

After Artoria left, with her mind deep in thought, Aegis breathed out, he knew that his ideals and the ideals of Heroic Spirit were just too different, but that was just how it was supposed to be, Aegis thought.

Aegis still had a lot of work before Weiss, and other's departed to Beacon, a lot of his work became meaningless, in such meaning as it was not needed for him to read through all that data or to sign them personally, but as Album, Weiss and even Iris said, it was better for them if he would do it, as Weiss wanted before departing do all the chores as she said, not like she wouldn't return any time she wants, Weiss just wouldn't be able to help Aegis running kingdom as she was doing now, something Aegis just now started to realize as dread started to settle in his stomach...

Now Aegis didn't become lazy, but...

"Hah, well, back to old days, I guess..."

Aegis said as he looked on the folder that officially stated that repurposing Airship's into Spaceship's was completed, just like adding atmospheric shields to Sentinel bases that were upgraded to by space capable fortresses as they were air-based ones, Aegis still planned to have every star system defended by stationery space stations, but Sentinel bases were good as temporary solutions, especially IF sometimes Aegis chose to conquer some world, they would serve as forwarding bases as they served and still serve on Wizard Earth...

At the same time, Album sent to Aegis neural implant new progress of Moon city, that with new technology as Astmopheric shields, nicely fastened, as every building, street, and the entire city had their own atmospheric shield generator in that case of a catastrophe, something Aegis liked, as loss of life would be a more devasting than any material cost they now used to build it, Aegis didn't much care for how much he spent, his subjects deserved the best security, after all, they were his, and thus they were his family, and Aegis didn't like losing assets that belonged to his family...

"Big brother, you have a call."

Album said and Aegis was awoken from his mussing as truly someone called him.


Aegis accepted a call from someone he didn't speak for some time as the screen lit up and a hulky man in a hawai shirt and with black mane hair and grin that spoke of pain called out to him.

"Aegis! You little bastard! What did I hear abou-"

That was how far Ghira got as he was shown away to be replaced by a better view for Aegis as Kali smiled at him apologetically.

"Sorry dear, Ghira there heard about something HE wasn't supposed to HEAR!"

Kali hissed the last words at the man whose face showed both apologetic expression to his wife and thunderous to Aegis who just smiled at his family friends.

"You listen there you little twerp! If you even touch my two kitties, then I-"

"Oh shush you, you big baby, both Blake's have right to choose their stud themselves, that they chose the same man doesn't change nothing."



Now Kali gained an embarrassed expression as if she said something she shouldn't and looked at Aegis with a pained expression.

"You big OAF! Look what you did?! Now little Aeg knows that he has both kitties and wouldn't have any sexy surprise!"

Kali screamed as she scratched the now retreating Ghira who still looked like if he wanted to Aegis rip a new one, Aegis just smiled, he liked both Ghira and Kali, Ghira for never speaking with him as a stranger, and Kali for the same, plus she was Willow good friend, that and truly, even after becoming King, both Belladonnas never stopped treating him the same way, something Aegis appreciated as he had enough boot lickers...

Now Aegis knew that his Blake, the younger one loved him, and from the look of it, even the alter Blake started to have some feelings for him after they spent some time together, mainly in bookstores or speaking about a book's under the shade of trees, so Aegis knew that he had both Blake's heart, but he didn't need to tell them that he already knew.

"Did you call me just because of that?"

Aegis said and could feel the smile Kali sent him that she liked his change of topic.

"Yes! Well, you see, before my oaf of a husband started screaming his lungs, we wanted to ask for permission to build a new city on Menagerie."

"New city? I don't see a reason why you would need to ask me, still, why would you need a new city? From my knowledge, you have a long way before Menagerie city reaches even 70% of capacity."

Aegis asked as he used his implant to look into the current Menagerie population.

"Yes, well, you are king dear, like it or not, these decisions need to go through you, and why you ask? Well..."

There Kali stopped as the still grumbling Ghira spoke for her.

"Yeah, the thing is, the city is too loud."

"Too loud?"

Aegis repeated with a questioning expression as Ghira nodded his head.

"Yes, too loud for us older folk, the younger ones love it, but the older you get, the more it gets on your nerves, especially to faunus who have better hearing, and with the influx of new citizens who came there to live a 'Party Life' or just to visit for vacation and party, it becoming more and more insurable to us who already have enough of that loud life, and we cant entire live life's inside soundproof houses, day and night there is music blasting through the city, and most of older folks have enough, yes they could just move to the quieter city, but to us faunus a Menagerie became a thing we are proud of, so no, we don't want to move, but at the same time the lien we get from these rich kids who came to a party is too, too hard to reject, so someone came with the idea of a new city on Menagerie soil, but one where this party life wouldn't be a thing..."

Ghira said and Aegis immediately understood where Ghira was coming from, as even Harriet and girls who came with her to visit the Menagerie paradise city said that it was too 'Lively'...

"I see, no, there isn't any problem with that, in truth I like the idea of a serene city, especially if I have vile there, Album, contact the needed ministries and have them come with most viable time in the shortest time frame, and tell them that the city I want is one where someone can come for calm rest."

