
The way to the palace part 1

Before heading to the palace, Celia offered to go put all their finds in the dimension and let AVA sort everything.

Once in the dimension Celia called AVA and once she materialized in front of her, she asked her: "Mistress Celia how can I help you?"

Celia answered her with a smile: "I brought you a lot of magic herbs, can you store them for me please, if there are some that you do not know just continue with the new classification system that I asked you to do."

Alec looked at her oddly and asked her: "You changed the way to classify magic herbs, they were well listed already, no?"

Celia laughed in front of his confused look: "I didn't change their classification, I just chose a new system to name them, all these different names to remember made my head feel dizzy, it was too annoying, I attributed to each magic herbs an alpha numeric code.

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