

Approximately 12 Mandalorians joined in on this rescue mission, while four stayed at the base. Eight Mandalorians landed on the ground via Jet Pack, while one was carrying the Grey Robed man.

"You three, keep your eyes on those last top balconies for any hostile attempting to get one on us. You three, kill any hostile coming from that pathway! And you, you do whatever, I guess." The Mandalorian Leader stated his order as soon as they touch the ground. As for Sai'Zel, he didn't have the authority to order him around.

"Uh, huh," Sai'Zel spoke lazily before gazing in a certain direction, he could easily sense Xytan for many reasons.

"There! The Boss is over there. You help evacuate these Jedi while you have these Mandalorians cover me." Without waiting for the Mandalorian Leader to reply, Sai'Zel ran over towards Xytan's Position.

"Damn it! This guy... Mandos, watch his back while I evacuate these Jedi!" The Mandalorian Leader had no name, so they just called him Mando.

"Already on it." The Mandalorian Elites started firing at the clones coming through the entrance. They could also feel that the men within the Bubble Shield near the entrance—were allies.

The Purge Troopers deactivated the Bubble Shield and ran to cover while shooting at the group of clones. Now, the hallway started pouring out clone troopers like an anthill.

"Uh, oh, there are too many of them!" As soon as the Elite Mandalorian said that, he was shot in the arm. They were original in cover behind the Bubble Shield, they had no clue it would break out of nowhere.

"Ugh!" The Mandalorian Elite fell on his back from that assaulting pain. None of these Mandalorians had Beskar Armor, they didn't spawn with it. They weren't used to this straightforward approach either, they usually did things in a more tactically planned-out approach. He was quickly pulled away by another Mandalorian.

What made up the Ranking of Living Entities was based on their Armor, Combat abilities, Command Rank, and Weapons they had on hand. There were more factors that made up this Life Ranking, but these were a few examples.

Shaak Ti and the other Jedi Masters were stunned, were they being helped by these Mandalorians? Their Bubble Shield had broken already, and they were now on the defensive against the seemingly never-ending clones.

"We're here to evacuate you guys, you need to follow us to the carrier ship." The Mandalorian Leader aimed his Rifle at a clone coming closer, then that clone's body was turned into a pile of ash! Shaak Ti recognized this weapon, and her expression showed discontent at the sight of it.

"Alrighty, let's move Younglings! We need to get out of here, they're going to overwhelm us soon." Sha Koon and the others were parrying blaster bolts all the while.

The group consisted of 5 Jedi Masters, 15 Younglings, and 10 Padawans. This number was quite depressing if you really thought about it.

Sai'Zel ignited his Double-Bladed Lightsaber and started parrying Blaster bolts on his way over to Xytan. The Mandalorian Leader shot an explosive dart at one of the clones before leading the Jedi away. Sai'Zel continued to use his Yellow blade to parry bolts before jumping behind a large pillar himself.

"What is with this number of attackers, they need all of this for some Jedi?" Sai'Zel was in disbelief. Not wanting to think about it too much, his attention was once again reverted back to Xytan as he was his top priority.

Right then, a Plasma grenade was flung out from behind one of the Pillars. The grenade stuck to the top of the entrance before exploding over it. The entrance that the clones had been taking, was now cut off.

This was what Xytan ordered a Spartan to do, this was the only way to stop these clones from completely overwhelming them with their numbers.

A couple of Mandalorians flew up to the top balconies. There, they saw a few clones, but they were heavily injured from the Lich's previous attack. Without much thought, they finished all of these clones off one by one.

Afterward, they started shooting at the clones below that had come in through the entrance prior to it being cut off with a Plasma grenade.

There were about 40 clones troopers firing at the pillars and at the Jedi escaping.

"They're trying to escape, shoot them!!" A clone hollered as a swarm of Blaser bolts descended onto the group of Jedi.

At that moment, all 5 Jedi Masters turned and stretched their arms out together. That's when Xytan and his group heard what sounded like someone breaking the Sound Barrier. When they peeked around the pillar, they saw that those Blaster bolts had frozen in mid-air!

The Clones kept firing until they finally realized something was off.

