
Chapter 1912. Better Special Class

Grace, Red Death, Nameless, and Badass came out behind the defensive walls of Sangrod Front.

The battle at this front had started five days ago. The scattered Sangrod soldiers had regrouped under the banner of the new emperor, Arlcard Maxius. Newly trained recruits had also gathered here, so their number was more than the defeated army who fled the Palgrost Northern Front.

When the Sangrod army regrouped at the defensive line of Sangrod, Sangrod's native adventurers, Sangrod's players, and the nagas also came. They were glad they had a place to focus their resistance again, though they didn't feel optimistic about it.

They were also unsure about their new leader. They had never heard of Arlcard. All they had heard was he was of the Maxius blood and assumed the throne since he was the only Maxius left. However, when the battle started, they were surprised that Arlcard was the first to charge at the demons.

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