


The leader of a mermen patrol called out loudly to a blond human who was waltzing into their territory without any fear for the dangers posed by mermen. Humans were normally very afraid to even cross the waters of Silisia without arming themselves to the teeth. This one was taking a walk underwater with the self assurance of someone who was confident about his own power. To add insult to injury, he wore nothing but a cotton shirt and light working pants. 

Which insane human was daring to pull such a stunt at the borders? The merman thought.

That was when the human held up a glass cube the size of his palm. It glowed with an intense blue colour that dazzled the mermen. Arcane crystals, they recognised. These crystals were rare down under. Thus the small amount in the anti mage's hand was worth a large sum in Silisia's economy. 

"I need help locating a sunken ship," he told them. "And willing to pay more for a quick job."

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