
Chapter 303. Expedition

"There is no need to worry. The influence of the cult has been banished. I am myself now," The butler informed Jack after seeing his alarmed expression.

"Really?" Jack asked. A hint of doubt in his tone.

"I assure you, master Storm Wind, that I will not try to kill you," Winston chuckled. "The Duchess had a friend who is a High Priest. She has already cleansed my soul of the cult's infiltration. There is no more trace of that abominable presence within me."

"If you say so," Jack said. He entered the manor, but his gaze remained fixed on the butler. He still remembered the terror this guy exhibited when he was possessed.

The butler took him to the Duke's working room. Jack cautiously followed him. When he arrived at the workroom's entrance, he was surprised to find Commander Quintus and Captain Salem inside. He greeted the Duke and the two military officials as he entered the room.

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