
Cooling the heat

The takeout was delicious. Eve knew the place where Victor bought it, and it was one of her favourites. It was entirely vegetarian, but its owner made delicious sorbets with his freezing superpower. Salads there were amazing too. There were few better things that enjoying some cool, refreshing fruits and vegetables in today's asphalt-melting heat.

Eve knew Victor was less partial to sorbets than she was, but today his need to cool down made him chose some for himself, too. He also dressed down to only a pair of shorts as soon as he got to the apartment, which meant that the heat really, really got to him.

Not that Eve complained. She was barely dressed herself. In different weather, this all could've led to some horizontal tango going on. Today both Eve and Victor wordlessly agreed that this all sounded way too active and, worst of all, sweaty.

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