
[To Be or Not To Be II]

An Anomaly's Life Inside A Galge is Seriously too harsh for me!


[Inizio:To Be or Not To Be II]


1 hour prior after getting out of the forest

It seems that I am not who I am supposed to be

I am still me but it feels different...way different...


I Hitose Matsuri have seemed to regain some of my memories back but only by a little

It looks like I have been Transmigrated here by force without my own volition of something unknown

But all I know for now is that I have been reincarnated as some random dude on the Eroge I had recently bought

[Constantine:Lè Rhapsodia] or [ConRhap] for short

"ahhh what the hell is with this weak appearance...this flimsy body is such a disgrace fucking damn it"

when I am alone I atleast have a little freedom to express myself thats why I can be as Shameful as I want


this world Where many dangerous prospects seem to exist is very dangerous for my well being with how puny I am right now , I think I can't Even lift a kitchen knife even if I try huh

"well I guess I should train to be physically fit while Im at my early growing age I guess...hmm?"

as I walked through the forest following the bright light of the sun I can finally see the first human settlement I can engage with while being in this world

"it seems to be a Small Village..."

as I walked forward to the Settlement the houses seemed to be abandoned

"fuck! come on game! how do you expect me to gather intelligence with this little abandoned village, I dont even know and understand on who or where the hell I am!"

after screaming my demands for a while I finally calmed down after a little bit more shameless shouting


why didn't I think of this before

I walked through every house and check what loot they may have for me in store

To my surprise I found a journal that might help me

I opened the journal that looked like a diary and...ooooh! it even looks like the type of journal that has a map with its cartographic designs...

yeah....no it's just an accounting book that contains the common knowledge of the money in this world

well it helps a little but I dont even think It can help me a person who doesn't even have any money...

I opened the book that seemed to contain many business prospects about this game world

"Heeee~ so It works like that Huh"

it seems the money here are all made at the shape of Coins which is totally different from my previous life

as I learned through the Value of Coins it became like this

100 Copper = 1 Silver

100 Silver = 1 Gold

100 Gold = 1 Platinum

1000 Platinum = ?

there seems to be some knowledge that this book was lacking so I didn't get to know what the amount of a thousand Platinum Coins could be converted into

While It Seems that Copper is the base form of money here , in this world There isn't much poor people so Gold and Silver are really Commonly used

As I finished looting and walked around town all I could find are-

[Water pouch 1x]

[Rusty dagger 1x]

[Silver Coins 5x]

well I guess I am a little lucky to get some Coins, Water and A dagger to protect myself from the unknown with...


I heard a loud *ping* in my mind that I have lately began to get familiarized with

for it flashes in my head whenever I get to Remember the memories I had forgotten

when I Remember Some Knowledge from the Game it keeps rewinding and flashing in my head like a record from time to time

I am in A country Called [Lemuria] This Country has 5 Capitals Which Are

[Rubino] [Safire] [Topazio] [Esmeralda] and [Ametista]

right now I think I'm at [Ametista] where the surroundings isn't that modernized and somewhat more savage and wild compared to the other four

to my Surprise the whole game hadn't even started yet and I can somehow Guess that Im in the Same age group as the Protagonist is At...

"alright I'll enroll at the [Academy]

its just my instinct kicking in telling we're the same age group though so it's probably like that...right? I mean what could go wrong

"argghh my head hurts everytime I try to remember damn it"

from what I know

the [Lemuria Academy] Is at the center of the country [Lemuria] In Short, the City Of [Esmeralda] where the City is very lively and many people dwell In

while imagining things that I would want to happen in my Upcoming future school life...

"Alright I have decided"

Since I don't wanna face and fight the protagonist cause he's so OP (Damn Plot Armor) I'll just try and become strong to protect myself on the reckoning that's gonna come in the future...and maybe hit on the Capture Targets?

"nah i definetly won't be able to...I mean look at me Im just a weak Ass extra..."

but still...there is this feeling that I really wanna be part in the game and even become an Important Character and...for the first time...Experience To learn Love and Communicate with some Women?

"What the hell am I thinking I'll just train for now and move daily to find any Human settlements..."

so after deciding to get stronger to protect myself

I walked back to the forest and without thinking of anything and started Working out with giving it all my best

{after some time}

I did 50 push ups which I didn't even bother thinked it to be this brutal for Small children similar to my age with a slender body such as my small build right now

so I Worked out for the whole day and Fucking damn! my Legs are throbing from the pain, I can't even breathe well...

