
Monke Retaliates

Alright… That's one problem taken care of, but the enemy soldiers are still camping outside my Dungeon. There's no telling when is the next time they'll attack, and how strong they are, so I guess a preemptive attack would do.

But then, that would take away all of the DP I could get if I killed, or imprisoned them inside my Dungeon…

No, too much of a risk. Who cares about DP if I die because I was too greedy…? No, I'll need to strike them now while they're still confused about the happenings within the Dungeon.

"Domino, have a group of gorillas and chimpanzee riders ready for dispatch." I relayed my orders to Domino, who was lying in her hammock with an expressionless smile. "Also, have Gong relay to Merethyl, the awakened elf girl, to try and comfort the rape victims."

For a brief moment, Domino scowled when she heard the name of the elf, but quickly schooled her expression back into its expressionless self.

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