
Chapter 1024. Royal Agents

"Royal Agents," Jack left the special classes panel and went to the other panel on that screen, the royal agents. There were five empty slots inside.

"While the special classes panel is for outworlders, this one is for natives," Peniel answered. "You can choose five natives and place them in these slots as your royal agents."

"What's so great about being a royal agent?" Jack asked.

"They gain the benefit of outworlder's fast-leveling. Just like if they were an outworlder's companion," Peniel answered.


"These royal agents would be your followers who took direct command from you. You can send them on a specific quest, train, learn a skill or spell, or simply do free adventuring. They are not tied to the kingdom and do not have specific duties to perform. You can see them as free agents. If you choose someone who is an officer of the kingdom, that person will have to let go of his rank and position."

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