
Chapter 788. Arther’s Army Takes Action

The native soldiers that were summoned by the four guilds numbered almost ten thousand. Effectively increasing White Death's outworlder force by fifty percent. Although they suffered heavy casualties in the first wave, the summoned guild soldiers easily replaced those lost troops. The second wave advanced with similar fervor as the first. This time, however, the summoned native soldiers served as the tip of the sword.

Arther remained at the back, surveying the situation. He just stood there not far away from where White Death and the others were. Manager Steelhand and the others noticed Arther's passivity and sent a silent message to White Death, asking about it. The Lord Marshall's action was not what White Death had told them.

White Death simply feigned ignorance and said that probably Arther was also surprised by the first wave's shocking defeat. Hence, he was observing the situation first.

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