
Chapter 489. Another Assassination Attempt

"Exit point reveal yourself!"

The rectangular void reappeared again. Jack went through and came to the empty beige color space with Janus behind his desk at the center. Before Janus could say anything, Jack said to him, "bye!" And walked directly to the front door. Janus' mouth which was opening, shut again as he smiled and nodded at Jack.

"Are you in a hurry? He seems to want to chat with you," Peniel said once they were outside.

"I'm giving him the treatment his old self gave me," Jack spoke loudly at the door. "He can still hear me," he told Peniel.


Finished with his business with the league factions, Jack headed in the direction of the Noble district. He wanted to check on Duke Alfredo and Prince Alonzo before seeing if any kingdom faction quest was available. He would put neutral factions as the last on his list. He simply didn't have enough time to tackle everything.

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