

Taylor looked at the man with a wince, she wanted to curse him even if he probably saved her right now... Again...

But she couldn't, not after...

Taylor still remembered how the imprint, or how he called himself, a Fragment died, or gone at first Taylor was confused, confused by his actions, his threats to heroes, to PRT, Protectorate, and the entire world...

Taylor remembered how her first days after that event went, her father panicking, people calling for her blood, PRT agents and soldiers outside of her house, to protect her, or how she later found, to watch her and make sure she doesn't do anything other with their weapons ready in case she again went outside of her house...

That was until the Snow started to melt, and the MIRACLE happened or was found out...

That made her name, a Taylor, spoken even more, as even governments of the entire world wanted a piece of her, and people went from calling for her blood and calling her villain to call her hero...

And yet Taylor couldn't help but feel empty at their words, words of praise, of acknowledgment, of promises, Taylor felt numb as she felt from the time the fragment disappeared...

And them calling her hero when Taylor did nothing, NOTHING just made her even angrier, knowing that it was not her or how people called him a projection of her's that made the MIRACLE, it was not she, it was his work, but just Taylor's father believed her, or at least he tried to...

The MIRACLE was, Taylor saw the news, was on PHO website and could see it true from the entire world, people called her Newbringer, they called her anti-thesis to Endbringer's, something even Triumvirate heroes weren't called, immediately Taylor found herself spoken among the tops of the world...

They said she was better than Alexandria than Eidolon, Legend, or the death Hero, something Taylor again found tickling on her nerves, on her subconsciousness...

The MIRACLE was called what happened once the Snow started melt firstly, nobody saw any change from normal Snow, and people thought that Taylor just had elemental power's, more precisely about Snow, but that stopped once the first call was called, and once people gone frenzy to go outside and bathe in the slowly melting snow...

Because once the Snow started to melt, the people who were in direct contact with the water the Snow created were healed...

No matter what illness, injury, or ailment, or even mental problems such as personality disorder or just depression, once in contact with the Snow, the injured could see their wound's healing, not leaving even scar's, the sick could feel themselves getting better, the depressed felt at peace as if the world finally had meaning...

Report's of such things spread like wildfire, and most were skeptical, calling it some master shaker effect, but the desperate ignored call for consideration, for waiting for governments to give a green call, as everyone could see the snow melting, nobody wanted to risk chance for healing that was slowly ticking down...

Report's of healed cancer's, of mentally ill people thinking straight, of depressed finding new happiness, of multiple other cases spread around the world faster than even Endbringer attack could bring, and hospitals were cleared as patients gone out to bathe in Snow, how subordinates ignored head doctor's call to help the patient's that couldn't move and brought them outside, how mental asylum nurses and helper's get the crazy out, watching with bathed breath's how the mad raving people slowly regained their new or rather old senses...

But that wasn't all, not at all, for it didn't stop around humans, as new images from mobile's and camera's spread, of once toxic wasteland cleared into nature miracles, of toxic and dirty water clearing into something that was seen thousands of year's ago before humanity had time to pollute water, of forest's gaining new color's, park's gaining new life, lakes, ocean's, and river's clean of any pollution, of how even air felt much cleaner than on mountains peaks even in the middle of industrial cities...

Of how people tried the water outside and said it was much better than what they had in-home taps or water bottles that promised spring-like water...

Of how not just humans, but even nature around the entire world gained new life...

Hell, Taylor heard how her father said that even Brockton bay dock's that should be full of toxic from all the corroded ship's and their cargo was clean, a cleaner than any water he ever saw...

PHO, tv news and all the information center's were full of such miracles happening all around the world, and in all, one thing stayed the same...

Her name, Taylor Hebert, was called all around the world as if she was next second coming, something she herself didn't see the same...

Taylor was then promptly with her father transported to Rig for her protection, they said, yet Taylor didn't feel it same as everyone was questioning her, wanting for her to repeat the same miracle, no matter how many times Taylor told them it wasn't her who done it, once they stopped questioning they started demanding, and Taylor started to fear, until they surprisingly let her out, at first Taylor didn't know why, but then she found out...

Taylor, who became a celebrity for the entire humanity, was seen escorted to Rig, and some people who were working there just said it to the news or released information of how she was being treated, for the entire world ganged up on the USA, even US citizens called for blood until even president himself needed to step into it and order PRT to release Taylor, next day, not even day and Taylor saw how National guard marched into the city, but this time Taylor knew it was more than just to coerce her or intimidate her, for Taylor could read theories on PHO, could see read of S9 the Slaughterhouse Nine and other groups such as Fallen and Teeth were said that they would come to Brockton Bay especially to her, and with people not willing for the government to have Taylor in custody, all the government could do was to send their own forces in, and as such Brockong Bay was in next day welcoming armed forces, but it didn't stop just there...

