
Harry Potter 10

Reaching the Great Hall took Michael some time due to Hogwarts' confusing hallways. Going up, so he could actually go down, was something he wasn't going to get used to anytime soon. Though he was starting to appreciate the magical users of this world the more he stayed here. The live portraits that observed the hallways, the living armors that patrolled them, and most importantly, the Room of Requirements. They sure were a work of art.

When he entered the Great Hall, Michael scanned the room. The Hufflepuff table was already filled with all of the students eating their breakfast and talking with each other. Cedric seemed to have noticed him entering and waved at him. Michael returned the gesture, though awkwardly and continued looking around.

The Gryffindor table only had a few sitting there, and all of them were gobbling down their food as if competing again one another. The Slytherins just entered the Great Hall, all walking as a group, quietly whispering to each other. And finally, the Ravenclaw one had only a few students, just like the Gryffindor table. However, they were eating in a more reserved manner as their attention was on the books they carried with them.

Michael silently sat down at his House table and picked up something from the food there, noting that there wasn't a single student from his year. Not that there were many to begin with, just four of them including Michael. The Ravenclaw house was known as having the least amount of students after all. The older students didn't even notice that he had sat down, their minds too busy with what they were reading.

Shortly after he sat down, Michael saw the younger Gryffindors being led by one of their prefects. He spotted the three other kids he met on the train, but paid them no mind. About five to ten minutes later, his fellow Housemates arrived as well with Anthony leading them and glaring at him unhappily.

"Where were you?" Asked Roger as he sat down next to Michael. The Ravenclaw prefect stopped behind and stared him down like a hawk. "We were waiting for you and thought you overslept. Then we realized you weren't even in your room!"

"I was practicing." Michael answered simply as he continued eating. He seemed to be hungrier than usual as he would've already had his fill normally. His reply caught the attention of the older Ravenclaw students, awarding him with appreciatively looks from them.

'A first year student and already practicing before classes have even started?' They were happy at least one of them was taking Hogwarts seriously.

"But we can't cast spells in the hallways." Said one of the two girls, whose names Michael didn't know yet. He hadn't really paid much attention during the sorting ceremony.

"Plenty of empty rooms in the school." Michael replied. He did remember Dumbledore's warning of no spells in the hallways, but nothing had been said about casting spells in an empty classroom. Michael paused his eating for a moment as a thought struck him. 'Maybe I should cast spells in the hallways and even get caught. Serving detention would just give me an excuse to be taught by one of the Professors.'

"We can do that?" Questioned the other girl, looking at the older students.

"Yes." One answered simply as they all returned their focus back to the books. They'd wasted too much time paying attention to their new Housemates already. Michael finally felt Anthony's gaze lift from his back as the prefect moved over and sat down at the table.

"How about the spells? Did you cast one successfully?" Asked Roger. "I can already do a few of them." He then continued with pride. Roger's older brother had made sure he was prepared, ensuring he would make a good impression right from the start.

"I did." Michael replied simply. He'd done much more than that while fighting against the dummies, but there was no point informing them of that.

"Oh…" Muttered Roger.

'Was he trying to one up me or embarrass me?' Michael thought with a raised eyebrow, but shrugged his shoulders shortly after. No point of wasting time of thinking about that.

"Is your hair natural?" The moment he heard that question, Michael groaned. That seemed to have opened the floodgate and others similar questions about his appearance flooded him.

Michael was more than thankful that the Professors arrived shortly after. They passed through their respective Houses and handed the schedule for the year before walking over to their own table. The Headmaster was missing from his spot, but Michael wasn't surprised. He had handed him a horcrux to study earlier after all.

"Double Transfiguration with the Hufflepuffs." Exclaimed Roger with a smile, but he frowned afterward. "Followed by double Potions with the Slytherins. Ugh." He then continued with a quieter voice. "My brother warned me about that one. Said the Professor isn't very pleasant."

"Just make sure you read your Potions' book and stay quiet during class." An older student advised with a knowing smile. Snape wasn't very liked, but Michael had to admit, the slimy Professor knew his craft, proved by him becoming a Potion Master at a very young age. His teaching was at times questionable, but as long as one listened, they would always learn at least something from him.

Since they had some time before classes stared, Michael quickly returned back to his room. He took a short but refreshing shower before grabbing a couple of his books. It didn't take him long to reach the Transfiguration classroom afterward, as he already knew of its location since Minerva had shown it to him. Michael was one of the last to enter, but he was still on time. On the desk, he noticed the cat staring at him with almost narrowed eyes.

'So she pulls off this stunt every year, huh.' Michael thought as he walked to the back of the classroom, finding an empty seat there. When the last of the students arrived, the cat jumped from the desk and transformed midair into Minerva.