"What the...Uh, oh..." A clone seemed to understand something, but when he realized it—those Blaster bolts were already upon them.

"AARG!!" Those clones screamed as these bolts were thrown back at them. Some had time to scream, while others died instantly. The technique they used was obviously Force Stasis before they sent all of the bolts back at the clone army. The Jedi Masters no longer had to worry about being attacked from all directions, thus, they could focus on one place.

The clones weren't all dead, but most were by this point. More clones were already trying to get through the fallen debris barrier to join the battle, so they had to go! The Mandalorians weren't here to fight but to help secure and evacuate, this was a search and rescue mission.

Sai'Zel jumped out and started rushing the remainder of the clones, but the Spartans seem to have the same idea. The Mandalorian up on the top floors were also firing at the group of clones.

The clones didn't say anything and started shooting at them. Sai'Zel parried a Blaster bolt back at a clone, killing him. Afterward, he cut off one of the clones' arms as he fell to the ground shrieking. Sai'Zel toss his saber, propelling it through the air at one of the clones before the blade pierced his body. He quickly rushed that clone and pulled it out of his chest before proceeded to the next clone.

Sai'Zel was mainly proficient in Form Three and Five. This made it so that he was good at defense and this also made him good at fighting large groups of forces. Xytan did this on purpose just for these types of moments.

Both Spartans joined as well, Es'cade had his Plasma Rifle in one hand and a lightsaber in the other. Now, the Purge Troopers had joined the firefight, with this, the clones were now being overwhelmed as they were regular humans who could barely process their movements.

"Okay, it's time to go!" Xytan looked over at Jin and Viola, then they all ran out towards the carrier ship. The Purge Troopers, Spartans, Mandalorians, and Sai'Zel ran over when they saw Xytan running in that direction.

They all boarded the ship safely, then it started taking off.

Everyone jumped on the carrier and when Shaak Ti saw Xytan, she was about to say something. However, at that moment the debris barrier was blown completely away!

Xytan looked and felt some chills when he saw who it was, it was Anakin Skywalker!

"Get us out of here!" Xytan yelled and said. When they were about to fly away, the ship froze mid-flight due to some unknown force.

"Something's wrong, the ship is malfunctioning and we can't lift off! It has never done this before, why now of all times? " A Mandalorian Hunter, who was driving the ship spoke urgently.

Xytan knew the reason for this, it was surely Anakin utilizing the force. After all, Xytan could see him holding both his arms out towards the ship. The clones also started firing at the ship, as more had arrived on the scene.

"Order them to shoot the laser at the hooded-robed man!" Xytan ran over and said gravely. All of the Jedi Masters were shocked when they saw Anakin. The Mandalorian Hunter quickly relayed this order to Lich. With this order, they shot the cannon at Anakin, who happened to see the Lich charging up energy.

Anakin stopped what he was doing and made a run for it behind a pillar. The green beam descended, for the third time, back into the Jedi Temple. Those clones were once against completely killed off by the deadly blast. At the moment of their deaths, they were still shooting at the carrier ship—unaware of the incoming threat.

The carrier ship was now functioning, and they took the time to fly off. The Lich also turned and followed suit—with both heading into outer space and off the planet.

Xytan looked out of the window and sighed in relief. Afterward, he turned to see the large group of Jedi that managed to survive. Xytan heard a notification, but before he could look he was interrupted.

"Xytan! Boy! I should punish you for running off!" Shaak Ti walked over towards Xytan and was instantly enraged, but she calmed down shortly after.

"Master Ti, rage isn't the Jedi way!" Xytan raised his arms in surrender and said hurriedly. Looking at Xytan, Shaak Ti could only sigh, at least he survived. Shaak Ti noticed he was carrying a Holocron, she had no clue as to how he got it. She wanted to ask him where he got it from, but their situation was more worrisome than some Holocron.

"We're safe now, we'll be heading to a safe place away from here. The Republic has betrayed the Jedi Order, and a new Empire will rise soon. Well, the name of the Republic will be changed into the Galactic Empire from now on." Xytan said to Shaak Ti.

