
Chapter 217. Monster Grinding Monopolization Plan

"I actually agree with him. I'm interested in the answer to his question," A different voice sounded out. 

Everyone turned to the source and saw a middle-aged man with a sharp eye and a mustache. There was a hood covering a part of his head, giving him a mysterious bearing. However, everyone recognized the man.

Jack scanned him using his God-Eye monocle and realized that he had seen the person before. He was Kill Order, the third rank winner during the tutorial period, and also an elder to another prominent guild, Black Cloak. This guild was not lower in prestige if compared to Death Associates. Kill Order was a level 18 Rogue at the moment.

Because of him, Manager Steelhand was in a difficult place. He could still dismiss a nobody like John, but he could not treat Kill Order the same way.

John wore a very wide grin, "So, how are you going to regulate the monster grinding areas? Or do you still want me to piss off?"

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