Eventually I passed out in the middle of working out in the forest and I luckily woke up unharmed the next day

It was now my second day as a Six year old brat [Gray Dè Bernardò] in the world of [ConRhap]

"now that I think about it...haven't I eaten yet?"

yep I just remembered that I haven't even eaten anything the whole day after arriving here yesterday


as I was gasping for pain due to the rumbly in my tummy I walked lazily trying to find food in the forest

In my sight there is something...

looks like a red colored fruit with yellow spots that I am familiar with and have seen before in my previous world, a fruit so small that could fit even in between my childlike index and middle fingers

"huh? is that...strawberry?"

yep it definetly is strawberry I can't even feel the urge to check if it's poisonous or not but I ran towards the shrubs of strawberry bushes and hastily picked and ate the strawberries while even forgetting my dignified manners I learned in my previous life

"Screw manners Im hungwy~"

I said while munching down the berries greedily and shamelessly

Yep I'm doing anything just to survive in this 'survival of the fittest life' lifestyle right now after all

"I blame this world for my sorry looking state right now...munch munch..."

after finishing eating I chugged down the water pouch that I found yesterday at the abandoned village

"buhaa~ Water never tasted this good before"

yes as you can see it's just ordinary water but screw you I'm gonna enjoy it to the fullest

after resting for a little bit from eating and drinking

"yosha~let's workout the to the limits again today!!!"

I Lightly jogged around for the first hour before trying to do push ups again just to be safe from my muscles stiffing from pain and fainting again

I try to jog to gain a bit more stamina and excercise more warm ups


after finishing my 50 push-ups I was a little tired but I didn't faint Im Glad I did some light warm up first

lunch was about to come so I Decided to search for more of those delicious delicacies known as strawberries while drooling

"just thinking about strawberries makes me excited ehehehe"

yep right now I'm probably the only guy who thinks strawberries are life heck I'll Even Rally and Debate that strawberries are the best...

I realized something with that thought in mind...

"D-damn it!!!"

while both my feet collapses on the floor I use both my puny baby sized hands to hit the ground


ahhhh the wilderness really makes people go crazy

I wonder how the me when I was in the previous world would look at me now

I kinda wanna see my old self look at the new me with pity or disgusted cold eyes

nevermind that, pissed of by my immaturity I decided to run as fast as I can to who knows where

after running straight in the outer layer of the forest like an idiot for some time

I really remembered that this world was really a different one compared to the one I was in two days Ago

*Buhi buhi*

Infront of me is a brown boar with red menacing eyes

but it's not just any boar that looked like from the previous world it was a boar with very sharp spikes on its head like a mohawk and two large firm tusks that are longer than 2 arms of an adult's combined

it was menacing but right now...

I dont even feel fear...rather I just want to throw and vent this anger and frustration of mine for acting like a clown earlier


remembering how silly I acted earlier pisses me of yet again

I don't even care if it's a monster

"I'll Kill it"

just like how I was at with martial arts tournament's on my previous world I was calm and gave off an intimidating cold stare

while preparing the Old rusted dagger that I Found yesterday

Despite me having a really small build right now and the boar that looked bigger than me even if I add myself to it for five times it would still be bigger than me

maybe I'll win?...no...


-no matter what

Earlier it was just anger and me throwing a tantrum to vent my frustrations but now that I have calmed myself down Im confident

Even with this small six year old figure of mine...I'll Kill it

I Equip my dagger at my right hand holding it while I keep my left hand Open for countering it or simply try to initiate palm self defense techniques whenever I need to

We were both staring intensely at each other

as If this would be a match that was destined to happen I can already see the background with ゴゴゴゴゴ (Omg is that a Jojo's reference!?)

then suddenly--


"it seems to have arrived at the right time"

the sound that I was already Familiar with seemed to show at the perfect time

the memory of my previous world of this game's knowledge from the walkthrough I've read


- A [Boar] monster that can smash a whole tree's body with it's charged attacks

- Apperance always differ from the boar when you see spikes portruding on the head and has double the size of regular boars

- has hard leather which can be produced for

many different kinds of materials

it's weakness seems to be its eyes where there aren't any spikes to protect it with


"Come, I'll finish this in A flash"

after that intense stare off we both rush to each other charging forward without looking back and our prides on the line

"head on!"

It was slightly faster than me...but Brains can also beat Brawns!

"you thought just by having a dagger I would use it to stab you head on! kekeke~ you're Overestimating me I'm A wuss at something I know I'll Lose at!!!"

I threw the dagger straight to it's eyes it's speed was slow but it was thrown with firm and precise movement


it's screeching roar is a little painful to the ear but i didn't care

I rushed forward and push the dagger that was stabbed in it's eyes and slid the dagger to it's other eye to completely blind it and finally after holding it down for 5 minutes it finally died

It was the first monster that I encountered In this world

Luckily in this world The item's from killing monster's drop automatically

and at the same time...

[Level Up]!

[Gray Dè Bernardò]


[New Skill]


[The Chuunibyou Eyes of the Rosa Color]


~Chapter End~

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