
Chapter 63. Alisa

I thought Elizabeth would be with you," said Andres when he arrived and saw me standing there alone.

I thought it might be you and me on this one," I flashed him a somewhat nervous smile. 

We hadn't spoken to each other again since the day we kissed in "Albus", and the truth is that I had been thinking about that kiss ever since and I was afraid that if I asked him to meet directly just the two of us he would reject me, so I opted to tell him that we would go out with Elizabeth too and that it would be the three of us and we could do something together. But when he arrived, he was a little surprised to see that Elizabeth wasn't there with me waiting for him. 

You told me she was coming too, why did you think I wouldn't if she wasn't here?" he stopped a few feet away from me. 

Yes, I was afraid," I confessed, "that I would tell you so that the two of us could see each other alone and you would say no.

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