
Trouble in the north

Chapter 318


While Xin Wei is thoroughly amused at his newfound ability, another person is already starting his scheme in the shadows.

Yoon Ragon has sent several letters to the 2nd prince unanimously explaining the relationship between a particular shop to Xin Wei and that his people are in that shop. He even explained how Dungpo Town is closely working with the guy and that it would be a danger to the 2nd prince.

The intricate lies that he spun around could clearly display that Yoon Ragon is good in politics and a schemer.

When the second prince received the letter he was thoroughly enraged and began to plan his counterattack.

He has gathered his high-ranking officers and confided in them on how to proceed with the matter.

Everyone agreed with the 2nd prince to attack that guy named Xin Wei who has tried to assassinate the 2nd prince.

This plan did not escape the attention of the 3rd prince and his people.


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