
Chapter 1815. God of Courage’s Divine Armor

The scene before them transformed. Lines appeared all around them, separating everything they saw into grids. The grids then turned one by one into voids. As the last grid finally turned, they found themselves inside the score-exchanging space they were familiar with.

"Man, I've never expected the Herald to be so easy to kill. I guess we have become too strong, eh? Hahaha!" Paytowin laughed.

"Too strong your ass! It is easy because of two factors," John rebuked. "Hope's Light and Jack's Wrath of the Ancient Dragons. These two skills incapacitated the Herald and turned it into nothing but our punching bag. A spellcaster who can't cast any spells is no different than a martial artist who can't move."

Jack nodded. "Or a boxer without hands," he added.

"Or a runner who has lost his legs," Paytowin said.

"Or a cook without cooking utensils and ingredients," Jet joined in.

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