
Chapter 668. Sword Master

The two contestants stood opposite one another in the arena. The draconian, Arthur, was carrying a long katana which was still housed inside its scabbard hanging on his left waist. The orc, Sharpedge, carried a very large greatsword on his back.

"Begin!" Pallas announced.

Arthur got into a low position as his right hand rested on his katana hilt. His pose reminded Jack of the samurais from the movies. Sharpedge took his greatsword from his back and got into a ready position with the large sword facing forward.

Sharpedge took one step forward. Arthur stayed his ground, his eyes stared intensely at his opponents.

"Not pulling your sword?" Sharpedge asked.

Arthur didn't reply.

Sharpedge didn't speak anymore as well. He took a few steps slowly, enclosing little by little.

"Well, this is a change of pace," Paytowin said from the spectator seats. "All this time, everyone just started battering each other once the match starts."

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