

Iris looked through new SDC documents as her smile grew and looked at the doors.

"Why don't you come in?"

There was silence until the door's opened a little and a blonde-haired girl came into the office.

"Daphne, right? What brings you to me?"

Iris asked with a smile as the new girl of her boss/little bro came into her new office she was assigned to as overseer of the entire SDC.

"Hello, I wished to speak with you as I was told that you, Ms.Iris lead the current SDC..."

Daphne said as she gave a brief, polite bow to Iris, whose smile just widened as she pointed to the free chair by her work desk that Daphne sat down on.

"Hm, leading is a strong word as Aegis is still CEO, but where he and little Weiss take care of Solitas, SDC matter's mostly do fall on my head, and don't call me a miss, we are already part of one family, big one but still a family so call me Iris."

Iris said with a smile to nodding Daphne.

"So, why don't you tell me what do you wish from me?"

"I came to ask about SDC intentions on Earth."

"Intentions? Dear, there arent any hidden intentions other than a normal capitalistic instinct to gain more wealth, SDC is, was and always will be one of the leading family corporation's that sells Dust, yes maybe over year's SDC changed, but in the core, it stayed same and that is a profit."

"Just Dust?"

"Hmmm, well there are other products we sell to both our world and to Earth, but yes a Dust is the most prominent."

"I see... Then I wish to ask if cooperation between Greengrass family and SDC could be made, as I believe our family magical herbs and cattle would be beneficial for SDC as a whole."

Daphne said, she had already asked Weiss and Aegis, but both of them sent her to speak with Iris who they told now practically run SDC alone and without their output, yes they sometimes gave her targets or missions, but mostly SDC was managed just by Iris and Alexandra in Schnee's steed...

Daphne, her father and mother, still found it strange that the Schnee's let such an important piece be led by someone other than their immediate family but chose to not comment on it as not to make themselves seen in a bad light...

"I see, hmmm, yes I believe there were some voices to increase our choice of products, hmm, and you believe the Greengrass family would be an ideal candidate as SDC supplier?"

Iris asked as she looked at the girl that looked cool but she saw through the nervous facade of a girl who tried to play in higher leagues.

"Yes, I believe that my family, with our experience and credibility as both magical suppliers and businessmen from Britain history of dealings, make us as the ideal candidate for SDC..."

Iris stayed silent for a while until she clapped with her hands and smiled.

"Then it seems we have a deal, but we still need to go thoroughly into some matters, but im sure that I already can speak with your father."

Iris smiled at Daphne who seemed to relax a little even as she tried to play it cool.

"Now that we have this boring thing behind us, tell me, what made you to bound herself to little Aegis."

Iris asked and Daphne immediately knew that the hard part just came as Iris's emerald eyes shone with newfound intensity...


Through the Schnee mansion hallways, slowly walked a platinum-haired girl as she looked all around herself with big and funnily-looking glasses.

"hmmm, hmmmmmm, hmmm, hmmmm"

The girl hummed for herself as she walked past bowning servants as she shot them a dreamy smile of hers that made them chuckle.


The girl said as she walked into the room that was full of pillows and snacks and multiple other things as she saw her target of fascination, a fluffy white creature that seemed to sleep on the horde of pillows lazily.


Fou opened his eyes as he looked at the strange human girl that looked at him with a gaze that made him tilt his head in confusion.

"Fou? Fou..."

The primate murder seemed to give up as he closed his eyes and went back to his nap as the girl still looked at him and seemed to write something into her journal...


"Oh, this is the reincarnating wizard she grumbled about?"


Ozpin pulled out his cane in reflex as he heard a flowery voice that made his hair stand up in danger as his instincts kicked in.

"Nobody, just a simple wizard..."

Said voice and Ozpin looked behind him where he saw a girl?

No, not a girl as he felt the being to be as old or even older than he himself, just the magic screamed ancient to Ozpin senses that even if dulled were good enough to notice that fact...

"Oh? You know it is rude to guess a woman's age? Or ask it is rude? I forgot how normal's said it."

The being in the form of a slender girl with flowery white hair and richly endowed form said as Ozpin relaxed as he knew that if the being wanted him dead, he would already by so...

"I see you have me at a disadvantage, as you already know of me, but I do not know of you."

"Oh? How rude of me, my name is Merlin, and you can call me Merlin!"

Merlin said with a grin as she looked at the man before her as she studied the mess his soul was, where Aegis soul housed soul's, this man's soul merged with soul's, creating one very fascinating view for Merlin as she looked at the mess it becomes...


Salem's eyebrow twitched as Morgana's hand shattered the cup in her hand as they both watched the live feed from Ozpin office thanks to one of the multiple bugs that were installed there.

"Tell me again why you didn't kill that thing?"

Salem said through gritted teeth as Morgana seemed to sigh...

"You go and try to kill one of biggest contenders for the position of The Troll of the multiverse..."

Morgana said as it was truly hard to get Merlin, no matter what Merlin, man or woman who were proficient in trolling others...

Of course, Morgana didn't mention the fact that if she somehow successfully killed Merlin, she would be forever marked by it, thus inviting some of the worse versions of Merlin's who would truly like to fuck with her...

"What will you do?"

Morgana asked as Salem went into deep thought and after a while, seemed to sigh.

"There really isn't any point in waiting and prolonging this farce, Ozma, no Ozpin isn't stupid, naive yes, but not stupid, he already must guess or think about the connection between me and Schnee's, so I will end this farce..."

Salem said as she seemed to relax the moment she said it, as if a huge burden lifted from her shoulders as Morgana nodded with her head.

"Yes, that would be the most logical way..."

Morgana said as she with Salem looked back into the holo-screen that showed Merlin changing Ozpin's mug with coffee into a tea, a hot one as the moment Ozpin's lips touched the liquid, he recoiled in pain and shock...


*Author note*

Support me with your stones so I have the energy to think about new plot's :P

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Nisiriscreators' thoughts
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