
Chapter seven

We understand that even shoes don't fit in a bad way; but, a demon always has a reasoning that contradicts all human concepts. Therefore, it sets fire, so that the dolphin gets scared and takes a good 360 degree jump; which, leaves in its path, a circles of stones (from the sea of rocks) static and floating in the air. Right through this circle i glimpse the treasure of her castle.

Indecision is a commonly dangerous factor in adolescence; so i'm not surprised she couldn't decide between flies or libido. Although it may not seem like it, whit the former she would win but would still be desirous. With the latter, she might be satisfied but would lose too much.

Note that the relationship of Luz's mind with the rest of humanity is given trhough allegories that her unconscious creates to cover certain needs... i leave it there because i am not a psychologist.

What i can warn the demon, i hope he doesn't take it badly, is that he gives so much to the girl, he puts so much effort in fulfilling her fantasies that he himself could turn out to be "boring" for her... in a teenage heart nothing is certain.

Well, the first game is done and it's out (if you don't decide for one... choose both):

A libidinous mosquito.

Whose will be the picket for the kid Luz?

That's the question because, as i told you, this is all a metaphor in her head and since i am in her head, i am also part of that metaphor.

But, i still wish to hell and hope she chooses you as her "libidinous mosquito" guide.

Back to the facts:

I've gone through the circle of rocks and the demon is already spewing flames left and right; so, let's go through the story with anything but fear (i think he's annoyed by my last innocent question and, in revenge, he's going to give me a lot to narrate... too bad the little demon can't even take a joke):

As she was getting off the school bus, she was at the same time thinking about the saying "A TREE THAT IS BORN CROOKED, NEVER STRAIGHTENS OUT". Luz knows that he leads the group that promotes her as a "Deranged girl", among other nicknames i've mentioned to you before, and to think of Alexis in a romantic way is totally deranged on her part.

Why, if she knows he's the worst, does she still like him?

Does Luz still see a hopeless child in him?

And an even more important question of her.

Why was she being bullied?

Luz doesn't know, nor has she tried to find out. Anyway, she didn't think it would help her at all, she would still be "invisible".

What's the point of knowing if you can't do anything to change it?

Perhaps, by asking herself all these questions, she is looking for someone to listen to her thoughts and answer her without her asking... now i understand what she saw in the demon.

The bus stopped at the entrance of the "Park of legends"; then, the teacher, with shaved hair and glasses (sorry, sometimes i forget to describe the characters), stands up in front of the class to talk about this little expedition:

- I want someone to tell me what the work of the artist they have chosen expresses to them- He adjusts his glasses and represses a sneeze- Whoever wants to participate, please raise their hand.

Luz thought that reflecting on it would be a good distraction; but, of course, she would keep the answer to herself and not share it with the class for anything in the world.

When the teacher saw that no one was willing to intervene in the class, he had to force the students. Noticing that, Alexis was laughing as discreetly as possible with a couple of classmates sitting parallel to his seat next to Luz; he decided that Alexis was the perfect kid to make a fool of today... nothing like a good tease to start the morning.

Maybe not all of them, but most of the teachers liked to play pranks on the students. Some were crueler than others, and in the case of the Music and Literature teacher, the jokes only became annoying if the students did not answer his questions well.

- Student Alexis, perhaps you would like to collaborate with the class- suggests the teacher and, as with all teacher, Alexis is confident and stands up to show the drawing of Michael Jackson.

-It is evident that he needs no introduction,- his voice is almost a prison for Luz's ears- he is the king of pop. He always talked about many important topics such as peace in the world or- For an instant their gazes cross. Pride damages her self- esteem; then she diverts her gaze again to the same houses. Luz's evasion splits his confidence in half and he hesitates- e...em- but when Luz glances away, the light of his memory returns to him- or care for the environment- Luz decides she's not going to let him win, not this time. She closes her eyes; as if with her eyelids she could take one of the halves of Alexis' trust, and then open them and see him as if there was nothing and nobody; as if she was showing him that she has that half of trust that he lost. In case he wants to get it back, he will have to take it out of Luz's eyes- but i think his most important message was that- Alexis tries to stare at her as hard as she does; but she reminds him that he is alone. This makes him settle for the eighth part of his trust. He doesn't want to win anymore, Alexis just wants to finish with his speech- let's enjoy every stage of our lives to the maximun- he clears his throat and has a twitch in his eye- and, if it can't be done at the moment, in another moment, it can be done, right?

He says looking at the teacher who congratulated him. Alexis wasn't happy, but, at least, he hadn't made a fool of himself. He hated never being able to beat her in that duel of glances... it hit him in the macho pride.

I guess she thinks she knows what's going on in the boy's head because they met in diapers. However, Luz can't imagine why Alexis has such a weird attitude just with her. When he was a kid he was this pedantic with all the girls but now... what's more, he defended many of those who were victims of bullying. He only ignored bullying when she was the target of the attack.

What happened during his time in the capiatl?

When Alexis took her seat again, next to Luz, she thought, without a doubt, that he was the cliché bad boy. And; she was supposed to see things from the point of view of a romance protagonist; so, Luz tries to forget her doubts so she doesn't miss any of the fun. She focuses on living those beatiful, well- adolescent feelings that Alexis inspired in her. I don't know about you; but i think that, more than him, Luz wants to experience those feelings that he brings out in her... adolescence, what good times with skin better than "Sleeping beauty".

- Today they are going to represent what the works of their favorite artist transmit to them; of course, everything will be through recycling to help the environment; but first, we are going to pick up the garbage from the park- almost everyone booed the teacher's plan and others had no reaction, because their heads were elsewhere- By the way, they are going to choose biodegradable elements to make their works.

Luz could already see another mockery coming; the only thing she know about housework is washing dishes.

How would she tell the teacher?

Sometimes it is not necessary to have millionaire parents to be raised like one. If you have a mother who takes care of you to the point of boredom and a father more absent than Santa Claus, it is very possible that you will turn out like Luz.

You know, come to think of it, i'm starting to believe the devil. That little thing; so to speak, that Luz has for his parents should be shown, no told. It's not my mistake; it's the flames'. I have to abide by and narrate to the letter every word i read... or poor me.

I think this girl's mind is really, as he said, like a diary where you write what happened to you and how you felt about it. While a book shows; that is, it focuses on the visible fact like psychology; a diary is very personal, it talks about the inside of the person, where only the eye of the soul is able to visualize and understand... psychoanalysis.

From these words i will not blame the writing of the devil. I say this because i do not want to look bad to whoever is listenning to me from any corner of the world.

I admit that i can't do anything about this girl's mind, she only thinks through her emotions and; if that doesn't matter to you, i'm happy that you keep listening to me... i mean, keep listening to the fantastic heart of a girl.

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