The Professor gave her usual speech of how dangerous Transfiguration was before she began her lesson. The first part of the class was theory, theory, and more theory. Minerva focused solely on that, and Michael just opened one of the books he brought with him, ignoring the lesson as he had already heard it before.

Wards and How to Break Them, Michael was quite happy he'd picked that book. Most wizarding homes were protected by them, and his plan on getting the Diary from Malfoy's home still involved him breaking in. Dumbledore might come up with a better idea, but this was still a good skill to pick up. It also led to Cursebreaking, which was another one he wanted to pick up. He even had items to practice with, the cursed objects in the Room of Requirements. As long as Dumbledore doesn't take them out that is.

The first part of Transfiguration ended, and Michael almost hadn't realized it, too absorbed in his book. Wardbreaking was a skill he wanted to pick up due to his experience with magical users in Liorderat. Their most valuable objects were always guarded by their strongest wards, and knowing how to break them, would be invaluable.

Minerva placing a box of matchsticks on his desk was the only reason he realized the class had moved past the theory part. She slammed it with a bit more force, indicating her displeasure at his lack of attention.

"Mr… Wynneiros." Michael found it amusing how she always paused before saying his last name. "You don't seem to be very interested in what I'm teaching. Or perhaps you already know what is being taught however unlikely that is." Minerva said with a threatening glare.

He had to admit, she was a good actor. Obviously, Minerva was aware he already knew this, but she played here role.

"Why don't you try casting the spell I talked about and demonstrated to the class? If you had even paid attention that is." Continued Minerva, still glaring at him.

All eyes were on him, as Michael picked one matchstick and placed on the table without a single word. He gripped his wand and waved it, transforming the match into a perfect needle. Michael then returned his gaze back to the book, briefly catching some pride in Minerva's eyes. Match into a needle was the spell he was best at, being able to transform any wood to steel, be it fully or partially. It was no surprise he was able to cast it with such ease.

"Perhaps you do have some skill." Said Minerva, resisting the urge to smile. "Ten points to Ravenclaw for performing the spell perfectly and without the intonation. However, I'm taking five points for not paying attention in class. Next time this happens, you will be spending detention with me. Are we clear, Mr… Wynneiros?"

"Sure." Michael replied, not even looking up from his book. Detention with Minerva just meant lesson time. He wouldn't mind that at all. Minerva shot him a glare, mostly for the other students to see her displeasure before returning back to teaching, helping the rest with their hand movements and intonation.

"Mate." Roger called out to him after class ended. "If you had paid attention, you would've won Ravenclaw ten points rather than five!"

"Okay…" Michael drawled out.

"You don't get it, do you?" Roger asked, and Michael stayed silent.

"We could've been five more points ahead! The more points we get at the start, the better our chance of winning the House Cup! Ravenclaw hasn't won it once in the past four years. Imagine how much prestige we'll have if we win it this year!" Said Roger with passion.

"And what's so important about this House Cup?" Asked Michael with a sigh.

"It would mean that our House outdid the other three!" Declared Roger.

"So nothing then." Said Michael as he turned around, continuing his walk towards the dungeons.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Roger asked as he followed after him.

"If we win, we win. If we don't, we don't. It changes nothing." Michael replied simply. Winning points for your House and winning the House Cup was… pointless. It changed absolutely nothing. Roger didn't seem to get that, and on their way to the dungeons, he kept on rattling how important it was. Olivia and Sophia, the two Ravenclaw girls from his year, said their own piece as they walked, agreeing with what Roger was preaching.

Michael was surprisingly happy to see the slimy Professor, as the three quieted down in a second at his appearance. Severus strolled through the classroom over to his podium and stared at the students with an almost bored look on his face.

"There is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic…" Severus gave his speech and didn't waste time in questioning the students.

"Mr. Wynneiros." Severus addressed him first. "Name me three potions Salamander Blood is used in."

"Strength, Wiggenweld, and Fire Protection Potions." Michael quickly answered. The first two were Potions taught in the first year, while the third one was taught to second-year students.

"Hmm. Atkinson, what is the Cure for Boils Potion used for?" Severus then asked one of the Slytherin students.

"It removes boils, Sir." Replied Atkinson with a smirk, as if the answer wasn't handed to him on a silver platter.

"Five points to Slytherin for a correct answer." Severus quickly said before he found someone else to ask. "Davis, what's the difference between wolfsbane and monkshood?"

"Umm…" Roger drawled out. He'd read a bit of the Potions' book, but there had been no mention of that.

"Five points from Ravenclaw." Severus said, not giving him any time to think about it. "Williams, what is a Sleeping Draught used for?"

"To make the drinker instantaneously fall asleep, Sir." Answered the Slytherin.

