

"Are you ready, my babies?"

"Un!" "Uhuh!"

Answering our mother, Jung and I head to the kindergarten building. That's right, it's been 2 years since the almost drowning incident and now, I know how to do all the strokes.

Butterfly kick is still in the works but the rest are good. Same thing with So-young; she got the hand of freestyle and backstroke but is working on frog kick and Butterfly kick. After all, she isn't a genius like me.

In all honesty, I don't know what to expect from kindergarten. Maybe the kids are better? Maybe they're worse? Who knows. Not me, that's for sure.

As I walk through the hallways with mom, I see dad take Jung to the 2nd floor, where the 3rd graders are located. After the fight with the bully, Jung was hailed as a hero and is the most popular in his grade since he can fight and his looks are killer; like a sharp hunter or a sniper.

This is another reason he became colonel so quickly. His powerful eyes and European-like jawline are his men think that he has killed multiple men before. He has, of course, receive multiple love letters and love confessions; all of which he has declined.

...not from the military. From the girls! Don't get it twisted!...NOT THAT I DON'T LIKE GAY LOVE!! But I'm not gay!! Wait....aaarrrghhhhhh!!!! I'm going off topic.

"Hello everyone and welcome to RF kindergarten! Welcome welcome!"

When the teacher finished her greeting, she wrote her name and hobbies on the board, "Jang Mi-cha, likes studying and reading". Simple and plain; probably to encourage the students when they introduce themselves.

"Alrighty! Now that I introduced myself, why don't we start from the front left most person and go right from there? Okayyyy~ this little girl will be first"

"Ahhh...uuhhh. Hello, I am Go So-young... pl-please take care of me!"

Hah? She was my classmate? Well, not like I would know since I probably didn't really have too much friends back then. I was prideful in high school but I knew how to be subtle about it. When I was this age, I was prideful to the moon; bragging about looks is the only bit of conversation I knew.

Going around the classroom, the introduction ring soon reaches me, sitting in the 2nd row. With everyone looking at me, I feel the pressure...

What the hell, I'm kidding. Pressure? From these babies? Please, I eat babies for breakfast. I'm not pressured.

"Hello! I am Kim Min-chul. Please take care of me!"

Looking at me with sparkly eyes, I'm sure that they are in awe...I am much cuter and more confident than them after all! Mwuahahahaa! I'm too damn good! Better than the-... shoot. It's the old me from before...ughhh. Jesus, I need to calm down.

I'm hot, but not Chris Hemsworth hot.

After the teacher finishes her introduction circle, I start checking my quests to see if I finished anything.


[dong dong dong!!! Recommend Quests complete!]


Become the most popular in class pt.2 (Complete)┃ Hard ┃

Reward: ₲400 ┃ Charm x10% (T)┃ Social Skills x15%

Introduce yourself pt.2 (Complete) ┃ Cakewalk ┃

Reward: ₲20┃ Charm x1% (T)┃Social Skills x2% (T)

₲420 has been deposited into your shop account! Enjoy your ₲420, dummy!


'Huh. The popular kid in class quest completion must be because of my confidence and my looks...status'


Name: Kim Min-chul

Age: 5

Titles: None! Wow! You suck!

HP: 16/16

STR: 15 RES: 14

SPD: 23 STAMI: 18

INT: 30

₲Coins: 750


After thinking about where to use my coins, I put them into SPD, STAMI and 1 for INT. So now, my status looks like this:


Name: Kim Min-chul

Age: 5

Titles: None! Wow! You suck!

HP: 10/10

STR: 18 RES: 14

SPD: 26 STAMI: 18

INT: 31

₲Coins: 0


'Hmmm...what are the stats of the average person?'

[Wow! Another smart question! When last the last time you asked one? Anyways, the average stats for the regular human is about 50 for all and 30 HP]

'That's pretty low, no?'

[have you seen the average human?]

'True, true...what about Michael Phelps?'

[donk donk donk... since Feelie isn't the system with this Michael fella and Feelie isn't close with his system, Pupa, Feelie will have to estimate... ting ting ting! His stats are at an average of 150!

'Wait...what? Michael has a system?]

[yup! Well, despite that, he still refused to add any gear onto him and apparently, the last time he added to a stats using ₲ coins was when he was 18]

'Oh. So it's mostly hard work?'

[yup! Michael most likely insulted an ancestor and was killed for it. Who knows? Who cares? As if he'll ever care about you, ahahahaha!]


