
Chapter 18: Getting Ahead

-------------- 6:42 am 2/10/2009, Shade house-------------

Finished with his morning routine and on his way to the kitchen, Damien finishes his thoughts. After greeting his parents, Damien sits at the kitchen table with his family. Done with his breakfast Damien heads to school. Now finishing the last semester of his 8th grade year. Through school Damien has made a few friends and keeps up appearances as a regular 12 year old.

While enjoying being a normal kid he also uses his powers to split his attention and manage the company at the same time. 3 years ago, with materials gained from the super efficient recycling plant he modified, he was able to build a synthoid robot with the appearance of Bruce wayne. That Synthoid usually stays in the apartment building bought, built, and modified by Wayne industries. This synthoid was a blank sub-AI to Alfred. He was programmed to be obedient to Damien and follow instructions given by Alfred. Given all the information and knowledge needed to run the company and at the same time had a direct connection to Damien's smart watch computer. Also programmed with all the mannerisms Damien wanted for Bruce Wayne. While at the same time knowing beforehand what it was and that its purpose was to help Damien in running a truly caring and legal company. This Bruce Wayne synthoid has allowed Damien to manage and control the company without having to risk being discovered.

Knowing that the next few days will be the start of everything in the MCU picking up, Damien has spread his nanobot drones even further. Gathering more information on all hydra agents across the world, inhumane government experiments, and honorable scientists around the world that are being plotted against. His was first sending a nano drone, disguised as a fly, into Camp Lehigh. This drone was unconnected from any network and had two separate hard drives installed. One of which was used to contain the programs and instructions for the drone to follow. The other was an isolated drive that was made to be able to copy all files and programs of any device connected to it without being detected. This drone was made to sneak into the camp and download all programs of all devices on the facility with its ghost drive. Effectively giving Damien a massive backstory on the rebirth of hydra and a program to track, trace, and detect all hydra members world wide. The information he found on the devices will also tell him about "Project PaperClip". The program that S.H.I.E.L.D. and the US used to defect hydra and German scientists into their ranks after the war. Even going so far as to track the families of those scientists, which continued to be hydra sleeper agents. Once its task was completed the drone proceeded to leave the facility without being detected, and also went directly to Damien's private base hidden under New York City.

An hour later the drone could be seen flying across the room in a subterranean tunnel. This room was the main area of Damien's private HQ. This facility was made in a previously demolished subway tunnel. Years prior this tunnel was demolished and sealed in order to facilitate the building of multiple skyscrapers above at a later date. Finding this information Damien then proceeded to erase, and mask all knowledge and information of that tunnel and the area around it. While at the same time expanding the tunnel and creating a facility for his future hero activity. He plans for this facility to have its own training rooms and research labs for his own personal convenience. With other additions to make the facility more convenient as a secret hideout and a secure safehouse as well. Flying through the tunnels, the drone makes multiple turns finally ending up in a room 10 x 10 in size. The only thing that is kept in this room is a pedestal. Directly in the middle on top of which is a black cube.. This cute was basically a super computer with its own internal battery system with modules that support future upgrades. This cube was also facilitated with its home holographic projector, and made in such a way that it cannot receive or send signals of any kind. This stationary device only had one port in which data can only be input but never exported. The drone flies to the top of the cube and lands on the solitary corner and docks into the only port for the cube. With that, the cube comes to life and begins to flash in blue lights. Five minutes later the drone flies off, going to the research lab. Promptly flying into the molecular Forge, destroying itself and refining its materials. But left in the solitary room was that black box with blue lights flashing all around. Slowly it's holographic projector comes to life as the face of a once dead Hydro scientist begins to form. The face continues to look around the room wondering what's going on as it questions what happened to it. But the answers to its questions weren't able to be found in the empty white room it found itself in.

----------- 9:25 pm 2/10/2009, Star Lab (secret base under construction)--------

In the middle of a huge metal room could be seen a young man fighting hand to hand with a masked assailant. Looking to be no older than 14 years old, Wearing shorts and a tank top. The young man is using all sorts of martial arts and different combinations of fighting techniques against an assailant twice his size. Ducking under a punch and landing in a crouching poster. The young man sweeps the legs of his assailant and knocks him into the ground. The visage of the masked assailant is slowly distorted like static on a television. Slowly, the masked assailant on the floor transforms into a synthoid robot. The young man slowly got up from his crouching posture, drenched in sweat from his extensive exercise. Damien looking down at one of his creations, a practice robot for his future danger room. He then proceeds to wipe his sweat and walk out of the room to a solitary door. Opening the door, the first thing he sees is the face of a furious German scientist. He then proceeds to hear the face, floating above a cube, questioning him about where he is and what he wants with him.

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