"Another five points to Slytherin for a correct answer!" Severus kept piling points for Slytherin and turned back to Michael. "Wynneiros, name me four potions with Flobberworm Mucus and tell me what its generally used for. Quick."

"Cure for Boils, Sleeping Draught, Herbicide Potion, and Wiggenweld Potion. The mucus is often used to thicken potions." Michael answered.

"Hmm." Severus continued asking questions in this way, making sure to give the Slytherins easy ones and to award them points for every correct answer. Obviously, he didn't award a single point to Ravenclaw.

"It seems some of you have come prepared." Severus drawled out and began his lesson. When he finished, he pointed behind him. "The instructions for the Cure for Boils is on the blackboard. Partner up and start brewing. I want all of you to hand me a vial by the end of the class. Begin!"

Roger was next to Michael in a second as they started preparing. "That was so unfair." Roger whispered, unhappy with how Severus gave points away as if they were candy.

"I said start brewing, not talking! Five points from Ravenclaw!" That shut Roger for good. With a frown, he started preparing the ingredients in silence. Michael corrected him just two times, but for the most part, Roger knew what he was doing.

They completed their Potion soon enough and presented it to Severus. The slimy Professor studied it under heavy scrutiny, but said nothing as he stored it away. The two Ravenclaw girls handed theirs shortly after, and they seemed to have done well, judging by Severus' lack of words. He would've taken points from their House and given them an essay to write otherwise.

The moment Severus dismissed them, Michael was out of the classroom, already making his way to the Great Hall. He ate a quick but filling meal and headed straight towards the seventh floor afterward. There was so much more left for him to discover about the Room of Requirements and what it could do.

So far, Michael found out it could create dummies for him to fight against, both magically and with his sword. However, could it also help him train his body? With that in mind, he walked back and forward in front of the wall. The door to the room shortly formed, and he quickly entered. Dozens of equipment like dumbbells awaited him inside. Picking up one of them, he tested it out and was satisfied with it.

However… what if he wished for something more fantasy-like? Could the room provide him with it? Closing his eyes, Michael started imagining what he wanted. Nothing happened nor changed, but he expected as much. Casting the Tempus Charm, he kept the spell active and watched the time intensely.

'So it seems the room can't create a Hyperbolic Time Chamber.' Thought Michael with a small frown. That would've given him so much more time to prepare for the Burning Legion, but Room of Requirements wasn't all-powerful and had its limitations.

'Onto the next experiment.' He thought and closed his eyes again. Nothing visually changed in the room, but when he opened blue orbs, there was an excited fire burning inside them. There was an invisible pressure in the Room of Requirements now, pushing down on him and making it hard to move around.

'Great! Perfect even!' Michael thought. He didn't know if room had increased the gravity inside it, or used some sort of magic to pressure him, but he didn't care. What mattered was that it worked! This would surely help him increase his body's strength faster than normal.

Excitedly, Michael got to work, using the equipment provided to him and running laps around the room. At the same time, he kept thinking of other ways to use the Room of Requirements and trying to remember if he had watched or read any fiction that had Aura in it. None really came to his mind, but he still hadn't recovered all of his memories from back then. He continued with his training until an idea struck him.

The Room of Requirements transformed shortly after, forming a large pool of water in the middle of it. Swimming was an exercise that trained one's entire body, even more so when the gravity in the room was increased. Without hesitation, Michael removed his garbs and jumped inside the pool, starting to make laps that took a lot more of him that he imagined. Nevertheless, he didn't complain and continued swimming until his body was completely exhausted.

By the end of his workout, Michael was leisurely sitting in the pool, the water heating up as he imagined it so. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and started working on his Occlumency. He continued mapping out everything he'd missed in his rush to find out more about the Harry Potter world. Combing through his memories, Michael reached the time when he first got into anime and manga. On a complete whim, he had picked up a show called Hunter X Hunter. He'd done because a friend had praised it so much, and he certainly hadn't expected to end up binging it overnight.

'Could it be?' Thought Michael as he opened his eyes. A glass cup formed in front of him, and he quickly grabbed it before filling it with water. A leaf formed about the cup and gently floated down onto the water. Michael placed his hands around the cup without touching it and channeled his Aura into them. The water inside suddenly started overflowing, proving that his test was successful.

"So I'm an Enhancer." Said Michael in excitement. "That makes sense, I suppose." He'd even enhanced his sword earlier when he fought against the Expert Dummy. Michael's personality also fitted for being an Enhancer; simple and determined, straightforward and focused on his goals.

There were six types of Aura, or Nen as it was called in Hunter X Hunter. Enhancers did exactly as their name suggested, they enhanced themselves or objects.

Transmuters were able to change the quality of their Aura to mimic something else or change its shape. They aren't limited to just solid matter and could turn it into an element for example.