After my small talk with Feelie, I focus back on class and we are learning about addition and counting to 50, just to remind our pea-sized brains. Very easy stuff. Looking over at So-young, I notice that ever since my introduction, she has been staring me down...oh, she's blushing now?

How odd... yes yes, very odd.

"Excuse meee~~. Min-chul sshi? Do you mind answering the question on the board?"

'Oh, it looks like the teacher caught me not listening. But holy hell...this is too cliche! How many times have I seen this in Wuxia novels? Hmmm...let's answer it and if she gives me a harder question, then I'll get it wrong'

Formulating my plan, I walk up and answer the 4+3=7 question. Showing a surprised look, she gives a warm smile then tries a harder one, 5+15=?. Obviously, the answer is 20 but as a kindergartener, I think the answer is 515.

"Ara ara... it's ok it's ok. That second question is something we will learn later on. Min-chul, you did great but please listen in class, okay?"


Mitigating the damage using my smarts and my cute little nod, she forgives me entirely and continues teaching until it's nap time. Nap time is only 10 minutes, 10 minutes shorter than before but it's still 10 minutes.

"Uuuu... u-u-uhh... Min-chul? D-do you wanna... sleep next to each other?!"


After seeing this little girl's bravery to ask me to sleep next to her in front of the entire class that also wanted to sleep next to me, I take my little mat and lay it down next to So-young. Turning on my side, me and So-young make eye contact before she turns away and blushes again. Is she sick? Why is she blushing so much?

I mean, I haven't done anything to make her like me yet...wait. It might be because we have been swimming together for 2 years already... yes yes, that's a possibility... hmmm...

[you dummy. Possibility, my shop! That's the freaking reason! What the...are you perhaps mentally challenged? Some kind of mental illness that make you unable to read human emotions?]

'No! It's just that...we haven't even talked that much. I don't get why she would like me'

[stop talking for a while. I... my mainframe might actually malfunction for the first time in 10,000 years because of all the useless stupid words of yours. You haven't talked much? Okay, that's fine. But aren't you the one talking about how cute you are?]

'...shoot!!! I forgot! I look even better when my hair's wet. Thanks, Feelie!'


After finally realizing why she likes me, I move my body closer to her to tease her, only for her to turn her head back and right now, we are only a few centimeters apart...No! You have cute, beady puppy eyes but Mi-young is my boo! Boo fo lyfe!

Turning away again, I go back to my mat and fall asleep only for the teacher to wake me up immediately as I'm dozing off. Damn it! You have a grudge against me, huh?

After finishing the tiring day, Jung and I walk back home and we pass by an alleyway...ahhh, so we are back where Jung got his scar, huh? Back when Jung and I were going home, Jung caught a group of middle schoolers bullying a smaller middle school student.

Jumping in and fighting them was his instinct that he followed. Obviously, no matter the talent, you can't beat teenagers already going through puberty as a tiny kid.

After I ran off to get help from an adult, the adult and I came back to Jung laying on the floor unconscious with his cheek severely cut, giving him a massive scar that went from his cheekbone to his jaw. The teens were already gone.

This further exaggerated the rumor in the military that Jung was a cold-blooded killer.

"Ora ora~~ where's our money, Kyung-sam sshi? D'ya spend it all on ciggies?"

"N-no... y-you took it all...I'm waiting for yo-"

Being kicked up against that wall must hurt; especially since I think I saw a brick sticking out, most likely hurting his back.

I see...5 guys and 3 girls. Most likely the girls are the lackeys since two are just sitting on one guy's lap while the other is leaning on a wall, smoking.

"Tch! You dare talk back and even lie to me? Huh!? Kyung-sam sshi, where did your manners go! Tsk tsk tsk"


The guy with two girls is the leader, the man next to him smoking is the right hand man and the three other boys are the lackeys as well. Most likely with these gangs, the leader is stronger than those under him.

"Min-chul...call an adult, okay? I'll be right back"

"No! I'll follow you!"

'Hehehe...are you gonna fight in front of your little brother?! Checkmate, Jung! No scar for you, you stiff goody two-shoes!'

"...alright then... let me show you something cool"

'....Haah? Did he lose his mind?'


(A.N) if you enjoyed this, remember! Spare you power stones and help this lowly author! Thank you thank you! powerstone = extra chapter!

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Ping pong!

koppa_feelcreators' thoughts
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