
Chapter 1010. Officers Overview

"That's right! Goddess Serenity did mention giving this kingdom her blessing," Peniel said. "We are very lucky she did that. This will help cut down your work in keeping this kingdom stable."

"Hehe, I know my big sister won't let me down," Jack said. He moved his head away just as Peniel's hand came slapping again.

Missing the slap, Peniel grumbled about how Jack called the Goddess his big sister.

Jack was already moving to the next screen. It was marked with the title, Officers Overview.

The main page showed that there were 526 active officers with an allowable maximum of 569 officers. The 569 maximum was divided into 251 for court officials and 318 for military officials.

"These are the senior-level officers whom you are entitled to appoint or discharge," Peniel explained. "The 526 active officers from the maximum allowable of 569 meant there are 43 vacant spots at the moment. Go into its details so you can get a clearer picture."

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