Aegis said as he saw Ghira nod his head.

"Thank you, dear."

Kali said with a smile and Aegis shook his head.

"No need to thank me, in truth I should see this coming, alas another question stand, from your words, you wish for a calm life, so if you chose to you can by new Mayor of the new city, but you need to pick one that would inherit your current position Ghira."

"Aya brat, I know, and I already have some in mind, I just need to look into them, but then we have Album, don't we?"

Ghira said and Album smiled at him.

"Don't worry Ghira, I will gladly make sure that anybody you pick wouldn't have any ulterior motives."

Ghira smiled at Album.

"Thank lass, and now we have this done, YOU WILL NOT TOUCH MY DAUG-"

"Sorry dear, it seems I have a lot of work to do and make sure my oaf of husband wouldn't bother you."

Kali said with a smile as she winked at Aegis and ended the call, with Ghira's background screaming...

"These two never changed."

Aegis said with a smile and saw Album nod her head.

"Truly not, still, you will have new paperwork for the new city on your desk tomorrow."


"Yes, after all, Im very efficient."

Album smiled as she saw Aegis frowning face.

"Don't worry, I will make sure there is a minimum of what you would need to go through, still with this done, I have news for you."

Aegis sighed as he nodded for Album to continue.

"With my new batches of construction drones, I have an additional workforce, so I have for you four choices to pick up from what you want the fastest done, first, a spaceship yard on Nero's orbit that, like Earth Mars is rich in metals so ships and other things would have a steady flow of materials, second is additional space station of Primis category, third is Solar farm, and fourth is new drone fleet."

Album asked and Aegis stopped thinking as he noticed something.

"And why, you are asking me? I do remember that I gave you full authority to build anything you found necessary, without the need of my input?"

Aegis asked as Album's hologram blushed.

"Eh, well, I kinda... Get interested in something, and I wanted to do it like that? You know, just pick one! It's not like I wouldn't build others, just the one you pick would be the first one build."

Album said and Aegis looked at her, but seeing he wouldn't get an answer from her, he thought about the choices, in the end, he picked the shipyard choice, as there was no war, so no need to fasten drone ship fleet, the additional Primis station would be nice as it didn't serve just for living, but as enormous space laser, and additional upgrade for Album processing capacity and Solar farm wasn't needed as even with the upgraded energy transfer the loss of energy on the way was too big to ignore, so fusion reactors were still better until they somehow lower the energy loss that Solar farm could be sent to Remnant and other destinations that were a long way from the sun...

"Ok, Spaceshipyard it is, still I would need to build mining and processing facilities on Neros to have materials I can build the ships from, but that would be easy peasy with my new construction drone fleets..."

Then Album went to work as Aegis too started to read through new folders, nothing new as most of Solitas run as finely done clockwork, but still something, from new findings that Vahlen done after having Album rip information about the Naquadah from SGC Earth and how it is very unstable near Dust, to reports that finally confirmed of annihilation of all cannibal, bandit, or cult villages on Remnant, to new moves of Flesh monsters, to Salem's note about finally confirming that she had control of all Grimm, as the younger and weaker ones were killed, and all that is now being spawn are the elite Grimms, making it for Salem easier to control a smaller population of Grimms, albeit more elite one as Salem just spawns a hight tier Grimms now, to report's from a scientist that work on harnessing the darkness element from Grimm pools, having minimal success.

"Hmm... I should ask Morgana or Merlin to look into these pools, Salem isn't a researcher, and these two would love to have new things to look onto..."

Aegis said to himself as he made a note to ask Morgana or Merlin the next time he met one of them.

"Or even Semiramis, she could show interest in these liquids that could be called poison..."

Aegis thought as he looked at another report but stopped as he looked at the name on the report.

"Annite Rebert? And that look..."

Aegis looked at the Mayor of Mistral, previous Headmaster of Haven academy and one of his Sentinel Captains, just in hiding as just upper echelons knew of her Captains status in Sentinel forces...

"It seems... That I need to speak with one of my people, still what she reports is not good..."

Aegis said as he looked at what Annie reported, another house went into quarantine as it was shown to be inhabited by supernatural forces...

Aegis watched feed of Sentinel's who gone to investigate the building as signals from citizen's implants just disappeared on that place, just to see some scene like from horror movie as doorways opened and some force seemed to strike one of Sentinel's and then dragging him inside as the other Sentinel's gone after their comrade, just to be pushed all around by some force that wasn't shown even on Sentinel's sensors...

Still, as a protocol for these incidents was upgraded, these teams that were being sent to investigate anything supernatural were followed by wizards and priests from The Gaia and The Death church, who were capable enough to banish the being that haunted that house...

But not without losses as two Sentinel's were ripped apart by that same being, and the previous inhabits of that house too...

"Album, put the priority of sanctioning houses and all living spaces in Solitas by Gaia's and The Death symbols, Im sure that these things wouldn't dare to attack places that have both Life and Death protection on them..."

"Will do, big brother."

Album said as Aegis started to write to families of deceased Sentinel's...

Sometimes being King sucked, and Aegis knew that this was one of these days...


*Author note*

Stones for me? :P

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