"How could this happen?" Shaak Ti looked at Xytan before turning to the other Masters, "The clones were like our friends, how could they turn on us so easily? Were they acting this whole time?"

"I went to battle with them, there's no way I saw their ways as an act." Ageless walked over, he had managed to survive as well.

"Kid, you said the Galactic Empire, how would you know something like that?" A Miraluka Jedi Master asked. He had long white hair with a black cloth covering his eyes, at least where they should be. This cloth was wrapped around his entire head, his race didn't have eyes to begin with.

"I saw it in a Force Vision." Xytan simply stated.

"You know we don't believe in such things, these visions don't mean anything. These types of things can lead to the Darkside, I strongly suggest you drop these beliefs, young one." The Master denied Xytan's claimed as something that wasn't likely, and would only cause his fall to the Darkside one day.

"I believe him. He's the one that warned me that this day was coming. I didn't believe it either, but he started predicting many things before they actually happened. For example, the hangar bombing, he knew that would happen. Xytan even knew this day was coming and came to warn me about this, this is why I went to gather you guys."

Shaak Ti quickly showed her belief in Xytan and defended him.

"That's right, he also knew the wrong person would get blamed before the real culprit was caught for that bombing." Petro suddenly spoke up amongst the group.

"That's true, he even knew we would get kidnapped by Grievous back then," Katooni added.

Everyone grew silent, gazing at Xytan strangely. Xytan looked over and saw Katooni, Petro, Zatt, and a few other Padawans that managed to survive. He was glad that they made it out, he told them to be prepared soon, and they were.

"We really have failed, huh?" The Miraluka Master sighed, where did the Jedi go wrong? He felt like he needed to Meditate somewhere quiet to realize their mistakes.

"Perhaps we did something wrong, we're aren't...perfect." Sha Koon said.

"Well, if you know so much little guy, do you think you can figure why this is happening?" The Miraluka Master asked curiously.

Xytan laughed in his heart. This was the effect he wanted from all of his predictions. Now, they would believe in him!

"Master Ti, do you remember your time on Kamino? Did you ever notice anything off that they may be doing to the clones at the time?" Xytan narrowed his eyebrows and asked.

"Hmm...I don't think there was anything...wait..." Shaak Ti's eyes went wide before she continued, "I remember them putting chips into the heads of those clones, but they said it was harmless at the time."

"Those were clones?" Es'cade asked indifferently.

"Yeah." Xytan nodded and answered.

"Well, it all makes sense now. It was a clone army built in some lab, I suppose." Al'cade spoke up as well but he turned away after speaking.

"But Master Ti, to answer your question, yes, it's the chips that are making them like they are. The Kaminoans have long since betrayed the Jedi to work with the hidden Sith Lord." Xytan was looking at his system while saying.

"Sith? We should have known! We were suspicious of something like this, but we couldn't find out who it was." Sha Koon speculated this a while ago, but it was brought to light by Xytan and she was now certain.

"Do you know who the Sith Lord might be?" Shaak Ti wanted to see if he knew this much, he already figured out everything else.

Xytan looked up and stated that it was the person the Jedi Council was most suspicious of.

Everyone in the room was confused, they weren't a part of the council, so they wouldn't know this much. However, Shaak Ti was and she knew exactly who the council was suspicious of.

"Chancellor Palpatine!" Shaak Ti's expression sank. So close, but yet so far, they just miss this guy. She knew that Anakin was sent to spy on him, but the moment Shaak Ti saw him she could tell he was corrupted by him instead.

Shaak Ti sat down and didn't say anything afterward. She appeared to be meditating to herself, as she felt anger at that moment. Jedi felt rage as well, they just had to meditate to clear themselves of such negative emotions.

The Spartans were easily able to pick up on what was going on after listening to the story. This wasn't the same for the rest of Xytan's personnel as they didn't seem to care.

"Where are we headed to now?" Zatt suddenly asked.

"We'll be heading to Planet Lysatra. We've already made preparations for this day, so you'll be safe there to practice your Jedi ways." Sai'Zel rubbed his bare chin with a grin while answering.

Everyone looked at him, Including the Masters. They had never seen anyone like him before, was he some Rogue Jedi?

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