Taylor read how Ambassador's on Accord's command started battles, how even Elite that was led by a cape called Uppercrust started coming to Brockton Bay, at first people were worried until it was clear that they didn't come seeking war or establishing their presence, as Uppercrust made a public announcement that he is indebted to Taylor as she healed his brain cancer, how he would co-work with the government to protect her from more unsavory villains, nobody knew if he spoke the truth, but once Uppercrust started building defenses around Brockton Bay, people started to believe, still, Accord himself didn't make a public speech, but his Ambassdor's made it clear that they were there because of one of Accord's plan's...

The crime in the city became for a while non-exist as even Empire, Merchant's, or now Lung-less ABB became more subdued with National guard and Heroes from the entire world coming to the city to meet her, to ask her for additional help or outright demand from Taylor her help which she didn't any have to...

The following days were too hectic for Taylor who didn't know where to look first or what to do with her new status as a world celebrity or Hero with capital H...

So much that Taylor didn't even notice how her school, the Winslow became almost warzone as secret's started to flow out, especially her bullying victim status got out from the students whose family member's were healed by the Snow and felt in debt to Taylor, and thus coming out as both witnesses and sometimes even as participants of bullying spree...

No need to say that once Taylor noticed it, it was too late as the entire school faculty were questioned by the FBI and other government agencies as PRT too got burned once the status of Shadow Stalker got out as the PRT agent who worked with her, and practically omitted any bullying or such was seen being lynched by the zealots who started calling Taylor as second coming, even armed forces were too late to save that PRT agent, and once the video of how she cried out any secret or how she hid the Sophia Hess bullying because of easy work and money, the public was even more outraged at both PRT and Youth Guard that tried to put the blame on other's, but as Sophia Hess was on their list too, the Youth Guard couldn't hide their failing, bearing with PRT same blame from public and especially from Snow zealots...

Taylor was even asked if she came to put a report on her bullying, and once her father and Taylor spoke, Taylor gave the FBI, not PRT, her journals with every incident that happened to her and every name on it, especially with names of her bullies and the teachers who knew about it and did nothing...

The next day principal Blackwell and all teacher's with all member's of faculty were charged with corruption and not following the teacher code, Teacher association itself put several charges against Winslow faculty to already rising charges, but as PHO said, the most prominent and obvious charges were against teacher's who witnessed and done nothing against the obvious bullying, as Gladly and other's would by lucky with fifty years of prison, it was obvious that someone wanted to gain Taylor's favor by the PHO members who have written about it, and Taylor herself after she had time to think about it...

Still, after that, Taylor tried to learn what happened to Emma, Madison and Sophia, just to come to learn that someone took them and nobody knew about them or their families that too disappeared, the sole thing that Taylor learned and that shattered her last vestige of trust for Heroe's and PRT, was the leak of Sophia Hess another identity...

In short, Taylor didn't know what was happening or who to trust now that everyone wanted to be her friend, worse, her father was not helpful as he too didn't know how to take it, and the person who all made it, and who was responsible for it was no longer there...

Taylor didn't know what she lost until it happened, the Fragment of Aegis or how she called him, The Bastard, once he was gone from her head Taylor felt...

Empty, Taylor didn't realize that his presence helped her bear the burden of her life, his dream training helping her release any nerves she gained when she was awake, or that almost unnoticeably nods of acknowledgment every time Taylor was able to evade or strike back...

Taylor didn't realize until he was gone that the first person from the day her mother died and Emma turned on her was gone too, just like her mother, Aegis, even if he didn't say it loud, he believed in her, or why else would he protected her for, why else...

Would he say that she belonged to his family...

Taylor felt empty as his presence was gone, and the sole time Taylor ever felt safe was when she practiced the Glyphs he said were their family call sign...

That was until Taylor heard an explosion, and her body felt pain...


*Author note*

About Gasper time power, it is the sole AU thing in DXD as I need it for future plots, of course, it isn't as OP as it sounds, as I plan to elaborate certain minuses and limitations that come with power to stop time, at least minus for Gasper power...

So even if Gasper is capable of stoping time in the entire world, there would be huge or small limitations, from certain points of view...


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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