Emitters could easily separate their Aura from their body. Aura usually decreases in intensity very quickly when it leaves the source body, but adept Emitters can separate their aura from their body for long periods of time, over long distances, and still be able to maintain it and its functions.

Conjurers could create a physical, independent, material object from their Aura. Such objects tend to have special abilities, but Conjurers could typically only use them when certain condition have been fulfilled. However, the more conditions an object has, the more powerful its abilities become.

Manipulator could control living or non-living beings with their Aura. Again, like with Conjurers, there are certain conditions the user has to meet before activing his ability. However, they could end a fight the moment that happens, by simply taking over their enemies.

And finally, Specialist could be broadly defined as anything that does not belong in any of the other five categories, making it the vaguest Aura type. From what Michael knew, only Specialists could use the Specialization-type Aura, however it is possible for an Aura user to become later on in his life.

Out of those six, Enhancers were the simplest, but they were in fact the most balanced and could be very deadly. A Master Enhancer could easily boost the power of his punches to the point that each one is as strong as a missile. Now with his newfound knowledge about his Aura, Michael planned to reach at least that level with his ability. He would also look into the other categories, as just because he was an Enhancer didn't mean he was limited to just that.

Michael got up from the water and dried himself up with a towel that appeared in front of him. He dressed himself after and prepared to work on his Aura, now knowing at least a few ways to do so. There were four basic techniques known as Ten, Zetsu, Ren, and Hatsu.

Ten was the most basic of them all, requiring an Aura user to simply have his Aura active without wasting any of it. Through frequent meditation and practice, one can improve the quality of their Ten and even learn to maintain it in their sleep. The first part was something Michael could already do, his previous experience with Aura helped with that. However, he definitely couldn't maintain his Ten on while sleeping and needed more practice for that. Thankfully, meditation could help him, and he just happened to have a skill for that.

Zetsu could stop the flow of Aura from the user's body altogether. By closing all of their Aura Nodes, the user is able to halt all outflow of their Aura like water from a valve, making their presence much harder or even impossible to sense. This was what Michael planned to work on as it could be an invaluable skill.

Ren focuses on outputting a larger amount of Aura than Ten, projecting it outwards explosively. This amplifies the user's physical strength and durability and provides a large pool of Aura for any advanced techniques or individual skills they decide to use, albeit at the cost of expending said Aura. Ren could explosively boost his strength, but only for a limited about of time. Pretty useful as a last resort move to take someone by surprise.

And finally, Hatsu, one's personal expression of Nen. Essentially, that was his special skill that was locked in his Aura Manipulation description. Working on the basic techniques was Michael first priority until he creates his Hatsu. Afterward, he would move on to the advanced techniques. He was about to start with Zetsu, but Blimpy popped into the room at that point.

"Headmaster calls for yous, Master Mikael. He's be waiting in his office." Blimpy informed him.

'A House-Elf.' He thought, observing the creature once more. They were definitely not like the Elves of Liorderat, who were all noble and beautiful looking. He wondered if the House-Elves were once like that, but changed due to something in the past. It was certainly possible. The Elves in Liorderat were known as the most adaptable race. Throw them in a certain environment, and a generation or two later, Elves that were perfectly suited for that location would be born. Granted, a generation or two could range anywhere from one hundred years to one thousand. Mostly depending on how low their population was.

"Fine." Grumbled Michael as he left the room. On his way to the Headmaster's office, he tried suppressing his Aura completely and stopping its flow. He had some success with that, his years of surviving in Liorderat's wilderness proved helpful. However, he wasn't sure exactly how well he managed to utilize Zetsu. Nonetheless, he was sure he had a lot of work ahead of him before he masters the technique.

"Pop Rocks." The gargoyle moved to the side after being given the password, and Michael stepped inside the office. Dumbledore was waiting for him there, but the Headmaster wasn't alone. Two more people were casually enjoying some tea as their gazes moved over to him. Both looked very old with grey hair and wrinkled faces, but their eyes shined bright as they studied him.

"How interesting." Muttered the old man.

"Indeed." Said the old woman.

"I hope I didn't interrupt anything important, but they wished to meet with you as soon as possible." Said Dumbledore. He had interrupted his training, but Michael didn't think the Headmaster would've called him over for no reason.

"I would like you to meet my friend and Master, Nicholas Flamel and his wife, Perenelle Flamel." Dumbledore introduced the two old people, causing Michael to smile. Nicholas was someone who had lived for hundreds of years and also the creator of the Philosopher's Stone. Thoughts of how to get the man to teach him were already running through his head.

"And this is Michael Wynneiros." Dumbledore finally introduced him to them as well.

Thank you for all the nice comments and reviews! They help keep me motivated, and I appreciate them all!

GrreedyGoblincreators' thoughts
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