
Ticking Clock - Part 1


Gahrye held her there, standing just inside the door of the suite. He held her as she sobbed her fear and grief. And she held him while he fought his.

He wasn't sure how long they stood there, but he stroked her hair and that soft line down her spine. He stroked her face and kissed her hair, inhaling her scent. 

How long did they have? Hours? Days? He didn't know, but it felt like every moment might be the last and he was terrified. How was he possibly going to make himself go through with it? How could he walk through that portal with Elia knowing he might  not make it back? And she never could make it to him? 

He wanted to scream, to rail against the Creator, to kick out the wall. 

Then, in his mind, all the nights he'd lain alone in his tree back in Anima, pleading with the Creator to find his Mate, to bring her to him, to bring him the love he watched between Reth and Elia…

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