


“Mr Navarro, the bullet had lodge itself in a dangerous position even though we managed to remove it. We discovered that it was an old rusty homemade world war two bullet and because it was not removed immediately it's contents had leaked into your kidneys and was spreading. We first removed one kidney but during the operation we later discovered that the second kidney was not spared… .. so the only option was to look for a kidney donor.”

I look at him shocked and speechless.

Alexis moves forwards and holds my hand, “Yes baby, Vincent volunteered to donate his kidney. We had looked everywhere and there was no match for you and he even requested to give them everything that they needed to keep you alive….. it's all thanks to him that we have been given a second chance.”

I look at Vincent with my mouth open, a lot of feelings are running through me and I do not know how to react but I just stare at him…

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