
Chapter 1507. Taking Shelter Behind the Gate

Near the palace gate, the battle continued. The zombie army was almost routed. Only a few zombie soldiers were left. As a result, many demons went past these zombie soldiers and attacked the remaining of Boron's army, which also didn't have that many left. Some of the soldiers in Thelgrun's army had to fight the demons now.

"Surrender!! You've lost!" Thelgrun yelled at Boron's soldiers. "Do you want to lose your lives?!"

"We will fight for our lord till our last breath!" Odir shouted. He had many wounds on his body. He only had less than 30% HP left. He had been ganged up on by Helga and the others.

"And where is this lord of yours?!" Thelgrun asked.

This question caused Odir to look around. He couldn't find Boron.

"He has fled!" Serpent Boss came forward and said. "He escaped with the outworlder named Sizhad. I trailed after them to the edge of this cave hall but I had to turn back. There were too many demons for me to stay covered."

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