected them with the tip of his wand as if they were nothing.

"You know, if you were younger I might even have a problem, but now I just see a weak old man," he said, dodging a bone-breaking spell and blocking a blood-boiling spell.

Marcel was fighting with his Magic Insight turned on, so it was easy for him to duel against his father who no longer had the same power he had at his peak.

At some point the other members of the Greengrass family who knew how to duel picked up their wands from the ground and also started casting spells on Marcel.

Marcel didn't seem to care about the other opponents, and I could tell he wasn't being repressed, quite the contrary, he even seemed relaxed while dodging spells and defending himself.

Even in an 11-on-1 duel, Marcel was slowly dominating them all, and it made me realize that Marcel wasn't just another scholar.

If his goal was world domination, he would have managed to become one of the worst dark wizards the British wizarding community had, just like Grindelwald and Riddle, but that's probably just my guess as I've never seen the other two dark lords duel.

Watching this one-sided battle, I was wide-eyed, both from seeing Marcel's power and knowing that I wouldn't be able to defeat even one of the adult Greengrass.

"This is getting boring," Marcel muttered, and then with a quick shake he disarmed Calista, a young man who looked like he'd just graduated from Hogwarts, and two men.

Then he swung his wand down as he waved his hand to create a barrier to protect himself from the other spells.

'Wandless magic' I muttered surprised, as I hadn't seen Marcel use wandless magic in his memories, even though I knew he could.

Returning to the duel, the ground below the Greengrass family began to shake, knocking some of them off balance, giving Marcel time to disarm them.

The only one who stood his ground was Sebastian, who kept casting dark spells on Marcel.

'None of them noticed that Marcel isn't trying to kill them?' I wondered, but then I thought they were probably too focused on the battle to realize that.

"{Avada Kedavra}!" Sebastian exclaimed, but Marcel simply levitated a vase to defend himself from the spell.

"Tsk, Tsk... Are you already casting the Killing Curse? But we haven't even started" Marcel said, and then he started to increase the intensity of his spells.

Under Marcel's relentless and powerful attack, the rest of the Greengrass family could only defend themselves, with more and more people being defeated, and even those who had already been disarmed picked up their wands from the ground to enter the duel again, only to be defeated and disarmed again.

"{Crucio}!" Rowchard yelled, but against his expectations Marcel quickly disarmed him.

"Cool, my turn... {Crucio}!" Marcel said, casting the torture curse on Rowchard, who couldn't bear the pain that was coursing through his body and began writhing on the floor while screaming.

"Rowchard!" Sebastian yelled, and then he started an offensive against Marcel, who smiled excitedly.

The duel between the two continued, with Marcel's obvious advantage.

"{Expulso}!" Marcel exclaimed, dodging another Killing Curse and sending Sebastian flying.

"That was fun dad," he said, using his wand to pull Rowchard towards him.

"What?" Calista muttered, having recovered from a stunning spell that hit her, only to see her child in Marcel's hands.

"Rowchard!" she yelled, catching the attention of Sebastian, who was lifting himself up off the floor with his hand gripping his right side, groaning in pain.

He looked over, and saw Marcel crouching beside his son, raising his wand high.

"NO!" he shouted, but it was too late.

Marcel then tapped the tip of his wand on the ground, and around the two of them a large, translucent, red barrier formed.

"Well... let's start the main event" Marcel said, looking cruelly at Rowchard.



(End AN: Hey guys, here's another wonderful chapter of The Ethan Chronicles! What do you guys think of Marcel's little Arc?

I'm not very good at character development, let alone world development, but I hope you guys enjoyed this part of the story.

Oh, and I'd like to give a warning to you readers who are also writers who have a troll spamming 1-star ratings for every story, and I'm not exaggerating. He's giving even the best WebNovel stories negative ratings for no reason.

I don't remember his name, but he's French and seems to mainly target stories with positive reviews.

But well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a great day!!)

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