
Meeting Dumbledore and the other schools

One week had passed since we arrived on this world and in this week we have been parents in the day and at night we would go around the world collecting every single book we could find , the plan of creating the all knowing book that would help up in the search for all the knowledge in this world had been left for last since I decided to use this search to spend more time with my Salem , most of the time it's just business so I decided that this time would be just ours and when I told her she was very happy and started planning where we would go and just like that our tour around the world started. By the end of the week we had already travelled to all the magical schools and meet their headmasters , most were very welcome and some even invited us to teach since we had helped them with many issues such as the lack of methods to reach the so called muggle-born children who can use magic on other countries , that had been a problem since the schools could only reach out to certain countries.

For example Hogwarts only reached the following countries Scotland, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Wales but other than those most countries didn't have a magical school and the children either had to learn by themselves , by searching for people to teach them or trying to reach the schools but then the money problem since most muggle-born children's parents wouldn't have enough money to pay for the expenses and travelling , so me and Salem designed a magical tool that looked like The Globe in Dr.Strange movie. It would locate spikes of magic that are release when a children does magic for the first time and then the schools would be able to get that child's information and send a letter to them or send someone to prove the existence of magic like they do , but it was pretty inefficient to send someone to get the children and it was time consuming since there weren't so many wizards as there were children so we needed to find a way to fix this issue but it was a bit difficult since none of the ideas we had seemed like they would work.

Their method would do for now until we fixed a way , has I was thinking about this me and Salem were on our way to Hogwarts , the schools were pretty easy to find since both of us could sense magic sources and the schools were like giant flames to us. We today we had visited Beauxbatons and Durmstrang to meet the headmasters , Salem and Olympe Maxime , the headmistress of Beauxbatons , didn't connect like I thought they would but they started talking more as we spent more time there. While on Durmstrang it didn't go that well , the headmaster was trying to court Salem right in front of me but after Salem said we were married he apologized and I would have let it go since we were both civilized people but he continued to try so I made his whole school tremble and warned him to try that again , that seemed to do the job has he became like a docile puppy making the rest of our time there more or less enjoyable but nonetheless we helped them by installing the same structure that helped locate muggle-born wizards out of their reach.

Has I was thinking about this we finally arrived at Hogwarts and since we didn't have to worry about the kids with the nanny I had created we had all the time to enjoy ourselves on this world. After we arrived we were greeted by Dumbledore himself "I assume you must be Mr. Ozma and Mrs. Salem? I've heard about your adventures around the world from my friends in the other schools , it's a pleasure to finally meet you" and we looked at each other than looked at him before saying with a smile "The pleasure is all ours headmaster Dumbledore , the greatest wizard of modern times" I said with a chuckle while shaking hands with him. Salem did a small bow to him and he said "A pleasure Mrs. Salem and you must be jesting Mr. Ozma , even in my younger days I couldn't make a school shake with just my words" this didn't faze me has I already expected him to have heard about us from his friend at Durmstrang. After we that small introduction he said "Well I heard that the two have been touring around the world and helping at the schools" and Salem said "Well it's just our way to have a little us time so why not help the world while we were at it"

This made him smile "Indeed , all help is welcome at this times has we have just come out of a war that caused too much damage" , "Yes we've heard about it , Voldemort was it? A great problem indeed , lucky little Harry was able to stop him" I said and he nodded before asking finally "So please tell me what can I do for you?" and I said to him "Well other than our tour we came to say we have adopted young Harry" this caught him by surprise before he said "But wasn't he in the custody of his mother's sister?" I nodded at him "Indeed but they weren't the best of the people , something that could be seen by the fact that they sold us the house with the boy and even lowered the price so we stay with him. You should have checked that before you just left him there Albus" I said my magic pressuring him by the end , he started sweating and breathing hard and has his legs were about to give in I cancelled the pressure continuing to walk "I w-wasn't aware of their point of view to us mages" he said before continuing to walk with us.

"Well Albus you do have phoenix feathers so you could have just checked on him or you could have used the Legilimency to know their way of thinking" he seemed surprised that I knew about his skills in the art of diving into another's mind , with the library our skill in this art surpassed him , me and Salem were probably the strongest Legilimens in this world and the same could be said to the Occlumency part. Nobody in this world could penetrate our shields but we could penetrate anyone's mind whenever we wished since the library listed the weaknesses of a person and that included in the mind area. Dumbledore after recovering from his surprise said "It seems I own an apology to little Harry for my carelessness and to both of you since you are his parents now" Salem this time said "Instead of apologizing you could do something for us" , "I can do that as long as it isn't something evil" he said and this made me chuckle before I said "Evil depends on each person's point of view Albus.

Our request is pretty simple , we would like to teach at you school" I said with a smile and Albus seemed to think about it before saying "Well that can be done but there is only one spot available. Defense Against the Dark Arts is opened has we don't know if professor Quirrell will recuperate from his trauma" and Salem said "Well it's time for you to upgrade your curriculum and start teaching Alchemy , don't you think so Albus?" with a sigh he said "Well it can be done , but we have to evaluate your knowledge on the area since we can't have the reputation of hiring teachers who don't have the official qualification" we didn't complain about it and he continued to tour us around the school and I had to admit it was very big and beautiful even though it could use more colors since all that dark was kinda depressing. After an hour the tour was done after installing the globe and this time we were led out by both Albus and Minerva , which had become another friend of Salem , when we returned home the kids were still sleeping so we decided to follow since we had a long day.

Welp here is the chap fams , I'm very tired and tomorrow I have my little cousin's anniversary so in order to sleep earier today this chap was a bit short from the usual. Please tell me if there are any mistakes so I can correct them.

Have a good night and reading fams , ja ne

LeylinTheFifthcreators' thoughts
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