
109: Child.

Zagreus sighed as he was wearing his favorite casual clothing, he convinced Klein to come with him to his morning walks, which was not that hard since Klein would go wherever he went. Zagreus chuckled when he saw how excited Klein was, he kept his promise and kept his partial wolf transformation, so Klein could see his tail wagging and his ears twitching every time he talked to him or even smiled at him, it was sincerely super cute to see. Zagreus took a good look at his outfit before nodding and looking over at Klein, Zagreus smiled when Klein looked at him, which made Klein's tail wag in happiness as his face continued to be expressionless.

Even after years, centuries, millenniums together Klein would keep his face cold and expressionless, which Zagreus did not mind at all. In fact! They even had a game where if Zagreus could break Klein's expressionless face he would win, and if Klein could keep his face expressionless he wins. Zagreus looked at Klein up and down and nodded at his basic choice of outfit, soon they both let their room go over to their backyard, where Cerberus was. Cerberus could leave the Underworld at will, but most times he liked to go for a walk with Zagreus and Klein, which always seemed to elevate the dog's mood and kept him less stressed when dealing with the souls that try to escape from the Underworld.

As soon as the door to the backyard opened, a huge shadow overlapped them as Cerberus bowed down to receive head pats from both Klein and Zagreus, his three heads happily panting as the one tail wagged around, Klein also wagged his tail in response to Cerberus who looked confused at him for a second before Klein looked at Zagreus as if to say: "It's his fault." Zagreus chuckled at their interaction before he asked: "So, boy, ready to go for a walk?" To respond to this question, Cerberus's body began to shrink as Klein took Zagreus's hand and said: "Hey Zag, what do you think if i get piercings?" Zagreus looked at his face for a second before saying: "You would get even hotter."

Klein chuckled as he kissed his lover's right eyebrow and whispered in his right ear: "Is that even possible?" Zagreus shrugged before a confused expression appeared on his face: "Why do you want to get piercings? I know you would look hotter, but what exactly motivated you to get piercings?" Klein also made a pensive expression before he said: "I don't know, I just think I would look good with them and I already look like a hot 20 or so years old guy. If I get piercings I will look younger I guess, not that someone would know I'm over 100,000 years old." The gates of their big house closed, it was a big house because Klein wanted to give the best of the best to Zagreus, so when he saw the best house that he could think that would match Zagreus's dream house, he bought it.

The house had 6 rooms, two guestrooms, one main room that Klein and Zagreus used as their bedroom, a jacuzzi room, a kitchen, and a gym, the house also had a basement with a pool below, they used it when they were in the mood to go for a swim or underwater sex. The house was surrounded by a 2 meters tall brick wall with an electric fence on top of the wall, there were two gates, a big one ro leave with the car and a smaller one, human-sized. They left through the human-sized gate and closed it with the key, Cerberus patiently wagging his tail and waiting for his owners to walk, they held hands and walked side by side. As they were going down the street in a southern direction, Klein spotted a monster, a harpy to be more specific, and a child looking at the harpy but the harpy didn't seem to notice the child or care for the child.

Zagreus soon noticed it as well and sighed, it was a Clear Sighted child, a human child who could see through the Mist as a Demigod could, but monsters would normally ignore them unless they wanted to attack them. The harpy was only searching for prey when it noticed the child and soon was going for it, Zagreus, as he was the best immortal with a heart of gold, wanted to save the child as he did with every single mortal he could when the Pantheons were at war. He pointed his finger at the harpy and it fell dead, bleeding from its throat. The mortals looked at it shocked for a second before the shock morphed into confusion and they continued with their life.

Seconds ago they thought they had seen a person fall from the sky, but it was just a pigeon that fell, not that uncommon pigeons die after hitting their head or something like that. The child moved his head towards both Zagreus and Klein and seemed fearful, but soon his fear turned into curiosity as he saw the tail of Klein wagging together with Cerberus's tail. Zagreus chuckled and offered his hand to the child who grabbed it and got to his feet, his knees were bleeding for some reason, Zagreus frowned and moved his fingers and the blood on the child's knees began to harden and soon crumble to red dust that was blown by an invisible wind and vanished.

"What is your name, child?" Zagreus asked in the most gentle and friendly voice a person could make, the child coughed to clean his sore throat before answering with a hoarse voice: "Amando... Amando Rossier." Klein sniffed the air, Zagreus was impressed because he was really into this, well, he would do whatever he asked with passion which Zagreus always responded by doing the same. Klein's wolf ears perked up as he moved his head towards their left side, which led to the other side of the street, and an older couple was holding the hands of a seemingly same-age child as the one they were speaking to. Klein looked at Zagreus said: "They smell the same."

Zagreus could easily tell what he meant by that... He meant that the child in his hands was hurt because when he hurt his knees he also noticed older bruises on the child's body that healed in a wrong way that kept the skin bruised even after weeks of healing, a temporary scar that would disappear after at least 3 months but the bruise would have healed in two to three days. Zagreus's paternal-maternal instincts were high, even though he never had a child, although Klein told him many times he would make him pregnant from cumming so many times inside him, he never got. He looked a the child, who was crying seconds ago, and at the couple... His eyes glowed a shade of red before he smiled at Klein, saying: "Honey, can we take him?" Klein looked at Zagreus's eyes and nodded, Zagreus smiled and took the boy by his waist, holding him close to his chest making Klein slightly jealous of the child.

Shaking his head he looked at the other couple before asking: "Should I...?" Zagreus shook his head before saying: "No, they still have a child and I don't want the child to grow up without a family." Klein whined like a dog when Zagreus spoke in a very hostile tone scaring the child in his arms. Zagreus smiled apologetically to Klein before trying to calm the child down...

Klein didn't know, however, that like that, Zagreus's love for children grew... He would always want to have children, his "child adoption addition" as Klein would call it in the future just started...

-Scene Ends-

If you want spoilers, Zagreus would together with Klein, take care of more than 200 children.

(Zagreus Outfit)

(Klein outfit together with what his piercings would look like)

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